Saturday, December 17, 2016

Appalachian State Mountaineers ( Cameilla Bowl VS. Toledo) Sunbelt.

Appalachian State takes the field today against Toledo. Both teams have a 9-3 season both working on a bowl game. Appalachian State plans to repeat last year by winning another bowl game Appalachian State has a very good running game. Also Toledo has a very good running game the question is who will play better defense. That will decide who wins this bowl game. It is set for a 5:30 slot on ESPN. Looks to be a very good game to watch. And with Georgia Southern missing out , I switch my attention to Appalachian State representing the Sunbelt. I see a change of conference change for Appalachian State. The SEC or even ACC. When this happens that conference or opposing conference will take GEORGIA SOUTHERN as well. Their success should be welcome by Georgia Southern should reach out to give their hopes Appalachian State wins today.Showing support is what you give fellow Schools of the Sunbelt. On that note I will be watching the game. I hope all of Southern watches the game in support of Appalachian State. Remember tonight 5:30 P.M. on ESPN. Goodluck and Go! Appalachian State!!!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Pappy remembered : A Christmas Story.

Ahh, Christmas is a happy time of the year for me. For a while I've been depressed. But with any other trial's God has been there, some call Lord, or Jehovah. I have been having visitors lately, Gods pizza of life delivery. Jehovah's love all. I enjoy visits from them . It also reminds me God loves me. As of late my mother has been sick. I have turned the Jehovah's away. My father told it like it was but some beliefs he spoke did not correspond with his actions. With talks with others the stero-type who downs the witness, but as God sent energy through them he enjoyed visits. Christmas memories of mom and dad reminds me how wonderful Christmas is. My dad did memorable things . Me and my brother was getting motorcycles and figured it out when a drunk silloet of Santa Clause flipping a motorcycle. Spoiler my uncle .Dad was always fun . And best at what he did , Arborist Tree Surgeon. He Trimmed all the trees on the savannah squares around Bay Street, and so on. In Savannah Georgia. He worked Hilton Head mainly, saving trees , or taking them down safely and humanely for its owner, a tree lover a lover of life. With this Pappy placed back into life to assure his self a hold on life not many have felt. God had given him a gift , saving trees, in turn immortal existence. And I come to grips my father was a genius. And no one could take his credit he was the best. He put his heart into us as well. Either loving us full on or beating our ass, we learned. Full of life, drinking and running a multi-million dollar company many times over. He had workers who did drugs , it was a rough line of work , wild people . He forgave them for mistakes in return people had a job. Also, Pappy would run you off if you endangered his other employees. He understood above all customers needed to be pleased. From riding around with the man who owned M&m drinking liquor, working for Boss Hog, to watching Michael Jordan's body as he stood up out his limo. And doing business with him on his golf course. Christmas was never dull. He always made sure people have Christmas. He drank alot alcohol. He also sang in a church as a boy. He told me how him and his brothers picked cotton, tobacco. And so on. I miss my father and love him.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Jerick McKinnon, why we must have Adrian Peterson back.

Many weeks ago I was sitting back thinking about how bad we need Adrian Peterson Back. Jerick McKinnon is an excellent back Adrian Peterson is more of the load taker. Jerick McKinnon is an explosive back and a third-down back. I must concur. Adrian Minnesota needs you . And you and Jerick would be complemented I think the league should worry of his return, because with him playing the Vikings would have won every game. Sit steady , the tide is turning.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Georgia Bulldogs head coach Kirby Smart

The Georgia Bulldogs have something to be satisfied about this year. Kirby Smart took the field with the Georgia Bulldogs this year after his previous year at Alabama as the defensive coordinator. And boy does it look alot like Christmas. Recruiting taking a unique twist of the defense king, collaboration with Dell Mcgee, the expert in moving ground alot like a mad scientist , with Running ties to Georgia Southern in which Dell, well he has a Bowl game under his belt. Just saying Georgia fans got a early Christmas present and many more to come. Kirby Smart to make a powerful mark in the SEC, history will be made. 2017 Dawg Nation, it's coming.

Friday, December 9, 2016

From Georgia Southern University to Georgia Tech from Georgia Tech to Georgia Southern

Georgia Southern announced today a new offensive coordinator Bryan Cook will be controlling the triple option offense for Head Coach Tyson Summers and the Georgia Southern Eagles. More than enough proof Tyson Summers is doing his job. When Paul Johnson left Georgia Southern we lost a good coach I am still proud of the fact that he moved on to Georgia Tech eventually he would stay for a while and become one of the most winningest coaches of all time. Finally Georgia Southern gets a quality offensive Coach the school needs. He has helped implement , or implemented the Triple Offense football concept for Georgia Tech. Well now he will be making a heavy impact Still FBS at Georgia Southern University if the story solidifies within the realm of reality. Tyson Summers may just be here for a while and with choices like this shows leadership. He will be able to concentrate on the defense which he has proven to be genius at. I like Summers style and again hope to see him many more years. God bless you all who have struggled , with Coach Bryan Cook. Maybe Coach Summers can relax now.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Dell McGee: Geogia Bulldogs running back coach.

Dell McGee, Georgia Bulldogs running back coach is a prized asset for the Georgia Bulldogs. An excellent coach who led Georgia Southern to the GoDaddy Bowl and completed with the Win turned many heads while at Georgia Southern. But he has moved on and to my surprise was employed by Georgia Bulldogs. I could not believe we lost him but the fact remains the same it is a business and he deserves a whole lot more then just $275,000 a year he should be making between 4 and 450 a year thousand that is. I would hate to see the state of Georgia lose such a great coach. But in time Georgia will be sure to take care of mr. McGee. I know they will because Georgia's building a brand that they know has to go way into the future so Avenues and additions are being hard sought out. Coaches are meeting with the commits in Georgia isn't looking bad at all, this team will have a great teacher for the running back's for years to come. Kirby Smart seems to be the real deal. His choices are real wise. At the same time he is recruiting is spot on.Look for a great year coming for Georgia Bulldogs.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

" A moment of Deception." Weekly volumne.

" In the likes of woman nature, in which separatists." "The very reason man could never understand neither know what is being thought at any given time." George,' Many men , when they are young believe it's ok to disrespect women will not come as vendettas, how wrong could be very shocking. In many articles we will explore the truth. The biggest mis-conception we have is that women are clueless, big big mistake. On a mental thought scale, we as men will never understand plans, evauluation, vendetta, their prowess of a cat, hence is why women loves cats. In mind the complex thought signals belong to women. Something a man has to trust. If you choose to believe a woman's intentions, you will grow. If you don't you will at some point will build a knowledge that the whole time she was very intelligent. It is a survival in a world created and consumed by men. Building a powerful fortress, only to loose it to a more elaborate being
at a higher thought spectrum we will never understand , nor figure out . When a woman acts in anger she has proof. Many channels are inspired by such acts. Such as divorce, scandal, even death. Lifetime for example , if she enjoys it , and likes it and admired it don't put it past her. And many men and women will understand my points by the time we make it through future articles . As a man I had to teach and re-teach myself and to no avail never understand the complexity of a woman's nutured, in nature. No question all these years , highly intelligent women silenced to any outside communication. But now the world is actually gravitating towards women and rightfully so . A good woman can make a man happy. But cheat on her and see what happens. As little boys are taught to be dominate, and truly it has gotten nowhere. The male believes a woman will always nurture him, how far from truth it can be. You can cheat on her, try to lie to her, just know she always knows. Next week more in depth discussion on the possibilities of man getting past mental blocks that hold our thoughts hostage. Remember women in mental categories are experts. With some patients I will continue my investigation into the most secrets of life.stay tuned..

Monday, December 5, 2016

If the NFL came knocking at Georgia Southern ,who would be going to the NFL?

It's the end of the 2016 season 4 Georgia Southern and I sat and thought wondered what would be the next stage for seniors from Georgia Southern University had NFL team where to come knocking. First, Minnesota Vikings, "hint". Younghoe koo. The kicker from New Jersey . Now is the time to contact him quick . He rarely misses and was at battle with just two other kickers in country, someone, by that I mean Minnesota Vikings could get this player for Christmas. Ironhead Gallon, yet another great player. He should be drafted early as well. His name say's it all. Who do I see taking him ? Well I will tell you. Dallas should draft him. Any questions? Contact Ironhead. Andy Kwon,The Center, Minnesota again. The Vikings need some like this young man. Matt Breida: a back who should go somewhere people like high Octane Football, and I believe Atlanta Falcons will make sure this Eagle feel right at home. Once again Minnesota Vikings We have two QB'S if joined by Jerick would end your problems. Also another QB, in progress at Georgia Southern. But he will be more of a passing guy . Once more all the seniors should be eating around the Vikings Christmas table to eat some of that good good food. Great four years.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Georgia Southern fires David Dean and Rance Gillespie,

The news has been aired that two coaches from Georgia Southern. It comes at a good time. Tyson summers announced that the school has decided to search for a better qualified coach. Tradition at Georgia Southern is taken very seriously. So , we need the cream of the crop. His or Her life should surround football, a triple option expert. Must like riding on a yellow school bus, willing to bath in the beautiful Eagle Creek. A Family man, or to the contrary be single, be assured, the women are beautiful, and we find our wives here, some don't, but as long as you are a triple option football God we got a chair for you. Last thing, you must win Or Georgia Southern will fire you. So as long as you back it up, Eagle Nation will back you. Big future for Georgia Southern

Georgia Southern University football

Georgia Southern took the field Saturday to play with the intentions of winning and that is what they did period Troy state looked to be moving the ball at the last second when they were stopped by Georgia Southern the outcome a check in the win column. Tyson Summers almost guaranteed a job next year. And rightfully so the passing game was excellent and it warmed my heart to see Georgia Southern bring home a win. Seniors definitely deserved going out with the win. Tyson Summers has turned out to be a decent seasoned coach surely to bring home wins next year. It's pretty scary and cool at the same time you look at Tyson Summers and think to yourself this guy looks just like ERK Russell. Hopefully he will continue to win after the Troy defeat. I really look forward to next season. With compilation I really hope everything works out for our new coach. He stayed calm and Collective during the losses that was very depressing this year. I know he loves Georgia Southern he needs next year to grow to implement more of his style because the passing game needs to have a very important part our University moving forward also the triple option is tradition if we do it well then our passing game should fall right into place and yardage and touchdowns will be a regular event. Eagle Nation that is the Georgia Southern I know. See you next year. Go Eagles, fight, fight fight!G.A.T.A.