Friday, January 27, 2017

PewDiePie one of the most elite gamer reviewest, of the world

PewDiePie is one of the most elite gamer and review industry leaders. It takes me back when my son would be playing games he would always mention PewDiePie Gamers really get into it they're doing. Just starving this would not be good. And when I first saw PewDiePie I thought wow this guy does many reviews of a lot of games and the main thing is it is smart because on YouTube you can monetize your videos meaning you can make money off of them. It's just a brilliant industry to make money honestly. If we only had more mentors this would keep the kids off the streets and maybe the more unfortunate ones Will least get to see what the game is all about. Granite you are able to wait past the advertisements. Then I started watching this guy and understood that he was very brilliant and able to make money doing what he loved to do. And to my knowledge PewDiePie is still doing the same thing. The Gaming Community needs to know that I support everything with gaming. It teaches younger men and women the outside truth through fantasy world keeping those out of the streets teaching them how to use computers and being very intelligent while doing it not to mention monetization on YouTube. Maybe the way to gaming is to offer
a free sticker or maybe to offer free game for them to watch and you get over a million views and then you send them the game whatever it may be people should organize and distribute what they truly think about a game. While many opinions are not very well ProPress rated videos of opinions of an industry. I suggest during holidays or Christmas or birthdays that fathers and mothers get online and look at YouTube gaming and see which one kids truly want to have you will get a better understanding of Gaming. Also my son has introduced me to another internet sensation Good Mythical Morning. And excellent show wonderful people on the show and very very very good for children young men and women and even adults to coexist between the internet blow ups. If you like good interesting brain stimulating information get online and check PewDiePie out to see what your kids maybe want. It is also easy to find out by looking at their viewing history. Although an unfair act which breaks constitutional laws checking and kids history on his search or young man or young woman you can kind of get into the life if they're living and figure out what's going on with the gaming it is basically a standard you cannot stop gaming you cannot stop the gaming industry. Many that play games or game. It is a lifestyle that they take very serious and they indulge in their lifestyle and actually is a pretty good lifestyle it's better to get into gaming then get into drugs. And it seems like a fad that these young men and young women choose to game. And I salute those young men and women. You also must make time to go to the gym and things like that. But gaming is a serious industry wow is a game on the internet that I'm sure makes billions of dollars a year. Support your gaming community and you're young man or woman. If they choose to make that choice you must follow them and support them. Gaming is a whole different world and Gamers take it very seriously. For Those About to play I salute you.

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