Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Georgia Southern Vs. Troy ,A new era.

Georgia Southern Football is entering a new Era. With a new head coach , excitement, and The journey back to the top begins. Georgia Southern has been loosing games this year that could have been wins. The talent Georgia Southern has , players should be substituted in and out to keep guys fresh and losses become wins, also guys get to play more. Players must be fresh and healthy, and this is the most logical answer. The one on the bench could be the next Adrian Peterson, jerick, Chubb, Matthew Stafford, and so on. But the main goal in playing all players is to get them to bond ,step up automatically when needed , once implemented, substitutions gives players a break, to keep them fresh, and yes Statesboro wants a stable system to ensure our players are performing at their best potential, and healthy. The bond of the team in which all players play their share of playing time , wins together. Our Eagles need to be healthy during a game just like in practice , weight training, development in the class, we need unity. Having each player get equal time and putting in his or her part to make the team as a unit work together. Also some off season training in aikido would prove beneficial to our team with speed and motion. Things as such will teach discipline, and teach how doing it as a team will show in the end, because you also learn how to be patient, anticipate motion, basically speeding thought and decision making. And doing things such as this would be fun. I have been around people who drastically enhance production while learning cognitive skills such as martial arts. With the new coach , I see new rows to dig, but there's no choice but to win. GOODLUCK Coach Chad Lunsford . And Go Eagles!!!

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