Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Mothers & Fathers : feelings

It's like a compromise with feelings if you don't get it out , you become depressed . Crying is ok. It's actually a bodies way to deal with stress naturally. We must allow our minds and bodies let stress out in healthy ways, demons are metaphorically real , some say just as real as us, we must be strong and shut out all negative thoughts. Do and think positive , and whatever Gods plan is , Let it be. We must always be here for our future, as were, our father's and mothers have been or were, there for us. It's hard. But your a strong person , you will be ok .

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Georgia Southern Football, ( America's Team)

With the humbling season, The hiring of Chad Lunsford has really refreshed or reset the feeling on the direction of the football program. People of Statesboro can take a breath, heal all wounds, and look forward to a sort, a group of War Eagles next year. Our Eagles were handled most of the year. But lookout 2018, The Eagles are posed to lead the country in many categories. Also I've heard through the grape vine, that more recruits would and should consider Georgia Southern. Why you may ask? Well the potential to start from day one. And the chance to be featured on the main stage, without the restrictions of famed, named positions for up to three years, football is a team sport, and at Georgia Southern , a school and community of Statesboro , there is a strong , heart-felt hunger for tradition and pure science of football. Early presents have arrived early for Eagle Nation in the form of coaches, more great additions to a already successful program. And then Nebraska schedules Georgia Southern, and a tear drops down my face and I think, "This is the big times." It is a status Georgia Southern deserves, has earned. Welcome to all new coaches. And Chad Lunsford , what can a person say besides , What we need for our program : A good Coach, Good Traditions, good players, and more importantly,God. So Chad Lunsford gets that. And has tapped something great for the future. Lookout Nation, here comes Georgia Southern!!! Go Eagles!!!

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Poetry Of Life

With Life "With life, a step, a trip , a fall, at night, a moon , a sweet stall. With Life, a cut , a smear , a bleminsh, a tear, make light of what we endear. With Life, childbearing, toes red , weak knees, sick chemical, see the side, motherhood does not die. With Life, work boots, dress shoes , stressed out , strong hands, firm decisions, full of right , fatherhood never dies. With Life , wisdom comes, ignorance overlooked, protection ends, future begins , seen a dim light, a new era begins. With Life, most die without a grin, keeping a firm chin, living with a dark heart, life stops, before it even begins. With Life, the beginning of the end." G.F.