Thursday, December 15, 2016

Pappy remembered : A Christmas Story.

Ahh, Christmas is a happy time of the year for me. For a while I've been depressed. But with any other trial's God has been there, some call Lord, or Jehovah. I have been having visitors lately, Gods pizza of life delivery. Jehovah's love all. I enjoy visits from them . It also reminds me God loves me. As of late my mother has been sick. I have turned the Jehovah's away. My father told it like it was but some beliefs he spoke did not correspond with his actions. With talks with others the stero-type who downs the witness, but as God sent energy through them he enjoyed visits. Christmas memories of mom and dad reminds me how wonderful Christmas is. My dad did memorable things . Me and my brother was getting motorcycles and figured it out when a drunk silloet of Santa Clause flipping a motorcycle. Spoiler my uncle .Dad was always fun . And best at what he did , Arborist Tree Surgeon. He Trimmed all the trees on the savannah squares around Bay Street, and so on. In Savannah Georgia. He worked Hilton Head mainly, saving trees , or taking them down safely and humanely for its owner, a tree lover a lover of life. With this Pappy placed back into life to assure his self a hold on life not many have felt. God had given him a gift , saving trees, in turn immortal existence. And I come to grips my father was a genius. And no one could take his credit he was the best. He put his heart into us as well. Either loving us full on or beating our ass, we learned. Full of life, drinking and running a multi-million dollar company many times over. He had workers who did drugs , it was a rough line of work , wild people . He forgave them for mistakes in return people had a job. Also, Pappy would run you off if you endangered his other employees. He understood above all customers needed to be pleased. From riding around with the man who owned M&m drinking liquor, working for Boss Hog, to watching Michael Jordan's body as he stood up out his limo. And doing business with him on his golf course. Christmas was never dull. He always made sure people have Christmas. He drank alot alcohol. He also sang in a church as a boy. He told me how him and his brothers picked cotton, tobacco. And so on. I miss my father and love him.

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