Sunday, May 13, 2018

Relationships, and The Tradtional Ways Men Treat Women Proven Not To Work

Relationships have proven a pattern of problems and failure. Men are still being raised to be dominant. But women have a thing or two to say about it. With many women becoming fed up with tradition. They are tired of , jealousy,control, and lack of sworn promises being kept. If elaborated,not letting a woman have freedom is a big fat no, no. Extreme need for control over a woman is a no, no. Having sex with someone else and ignoring your woman's needs is a no, no. A little advice women are highly intelligent, you can't fool them. And regardless, actions speak louder than words, she knows your cheating when you ignore her needs, lie about where you are at, loosing money for no reason. I mean come on women are not stupid. And if this other woman is ok with having sex with another woman's man The word that best describes her is " Whore." There is a difference between a woman who cheats with a man , and one that's tired of not getting attention, being ignored, being called stupid, and nasty names , deprived of basic constitutional rights, such a right to a drivers licence, alot of men don't want to allow that right by not letting them go anywhere, depriving them of simple healthcare rights simple as getting glasses to see,a doctor's visit, it's just dam wrong. Women are tired and some men treat their women like a property instead of being her equal. Word of advice do not treat a woman any kind of old way. No question will a woman leave, and not come back. Divorce is high, the women are smarter. And before you know it she's gone. From good home cooked meals, to frozen meals if your lucky. The story in short if you cheat, loose money , lie, don't pay attention, to her, you will be a lonely man. They are wired'different than men. If you believe they are stupid to any fact you played yourself. I suggest quit accusing, controling , thinking you own her, she is not your property, she is special , you dont cheat, don't ignore her. You love her , do things with her, and you keep her satisfied sexually. Again women are not stupid.

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