Wednesday, November 15, 2017

The Real Player : Westside Gunn & Conway , Get The Highest Compliment.

It's no secret Eminem continues to amaze us. With the new rap Duo Westside Gunn and Conway Eminem has once again introduced the world to some very good talent. Eminem is a leader in his industry and has a eye for Talent I myself have you evaluated the duo and both are masters of their art. The reasoning in this it's surrounded by the fact that they are truly the best at what they do. I took the time to listen to the song Hall & Nash and I actually liked it pretty good. With a positive sound and great sounding instrumental this duo will go far. I am interested to see what they come up with in the future I will not hesitate to show my support for talent like they obviously posses.Many modern artist are curving back to Old School in the sounds that they are creating are out of this world. In the rap world it couldn't have came any sooner. To my opinion many great hits are coming. And for Eminem to be inking deals like this it seems Eminem will be around for quite a while. I'm okay with this because Eminem is a master at what he does. Just check out Westside Gunn and Conway for yourself I guarantee you will not be dissatisfied. They are a wonderful addition of what's to come and I myself enjoy the genius of Eminem to ink such a duo. You must check out the next big names, Westside Gunn & Conway, you won't regret it. G.F.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Georgia Southern football "America's Team"

The Georgia Southern football squad is now under the direction of Chad Lunsford the new head coach at Georgia Southern. Wertz and Company have been getting better each week better and better each week Georgia Southern football looks brighter than ever it may not materialize this year but it should materialize Within the beginning or almost mid-season next year. you're going to see a big turnaround from this team I only speak because I know and I see the glimmer and I see it happening the only thing stopping Georgia Southern is Georgia Southern I think they are worried about how the fans are Viewing them and everything and honestly fans are arguing it as a success because we see the production we see what's happening we see Georgia Southern football being great again and with that the past game with Georgia state was a venture and Georgia Southern fought hard it was a good Georgia State team and Georgia Southern you know yourself played very well looked very good the whole game and probably worried about winning the game so much that it gave them the jitters ( Unchecked emotions) getting excited and wanting it so badly to win that it hurts. And players sadly that is what most past have felt is a tradition , like i said sadly you all have learnt truly that tradition is burnt in your soul , by loosing , the first win will trigger you mentally and the wins will pour in. Relax gentlemen , you have a long ride. But if most fans are like me , this Chad Lunsford and Cook thing is alright with all of us. Great Georgia Southern. Its part of your soul. The people of Statesboro back you, you are our Eagles, and no one else'es.And once that win comes you will see how sacred the tradition is, then the sky is the limit. In a sense, this squad may walk away knowing how important that tradition is, and will player coach his new peers. A team who learns and checks each other wins together, and ahh how sweet the firat win will be.-this time next week I hope we'll be talking about a win and hopefully a win over Appalachian State be proven but Georgia Southern has a Long Hill to climb it's a long hard fighting battle coming ahead and people need to believe because things will turn around. I see a Monster materializing I see a bunch of humble men that get through adversity and ignore the hatred I see a group of men that are going to become full-fledged Men by the beginning of next year I see a winning team I see a championship-caliber team and within 3 years I see it at least a ranked 40 50 40 or 50th team in the nation .I see a team with desire and hope and driving tradition and I also see a lot of wins in its future it is materializing at Georgia Southern have no worries enjoy your wins Georgia Southern is getting back to the basics Georgia Southern is going to make this football team great this team will go far a lot of NFL caliber players on this team and you will see that, you ain't seen nothing yet. The Blue Tide from Statesboro, War Eagles literally, look up war Eagle and research. But if we help mend their wounds as players next season won't have a loss. They must know their that good. The only ones who hurt Georgia Southern this season is Georgia Southern, the other teams did not outplay them. If you clean up the mistakes , you got a win every week.Go Eagles!!!