Saturday, January 30, 2016


Today , is a day of reckining. With a friend who is like a sister . Who was wanting me as her husband. Well, now i advised my sister that this fela who came in my sister's , friends life . He is a mistake. He claims to be Mormon, he uses her. He drinks up alcohol and ciggs, to the tune of forty five dollars per day. The thing is it's her money. He is a bum and lives off of her, a scam, a Con, master of confidence in witch this scum is doing. Until he is found, he will continue to control her into nothing more than a slave. He does not allow her access to a real world, he has brain washed some, but look here just because shes a country girl. Dont mean you will rule her. Here is the reality, he now should know he is on his way out. I must speak sometimes, when i do, things get done. I just hope , for her soul's sake , she will remove herself immediately. If you have met a Con, you know nothing will change. Get the person out. But i got their secret. CONFIDENCE.They pray on ignorance, and in a way to build your confidence in them. Once they know they take that part of you. The easy part is you give them money, beer , loans, maryjane, houses, and you will go bankrupt, and the sickest part of it,. Get ready,,, they think they are doing a good thing by showing you your weakness. And there is always an end, regardless, why not end it immediately. Please know i am sure of this you must never move fast, buisness has nothing to do with any thing sexual. They, The Con, looks at it as a job thats it. Honesty is not even concerned. To them you are nothing but are just used as a tool for them to complete their Agenda.

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