Friday, September 21, 2018

The Real Player , Eminem Vs. MGK, Mysterious and delightful.

We rarely get the chance to experience two great artist throwing jabs at each other the way these two have. Recent events have lit the fire and the material is great. MGK, has a song out called "The Rap Devil". And it is pretty good. He acknowledged Eminem as his mentor, and called him out too in the song he mentioned many questionable jabs at the superstar Eminem , about his daughter, about his true status, how he said Eminem is living rich and still complaining , about how he dresses, and telling him to go back in his career because his present was not working. It is my opinion that Eminem has been doing great, but MGK's new song has awoken some interesting feelings in the rapper we know as Eminem. MGK can hold his own , but he has started something with a lyrical genius that could have repercussions of serious consequences. Eminem waits for times like this. I believe he has to see purpose , and the master of words realizes damage over time will show in the rap world he will come out on top as he always does. I will have to say the response from Eminem was very much like the Eminem we know and love, and really I believe Eminem won this one. Other rappers should know though, MGK has arrived, he is a great rapper and it might be best to steer clear. His song was brilliant and well thought out. But when you strike first , usually your ammo is your demise. Many are saying this is nothing more than a collaboration between the two superstars, im not so sure. I sense pain in MGK from rejection , and on the other hand I believe Eminem is liking the back and forth battle. Im sure , rather MGK realizes it or not , he has gained some respect from Eminem. I would say some day there will be collaboration between the two. But we are talking about Eminem, most are crushed when attempting to derail his career. He loves it when he is confronted with adversity because he dealt with so much in the past. He accomplished many things such as overcoming bullying, addiction, and having his heart broken he is a survivor, and he has lived the life, and walked a very hard road. His style is like no other, and Eminem is back. Lastly I appreciate MGK'S music he is a genius as well, and we can thank him for giving Eminem some valid and compareable competition. MGK is by far a push over, Eminem has a hard task on his hands in dealing with MGK, honestly Eminem I believe has got this, but to other rappers be careful when thinking of challenging MGK he is a beast, he is hungry, and he is coming. Eminem is just too much. He has actually been through hell and back. He deserves respect and welcomes challenge. He knows MGK is a great rapper, and expects him to be successful. If this goes any further one of the two may see negative impact on their career. Collaboration is good, if the two join forces much like super hero's would be an unstoppable force. If the battle continues it could get nasty. I hope the two can find a resolution,and work together that would be great. Eminem you're awesome, MGK you're awesome as well. Today both of you are " The Real Player" "You may win The Battle, but You Must Win the War." ~G.F.~ P.S. this is what its all about, may the best MAN win. So far Eminem has got this, but its very close, who knows what will happen, stay tuned.....

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