Saturday, September 12, 2015

The Real Player ( Vanilla Ice)

Comes to mind ? Ice Ice Baby? For me , i like old school rap so i can enjoy different music. What i was caught by surprise about was the fact that Suge Knight supposedly made Ice sign a contract to collect money from him. Death Row Records was , From what i heard and studied, funded by Ice. Which if true made it possible for rappers to make it. Meaning 2Pac, Dre, and so on. I don't know. I do know that Ice was touring all the time. Time And hand over foot money being thrown at him. In those days his music was highly sought after. It was a different time. And people still like his music. We like whats new, when the truth is i still listen to his stuff. Seems all has been where hes at. I also didn't know he was just 16, when he started music. He was also being molded for a different style, even asked to change his stage name. He wasn't having that. Also he knew how to be quiet. If not Ice probably wouldn't be with us. Certain ones though , who was also loyal, tragically lost their lives, for not taking orders. In a sense he was directed into a direction he didn't want to go. History shows that when other rapper's who tried to break ties , lost their life. Ice still does concerts. He also renovates homes. Doing so making a career in real estate. Vanilla Ice has become selfmade, as a man. Vanilla does deserved to be acknowledged. He marked History by his songs and back then he was the shizzle. Like others he dealt with ups and downs. He is this weeks Ole G' The Real Player

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