Wednesday, January 13, 2016

" EL " " CHAPO"

El Chapo , quite a gentleman. One out of a history of men who had to find a way to survive and feed his family. Product of society, you must understand he who supplies has a large demand for his product.. Someone is on the recieving end of every deal. But with the United states wanting him is a little strange. Seems like a protection deal going on. Maybe so he can give information. The thing is he should be in a cell by his self. Someone could try to murder him, out of fear of releaseing information. El Chapo is part of history and could help people understand problems associated with being part of a Cartel . He deserves to be understood. Seldom do people do things as he has and live to talk and share his story, sadly a lifestyle that hurt an otherwise wonderful guy. I have heard the U. Sm government can weigh many options including putting him to death. America doesn't want him dead. So much can be learned from this selfmade man. I say he deserves a fair ,maybe even more fairness than he has gotten. Even criminals deserves a fair trial

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