Tuesday, December 6, 2016

" A moment of Deception." Weekly volumne.

" In the likes of woman nature, in which separatists." "The very reason man could never understand neither know what is being thought at any given time." George,' Many men , when they are young believe it's ok to disrespect women will not come as vendettas, how wrong could be very shocking. In many articles we will explore the truth. The biggest mis-conception we have is that women are clueless, big big mistake. On a mental thought scale, we as men will never understand plans, evauluation, vendetta, their prowess of a cat, hence is why women loves cats. In mind the complex thought signals belong to women. Something a man has to trust. If you choose to believe a woman's intentions, you will grow. If you don't you will at some point will build a knowledge that the whole time she was very intelligent. It is a survival in a world created and consumed by men. Building a powerful fortress, only to loose it to a more elaborate being
at a higher thought spectrum we will never understand , nor figure out . When a woman acts in anger she has proof. Many t.v.movie channels are inspired by such acts. Such as divorce, scandal, even death. Lifetime for example , if she enjoys it , and likes it and admired it don't put it past her. And many men and women will understand my points by the time we make it through future articles . As a man I had to teach and re-teach myself and to no avail never understand the complexity of a woman's nutured, in nature. No question all these years , highly intelligent women silenced to any outside communication. But now the world is actually gravitating towards women and rightfully so . A good woman can make a man happy. But cheat on her and see what happens. As little boys are taught to be dominate, and truly it has gotten nowhere. The male believes a woman will always nurture him, how far from truth it can be. You can cheat on her, try to lie to her, just know she always knows. Next week more in depth discussion on the possibilities of man getting past mental blocks that hold our thoughts hostage. Remember women in mental categories are experts. With some patients I will continue my investigation into the most secrets of life.stay tuned..

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