Saturday, January 30, 2016


Today , is a day of reckining. With a friend who is like a sister . Who was wanting me as her husband. Well, now i advised my sister that this fela who came in my sister's , friends life . He is a mistake. He claims to be Mormon, he uses her. He drinks up alcohol and ciggs, to the tune of forty five dollars per day. The thing is it's her money. He is a bum and lives off of her, a scam, a Con, master of confidence in witch this scum is doing. Until he is found, he will continue to control her into nothing more than a slave. He does not allow her access to a real world, he has brain washed some, but look here just because shes a country girl. Dont mean you will rule her. Here is the reality, he now should know he is on his way out. I must speak sometimes, when i do, things get done. I just hope , for her soul's sake , she will remove herself immediately. If you have met a Con, you know nothing will change. Get the person out. But i got their secret. CONFIDENCE.They pray on ignorance, and in a way to build your confidence in them. Once they know they take that part of you. The easy part is you give them money, beer , loans, maryjane, houses, and you will go bankrupt, and the sickest part of it,. Get ready,,, they think they are doing a good thing by showing you your weakness. And there is always an end, regardless, why not end it immediately. Please know i am sure of this you must never move fast, buisness has nothing to do with any thing sexual. They, The Con, looks at it as a job thats it. Honesty is not even concerned. To them you are nothing but are just used as a tool for them to complete their Agenda.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

buisness is buisness

Buisness within comunities

Socialize And Advertise

" Why do we second guess money delagates everything. Today i announce the real idea i have please tell me if i miss something. Socialize And Advertise, help one another to acknowledge , the foncept of my mind of human form. My idea is , my vision is to allow everyone access to anything that is not criminalict disaster, an imploision. With my vision i will connect many services, will make money, and so on down the line. Everyone would make money. I will create a internectical villiage. In this villiage things should be done accordin to what is expected. Given that breaking community rules can reflect in your real life. It is a virtual life that gives results by direction of certain said ideaz are in test trials. If there are any web designer would want to start this era in life. To help create an adjusted decision to trust in the business . I need expirenced software, intelligent platform. My email is . We can all email each other once we share all ideas on a project will be the new outlook of all to make a decision in affairs lets make money this idea is mine . Help me help you make money. Eyes of our mind is bigger than what eynviroment we live in. Weird websites, media and so on.  

Monday, January 25, 2016

Entrepreneur Lawyer

As i study law, i realize and appreciate the paralegal's. One who, could be an layer with no problem. We must conduct a study to, well find out. Many carry firms with almost flawless practice in continuing research of Law. Clearly up,to date on new laws. Entrepreneur Lawyer's really understand this. They make money as a master of law. While a Paralegal's go and fetch information. Bar accreditted Lawyers relax. Maybe due to the fact the Bar is hard to accomplish their place within society. They have to be sure the research is correct, to be sure a satisisfied avenue. Entrepreneur lawyers have found facilitating the Paralegal's almost like a hive of Worker Bees. Lawyers truly are of the entrepreneur nature. A Drug dealer have the same style of struture within their Empire. So in the sphericalict ways are erely a lot a like. Most Entrepreneurs are a like. Money can fog thee all eye. But Law is number one.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Real Player

Today like any day. Waiting for time to revisit my digital Magazine and who will come to mind. When writing these articles i decide on a few factors. Most mean nothing to most of you , but without writing something i am scared my little knowledge of things might enlighten you, make you smile, help you relax maybe even help someone understand life is worth living. Trust and truth are alike in some ways . Trust is something that even enemies of your own , can gain. Truth is honesty, the biggest thing in life is honesty . Being honest always produces productivity. You don't have to worry when you keep it honest.  Depression is an affliction of a nature that can be helped as long as we will be honest. But we tend to be , can i say , ashamed, or just not sharing, what we think is so bad it would embarrass us and the whole world is going to know our secrets. Understand , the few readers i have , that honesty really is the best policy. Wisdom is hard to obtain. Many of our elders can teach us. We must open our ears, and then we can see instead of hearing with them. And hear with our eyes. It is very simple. Sit and gain some wisdom. It is very valuable and quite a pleasure. When we age it takes to long for us to develop. There fore we think we are always right but mostly we are wrong. Spending most of our life to gain this wisdom , because we are purely hard headed. If only we took life like we should we would have the grasp on life and would be much better people. I am guilty of these mind blocks that seem thick as iron walls. The answer is within you. Knowledge really is power. I look back at my ignorance and realize i have failed the people around me, and it very sad i did this to me and everyone around me. The Real Player really belongs to our elders, for they have walked this path, although dust may risen, the ground is harder, but we must walk it because we do not trust the wise, the elders. It is our biggest mistake. Nothing is known if you do not listen. With understanding we can progress forward. A few extra minutes more our time can mean years difference. Intelligence is great, wisdom is very real . Every word spoken is worth a listen of many. You miss a lot of knowledge when you don't listen.   " My heart shall lay beside my warm, a swarm, like bees, a many form, blood of my pain, sweat of my dirt, while you work , a seed. You sew, baby born lay. A quilt , a throw, upon this earth, consumed by luck, and ye pain, many will come but just cant see the true word. And can never see through eyes when it is spoken." God Bless The people, and have we have its mercy when we must go.

Lawyer("End of Trust)

The End of Trust
To be ignorant is in it's own right can be even more a reason to be guilty. Such arrangmment is of the devil. Sadly any Lawyer that takes a path visiting the fact , and practicing off the ignorance of a client is beyound as such. A Lawyer who changes sides is not a Lawyer. Merely just a weak person. One who gives hopes of a great outcome is just a breach when looking for personal gains. In some areas of law, it can prove unlawful and very dangerous. When you are hired all personal opinion is kept tight, you are a special additive and. A source for that client to be heard. You must keep complete loyalty to who your clients belief. Rather family, civil, criminal, business, any sort the law. You should be preparred or you will loose credibility within your local law system. Some try to be sneaky, tell clients to hurry and it's a must to hurry. That is bad advice , why? Well , if you try to move real fast you could loose . Many in this field of work set a certain amount in order for all involved make good money. A good lawyer never rushes through any case. Everything must be together and prompt.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

John List, (Zodiac Killer)

John List was a serial killer in the 70's. What was , what seemed to have some sort of an evil imagination. Very artistic methodology. What i want to know was he the Zodiac Killer? He killed people using the same style. It seems Mr. List could have very well committed the serial murders we know now as the Zodiac. I think the case should be reopened. The two shared scary resemblance. Both killed with guns, both military, both had equal problems. This could be the crack in the case. Him being incarceration may have been the reason the Zodiac never surfaced again. He wore glasses just like The Zodiac. It is worth an investigation. Seeming religious, but not able to work without distraction. And the fact that he moved to California all storms up that it leans more to it was his doings than not. It would probably be the best possibility . But now , how do we establish a match? Could he have fear that his family knew and was going to tell law enforcement that he was The Zodiac? Maybe it can be looked into. All leads to a yes, will he be found guilty ? For we know he is dead in the ground, how do we check? If you agree ,or have the means to investigate this let me be a part of the research please.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

" EL " " CHAPO"

El Chapo , quite a gentleman. One out of a history of men who had to find a way to survive and feed his family. Product of society, you must understand he who supplies has a large demand for his product.. Someone is on the recieving end of every deal. But with the United states wanting him is a little strange. Seems like a protection deal going on. Maybe so he can give information. The thing is he should be in a cell by his self. Someone could try to murder him, out of fear of releaseing information. El Chapo is part of history and could help people understand problems associated with being part of a Cartel . He deserves to be understood. Seldom do people do things as he has and live to talk and share his story, sadly a lifestyle that hurt an otherwise wonderful guy. I have heard the U. Sm government can weigh many options including putting him to death. America doesn't want him dead. So much can be learned from this selfmade man. I say he deserves a fair ,maybe even more fairness than he has gotten. Even criminals deserves a fair trial

Thursday, January 7, 2016


Marijuana, what do you think when this subject comes to mind? As if we're a mystery. Marijuana is a medicine, meant for pain relief of all types. Georgia has great things in the mix. People please quit being in the closet, like it is so bad, get with the times. Marijuana ,safer than alcohol is being percecuted by big politics when the outcome will be legalization, i say , We The People , must stop big politics from spending large amounts of our hard earned , breaking our backs to pay someone money to drag out a fifteen minute Job that is dragged out years. People now is the time to legalize Marijuana. Not to continue let politics and cartel taking billions in revenue beneath our very nose. Good job Georgia , but to ease all tensions you must legalize , a country must match, not look pokey dotted, but united. It will be the best economic gain for this country. We then will be able to build,nice resorts for people to come and enjoy, instead of sending business to other countries. Why would we,want to. It is stupid. We are loosing money. Get on the real, and get it right, chao'.

Sunday, January 3, 2016



I watch , I do not fault. My Family always in my thoughts.

I know if i am weak , the ending result would be failure, For my family,''

Children playing , remembering the gentle touch from mother, depressing,

I watch nature , sight , taste , smell , working together wonderfully,

Family, Within death brings Misery, Sad, distress and humbleness understanding life brings death, deal hath a name, Family,

The joy what creations by Family, It is life, new borne Baby , Family,

Problems, flesh of flesh, Blood of Blood , Like Adrenaline , furious, thinking not clear, not free, Tied to Madness , protection , love, Family,

Information needing views, that could save your life

                                      I was surfing the Internet and fell upon a particular subject that is highly interesting.

Bariatric Physician Reveals the 3 Harmful Foods That are Damaging You From the Inside.

The web address is above It is a nice impressive research for the human race. As when we re-connect to our animal ways we need not to be fooled by created foods that actually kills us. Why would this be allowed in America ? It is banned according to Mrs. Amy Lee a Bariatric Doctor. And it makes very good sense. Readers of my Blog should implement and share this valuable information. It is shocking to realize what we are allowing companies do to our bodies, A lot like Dog Food. Certain dog foods should not be bought because what it does, basically shorting lives , the same is true with human food, Hunting is a must , Watch the video and be amazed by what she implies , it will shock you

Saturday, January 2, 2016

The Microsoft Band 2

 The Microsoft Band 2 . Quite a product, and good for your health too. In case you don't know it tells time. It also tells you certain things that relates to your health. If i told you what it does it would take away the surprise you will experiance you will surely enjoy. I can tell you it will connect to most phones , it allows you to see who is calling you. It also has voice control. There are apps as well. Access to some social media. It is worth every penny and i think is on sale as well. So , the Microsoft Band 2 really is a must have for ones who stay fit. Also the American college student should invest , the watch is nice, the wave of the future.