Friday, September 11, 2015

The Real Player (DJ King Assassin)

As a DJ back in the day it must have been hard. Maybe hard is not the word. You have to have an ear for sounds. As we all may know or should , DJ King Assassin was Tupac's friend and created tunes with him as well. It is and will be a hard line of work. And people had to really work. When you think of a Real Player Ole' G's as such comes to mind. The influence that comes with just sitting on the outside of the booth had to be overwhelming. Dr. Dre. and the like's earned this the hard way. Some still practice old traditions and i think we know that DJ King Assassin will be bangin' beats till he can't anymore. Truly setting standards with high's and low's . He is down to Earth with the characteristics of a good friend, but as being in the trenches he can probably get mean. I am really happy he has given me some of his time and treat me equally . " Does Heaven Got A Ghetto?" Yes there are very nice folks everyone. Just don't cross them. I know Tupac and the likes are gazing down seeing the now , and saying, " Damn how fast things have changed." Just pure shock and aw. And if rumors prove to be true, which , i don't know,DJ Assassin is a real G', I will say no more. Ice-T and all other greats know this man. I have mad respect for him. Real Ole G' , The Real Player of yesterday, today , and future.

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