Tuesday, February 7, 2017

The Black Widow

The Black Widow. "The path of deception, by means of conception begins, only when the person in question searches for such." GEORGE FADDEN, In the seventies many things went on. Love peace happiness. Including some murderous individuals. With these things going on everyone friendly, and people using those things against many others. Killers raising their ugly heads, terrorizing so many, the un-lucky dieing, and others the fear of death. The Charles Manson Family was one of the most notorious for fears for years to come. The crime , though horrific did not fit the bill in which most serial killings. I believe it was more about a generation breaking loose. Much like many have done but served less time. Many killers would be product of the Vietnam war. And other wars as well. The zodiac killer was one who proved after my research , was either of Military, police, political, religious, or crime related. One big issue at hand was the codes he or she used to communicate. Military, cross word puzzle, a very tall woman? Not many women back then in the Military. The Zodiac could have been a Preist , or preacher. What ever religion he or she chose. If that were the case the California community dealing with such crimes could unravel. We're the killings commuted by a woman ? If so I bet the places have history of a tall, influential, woman during those times. Could be the answer. Ridding his or her or their community of Evil. The true Evil lies in the truth. Who was it really. The Media has played a big part in charging individuals with dark, yet darker crimes when in perspective. The Media have been valuable assets. It I am sure was power gained by status. The Zodiac represents a sense of time and earth , making investigation, without a crime scene, no charges made. But, the brave antics only to possibly used to create a placebo. With this known, was the M.O. of the Zodiac really what was shown by the Media can be many different actual truths within the Media. Some so mad while on with the media, just telling the truth. And no more . With the media being biggest demon spicing stories up for ratings, money, power. Ted Bundy , The lady killer killed many . Media actually had his admitted crimes committed For he was a lady getter, and got what he wanted. Ted Bundy sucumed to a punishment of death. But if studied alive , it would be more valuable. To house an inmate it cost no more than it would to keep him alive. And yes house him , but in a mentally deranged maximum security, armed guards, fully funded by monies aquireed by media royalties, equals facilities. But without walking in their shoes. who's right is it to do the work of the Lord ? It is known you help a person as such . And research the behaviour. And Age would be an interesting factor. Obviously if someone is 80 years old he may be retired, or I remind him or her of a loved one, who knows. My Story Is About a Serial Killer., His name Is Stephen , different stories of his hatred, morals, and the fact that he , as a story will make it to the box office CHAPTER ONE THE PARTY. She thumbles through the maroon shag carpet . Looking for her glasses, She cannot see without them . This party is wild. Beer spilled, smell of urine. As she is looking someone snatches her up she can tell she's being toted, movement was adamant and proof , they want something . It is someone strong with a musk. Tall and lanky , like Rambo, but bigger, cut like Bruce Lee . Having long hair and just purely a natural born thirst well , for killing . It began with the first act and Stephen grew up in the mountains. He became a man before he was. Killing small animals to eat at five years old. He actually would eat healthy. Him and his family was raised by "PAPPY." A geared up drunken badass, Imagine someone , long hair , looks like Jesus, but meaner than the Devil itself. Stephen was taught survival by Pappy. Pappy was a trained, ex-military well decorated, part of Vietnam. He did not sleep and prefered to watch all things around him. The trips to town did not happen for Pappy. The town knew he was affected by the War and also the town knew he knew how to make them dissaper. Stephen admired his father to no end. But as a kid he loved the sweeter part of life, meaning candy. He would work with a local farmer just to get money to buy pops and candy. Cinnamon Toothpicks, chocolate footballs. And chewing gum in a bag like gold would come in. His mother loved Frito Lays@ corn chips, And M&M's. So, he would buy it for her and MMMM... Was the sound you would hear. Stephen's Survival was not question. He knew how to hunt, fish, and build a fire to cook. He asked no one for food. His father had taught him early. Like a wolf , Stephen was taught the food chain allowed for him to choose. Through the years , to the present his mind was set. Only the Strong Survive. Growing fast many of his elders had respect for the young man because of his father's status. A military created Serial Killer, and without his training would not be alive. He filled his days toteing wood, hunting, plowing people's fields with mules. He also enjoys going to the local pub. He was drinking shine with the local guy , he ran his brew through car radiators. Trust as a kid, he would get drunkin. At this time The Pub, had women walk in . Slow music starts to play and the lights dim. Stephen sits quietly, with women naked walking around. Looking around he noticed many prominent Officials from his town and it was heating up. Women in the act of oral sex. Being drunk falling asleep. The next morning , Stephen cannot see anything, he can't move. Someone had taken him hostage. And had their eyes on him Dangers of the real world were not yet taught, but he would surely know what it was like. His face is covered in a material and with a drawstring tightened up. Arms, legs , feet, hip and neck, and head strapped. It would be quiet , what seemed like forever. No one to speak to. At this point he knew things would get bad. Pappy taught him to stay vigilant. He hears a door screeching open, " SCREECHHHH." Hearing footsteps. He hears a woman talking, not being able to make it all out , but does make out this, " Maybe we can torture him for a while." In a woman's voice. Stephen begins to struggle. But no movement or sound. He hears a lock and quietness. A Cling. For the rest of the night, went by and it seemed forever. Nothing. Fears is setting in Stephen realizing he might be in danger. The room smelled of lemon chlorox. Someone is very cleans which was another sign , this person was prepared for a mind torture at the least. Stephen just lay there. Pissing, sweaty, being degraded to break through Stephen's mind. At the least, Stephen would become a demented man soon and that is something he will never let down. Stephen could tell it was morning because a bird he was use to hearing started chirping. " Chirp ,,,Chirp." He knew that it was around 6:00 . "Chreeeechhh." Door swinging open and sound of high heels. "Wooooshhh." The hood comes off. Stephen now sees what was walking around in the heels. It was a fat man with maybe two teeth in his mouth. He had big head, beer gut , long hair short beard, and he was real sweaty. He's wearing dazydukes. Hairy everywhere. Stephen has now began to imagine killing this man. The man is skippin ' and hoppin'. " don't worry, says the man " ," It will be over before you know it." And with that the man who was dressed as a woman began tickling Stephen. Hours went by and the tickling didn't stop either. And went on until Stephen began to ignoring The tickling . This made the man mad. He lowered the bed like a see-saw and goes somewhere comes back with a bucket full of rotten water , tainted feces. He inserts a funnel into the Stephens mouth. After slowly pouring the solution into his body through his mouth. Stephen coughs but his life may be in danger, if he throws up he could choke to death. He decided to wait this out. Quickly falling asleep but seeing and feeling a knife poking deep enough to draw blood. He passes back out. He sees the person's face he never foergets . His hand are now free. Stephen has limited but sufficent chance of living. He feels the side of the bed a piece of the metal shaped and very Sharpe like a knife. Stephen slides it under him where he knew where it was. Same fool comes back in and through the night he does different things to Stephen , unspeakable acts. Stephen passed out from the pain, again in and out , sweat dropping on him. Everything stops and the light goes off , " Screeeech . , " Cling,...." Light fills the room and then dark again. Stephen is relieved to get a break. His hips , buttock , throat , rib cage all felt bruised badly. He would only hurt all night , from agonizing pain. Stephen drifts into sleep. CHAPTER 2 It's morning and Stephen realizes what happened to him . First he cried , then became angry. He has began to plan their deaths, with knowing the field of play he has less time. Stephen ask for freedom for his arms and regular food. Surprisingly enough, the food was there. The man in the heels had a heart, that would be his death . He eats his food slowly , asking for more soda . Each time , someone wearing a mask bringing what he demanded. The man dressed like mommy was beginning to have those feelings. Like , parental likelihood, But was clearly deranged. Stephen decided to kill everyone by deception by finding out who the others were. He began requesting the attention of the hairy man in the dress. The man in the dress can be heard, " I just want you to be happy, any toys ?" Ask, the man in the dress and Stephen seeing him for the first time . Maybe just maybe he could kill them all and law clear him. His plan would become his motive throughout life. Stephen had already had his own open room, games , chips, cookies, grapes, mangos and a ciggerate called a spliff . This would go on and the ciggerate the next few days were relaxing. He was around 8years old. He didn't under stand but life would prove his love for a spliff. He began to realize he was letting days pass by. For the most part his plan would only work with these folks , or all of them would be at the end of their fantasy life , and go home to their homes and swear to never allow a child to be hurt would be destroyed tonight. Because Stephen liked one of the guards, and he was clueless , Stephen had the Man in the Dress fire him two days prior. All the M&M's Stephen could eat , Reeses, Herseys , cokes. It would happen tonight. With trust , Stephen had gotten his hands on things most boys his age wouldn't know how to make a weapon . His bag was in the front , face paint. Vienna sausage can on the bed and on the night stand. The ring on the lid was shaped perfectly, treat cans were great as well. Stephen began his plan early . He would have knives in his shoes made of clear plastic could not be seen as well by illusion his chances of actually making it work only works with manipulation , lure. And trust. His plans had plans. And so on. CHAPTER : 3 The rest of his tactics was as follows. The woman who cooked for him was wanting his help to stack some meat boxes in the refrigerator. It was a walk in. He agreed, he got to use a knife cutting the plastic off. He helped do this before . While she smoked ciggerates. He realized it was a meat house of some type , but what kind. He found some sharp knives one, his choice of that point and time would work swiftly. She was bringing the boxes in with a hand jack, " Whacckkk!" A board across the woman's head , and it begins. Stephen puts the knife to her throat and slit it with a massive force. Blood pumping profusely from her neck. Within minutes she was dead. Stephen goes back to his room as if not knowing a thing. The guard then reached down and picked him up , Stephen asking where the fat man was. He said it was who wanted him and that's when he drove the knives into the mans thighs, and when falling to the ground , the guard gets jabbed in the chest, the neck, and eyeball. Stephen makes sure he is dead by a few methods left to the imagination for reasons of outcome. Stephen had an afternoon set for the man in the dress. The man truly dosen't know Stephen will be killing him. The fat man comes dressed , heels, hair makeup, and dress. And Sweaty. Stephen had been waiting. In his mind had been so long . The fat man which is the judge of the town would have been a disaster, actions of the locals would be the ultimate choice. A child would sway 75 percent plus there friends. The time was now , the fat man , with his curly , dangerous , gay personality. He was walking towards Stephen , smile on his face , and Stephen returned the smile. The fat man gets closer and Stephen rises up and ask him to sit in a chair with an open of his hands he quickly slahes the fa mans throat with the lids which worked perfectly. Blood squirting everywhere. The cuts violent the ones of a lion. Ends the fat man from hurting anyone else.... CHAPTER 4: Investigation. Stephen being the obvious suspect. Needed attention for their crime upon their young victims was all but washed away. The Courts chose not to visit the case again, a sort of ring of favors waiting to be dialed up remain intact with life lines full. Stephen had proven to be a natural survivalist. With him going through , "Shock." The Police wants to question him but not with notice of the media. Stephen tells them some of the things that happened to him while held hostage. The Investigators conclude that the young man was telling the truth. And the manner in which Stephen killed them was of a survivalist nature, viewed as a desire to live by force. CHAPTER 5: BORN Stephen has now mastered munipulation something he would use a lot more as time goes by . So slowly he watches a squirrel play in the distance. A few years have passed, and Stephen has been invited to a party he is fifteen , evil and will go to hell. Stephen spots a female across the room , she is thumbling for her glasses. Stephen sees a door and snatches her through it. Stephen starts punching her , hard , splintering punches to her head. She was helpless. He takes control. Everytime he hits her she feels like a warped sound and near black out, hearing the sound a bullfrog makes on hot summer nights. As she submits he eases up with the punches, although he lays into her hard a couple times. She is un-balanced and can't walk a straight line. Stephen walks across the room in his speedos. Lays in bed with her. Pulls her clothing off and begins many hours of sexual, discipline.(in his mind). Stephen can be heard panting. The girl getting violated while near death actions. Stephen cuddled behind her holding her tight , hips moving in motions that of rabbits. He was satisfying himself not caring what he just did. He begins to violently punch her in her rib and chest . Thirty minutes and Stephen is still punching, everytime she takes a breath. After constantly slamming her chest , the woman dies, Stephen decides to remove her face. Cut her feet , hands , and off to the Ocean Stephen goes. On Stephen's way he stops to help a police officer push a broken down car off the road. Stephen, playing with fate. Walks calmly, police cars, no doubt investigating his crime, lights and sirens, zooming right by. Stephen Calmly pulls out onto the road. Shortly after pulling onto the road. Lights flash, "whoop' woop." Stephen pulls over, cop says , " Sir', UM' There is A Killer on the loose, pretty fucking sick, so yeah, get out of here.!" Stephen Obliges the Officer and again manages to cheat fate. His heart pounding, time standing still, and Stephen sickly saw nothing wrong. The making of a Serial Killer who would travel the Globe spinning his Web and lureing them in. As he arrives at the Ocean he smells marijuana. He deposits the void into the Ocean. He walks over to a guy about his age and ask if he had enough to make money. The young man leads Stephen down a dark underground room he was living at. There atleast 100 pounds of the stuff. Stephen wants a different life so he decides it dosen't get no more under the radar than that. Being a young man he is hot headed, unpredictable. The new guy on the block. It would be two days later and he had the block tighter than a Virgin hooker. He had other dealers working for him. Except Julio, the local pimp/drug dealer. He was a up and up guy. Stephen meets with him. He agrees to, Julio was pissed, and he knew he was. Stephen being of a mafia style crew to the nine. The next few months would fund Stephen's love of a murderous lifestyle. CHAPTER 6: It has began. Stephen has people placed in strategic manner. To keep Order. To cut down on loss , and flushes out the rats. In the buisness Stephen rapidly rises through the streets . Becoming the Boss . And he does the dirty work . Stephen decides to have a drink. He is walking down the sidewalk. Not fearing danger, would be a long night . The car pulls up and they unload an AK-47. Two bullets hits Stephen in the leg, one in his chest which managed not to hit a vital organ. Evil , Stephen may be. He hunts the souless , he thinks he is the way. Many more will die and he's just getting started. The gentlemen involved in the shooting are found. Their parents demand an apology to Stephen. Stephen excepted her response , and honorable or not. Stephen never forgets a face. He would judge this person , himself. One cold, dark summer night will come , his time would come. A lot quicker than he thought. Stephen made it personal. The kid gets a slap on the wrist, Stephen gets popped. To Stephen it matters. Now he has a shit list. The young kid is rich. Those two bullets would haunt him forever. Stephen, with one bullet stuck. He already cleaned one wound , he then , pulls a knife out. It was made of blue steel. He heated the blade and begins to dig the other bullet out, with the blade burning the wound creating a burn. Now that the clot was accomplished, He can sure up and get that bullet. He reheats the knife, then plunging deep, skin splitting , more blood . The bullet pops out , and blood begins to flow . Stephen grabs a shirt , rips it into two pieces. Ties one above the wound . The blood comes to a stop. Stephen stiches the ripped skin with some fishing string and hook. When he is done he cleanse it with alcohol, then yes ,.. takes a drink. Golden Grain best dam creeper this side of Candler County. Enough of the thoughts - Stephen had already rested too long he now must awake and plan his time and events to assure his ability to kill, his main pleasure. There's a young man , and he owes one of Stephens locals. Dealers / puppet. And Stephen is in awe at the braveness, the guy always paid. So Stephen wants a meeting to get an understanding. His people are family. Stephen waits, sipping on his coffee. This is an associate, Stephen made money off him , so he wanted to move this guy up. He wanted to buy a chain of store, and let this guy who was already late now. Stephen Peers the sceenery when the young guy is walking up the path to the house . Just a normal quaint , tidy home, but very nice considering Stephen was just getting started. Stephen ask the guy , what his name is, to it he plied," George." He was very tidy, so tidy he is compulsive, O.C.D. And Crazy, for sure. A mirror image of Stephen. The question was not can he develop into what Stephen wants, but will he mature. By all acounts , a big urk, jilt, or jolt. The feeling in a akward moment. He ask George , and got a lury reaction. Stephen decides George was not ready to leave the underground. In a contained environment George will surely mature, become loyal, and was clueless. It would take time. Stephen calls off the meeting . Immediately George becomes offended, Stephen tells him to mature, and pay his other guy the money he owes before he was to leave. Stephen Now upset , hiding his let-down. George is told to go into the tailor shop. They re-dress George , and kick him out the door. Punching him hard in the head untill he left their location. Loyalty starts this,

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