Friday, February 17, 2017

Jerick Mckinnon

Minnesota Vikings, Adrian Peterson must move on and allow the younger back , Jerick , to develop a system, as the feature back. With all these questions surrounding Adrian Peterson's every move is drowning out attention for the other backs. Jerick is free agency next year. You better find a way to keep him. Jerick, has had every season shadowed by a back lingering and creating havock killing careers by influence. No production has no excuse. Move on and let Minnesota develop. Jerick Mckinnon should move on if Adrian does not. If not this excellent back will be forgotten. Fans should speak up. Jerick should and will be the race of your franchise. After the pom, poms stop and the glamour glitter settles, get back to hard nose , football come back. If not Minnesota could be being set up for failure , move on , give Jerick a raise before free agency, contract extension, before the glitter clogs minds and eyes of the awesome goal. Which is football. Handle it smart, like a professional , let Adrian go and put that money to use. I'm wondering why the termination of Adrian hasn't happened. As a coach for Minnesota, lures me more with Adrian. I believe coaching is his calling. And if Adrian waits too long he could destroy that option. That would prove wisdom of both sides of this table. But read my words in this article. Move Jerick to start. I will hope I hear about correct changes, instead of all the fairy tail of a back wanting it all. And holding other careers at bay. How shameful it must make some that Adrian makes 10x what Jerick makes. Because of pay increases for Adrian are flirted with. To me it's sad how someone could be ok with crushing hopes and dreams of other backs, and dig this , Jerick, Asiata , Peterson does not care. He Does not care if you starve. Get your priority straight, as a team , players coaches, as fans. Open the field for talent. You will not be disappointed. It's a team thing share the wealth with your brothers of your a Viking. Their paying Adrian too much, while he eats steak. Jerick, he is eating hotdogs , how's that right? Move on AP.

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