Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Georgia Southern Football, " Does The ACC Football Conference have room for an Exotic Georgia Southern Football team.

Where will Georgia Southern be in ten years? Who knows, what I believe is by then a power conference should go ahead and claim this school. Why ? Georgia Southern has tradition built in the footsteps of Georgia and Georgia Tech. Both fore father's coached or went on to coach successfully at the highest conference. I see Paul Johnson coming back. Through tough times he supports Georgia Southern, and his heart will always bring him back, he knows this. ERK , came here fell in love and built an eventual future "Alabama " team of the future. I see Paul Johnson coming back in 4 years, and a conference like the SEC, OR ACC taking Georgia Southern. And if this seems to be an eventual event, go ahead and get the ball rolling. I have seen the SEC taking Georgia Southern , but now I believe the ACC might just be in the perimeter waiting to take Georgia Southern on across the Football threshold into Big Boy football. I now see Georgia Southern as a better fit in the ACC, go ahead and get it done , it's coming , what Conference will be smart enough to go ahead and get Georgia Southern? Will it be SEC? OR ACC? Times running out and the times now to build the brand from a conference standpoint. Fans of the ACC and SEC are ready for atleast two new teams. Same teams allows no room for growth additions of two teams , say Georgia Southern and App State would make one or both conferences grow because fans get to see into the minds of new football teams destined for this either way it's coming mine as well get the ball rolling while it's cheap. Building the brand needs to go ahead and happen, or you could see a decline in sales, changes bring money. Go Eagles

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Pewdiepie, A Gamer God.

Pewdiepie, in a league of his own single handingly built a very successful internet following that I'm sure pays . His brand though, uniquely calm, but don't let it fool you he is very oddly entertaining. Once again laughter central.@pewdiepie check him out !!!

Top Four Gamers on youtube. Legit Gamers

Gamers this article include four gamers who I think rule youtube. Crainer, friends with ssundee. Very calm tactical type gamer. I enjoy watching Minecraft where the duo, and since have both enlisted help from their ladies to defeat foes, using the ladies to smoke out enemies for sure defeat. Ssundee in his own stays very calm and is a professional gamer for sure. He sales his brand well. I enjoy watching his videos, gaming 101. Markplier, what can I say ? Very cool, wild, sometimes outthere. Very tactical as well, believes there's a right way to win. Very entertaining his antics are sure to make you laugh while you get to get opinions of one of YouTube's gamer Gods. He will beat off the path which usually leads to laughter. Salute Markplier. Jacksepticeye, This Guy grabs my gamer curiosity, with his choice of games, layout, knowledge of playing difficult games. An occasional curse word or too , but then he's back on track. He has a very entertaining persona as well. At times he's funny as heck, times he raises so much hell, you literally have to leave the room. He is really one of the most prolific gamers out there so enjoy. As a bonus, YouTube tv has a great show, it's called Good Mythical Morning. Check it out subscribe, and like all these YouTube gamers and the show I mentioned you will not regret it. @MrCrainer , @Jack_Septic_Eye, @markiplier, @SSundee. All on twitter

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Feature band of the week: Amongst Thieves

A brand new rock band posed to take over the rock scene. With quality sound to boot. This band should be claiming their fame with the likes of Metallica, White Zombie, Foo Fighters the list is growing. One things for sure bands better get them signed on your dates ahead of time.We generally come across such a band a hand full of times within our lifetime. Maybe the United States can get a show date near me so I can enjoy a show and actually get the chance to get an interview with the band.I began listening to their unique music , I know great things are ahead for this band. Check them out of you haven't and know that swampman$912 approves rock on brothers.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Pastor Troy doing big things in Atlanta

Pastor Troy doing big things in Atlanta not only has he come out with a new album that should hit the shelves soon he has also been supporting a club in the Atlanta area and offering abilities to perform in front of different audiences. This looks like an industry Pastor Troy is interested in entering with the lights of other rappers in the past they have always almost always moved on to becoming big producers show producers and a connection to a world that you would very seldom have a pass to. With opening the ability to certain artists to perform and also with the connections Pastor Troy has this could spell a big company for the current rapper. I listen to his Beats and their crisp. They're also banging. Make no mistake Pastor Troy could become the next billionaire. Because his Beats are up to date. He also has connections to many other rappers and as well as top executives. Pastor Troy have stumbled upon and very good source of income in the Atlanta area. The exact details would it be have to be discussed with Pastor Troy his self. But with his experience I am sure many business deals will go a lot smoother in the Atlanta area. No secret to me I expected this move by Pastor Troy.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Georgia Southern University what is really breach of contract

The two coaches who sued Georgia Southern recently are suing on grounds of breach of contract when all reality they breach their own contract but not giving our school at Georgia Southern the proper coaching ethics when they came to our school they knew they weren't that good at coaches but committed fraud in its own by taking the job at Georgia Southern. When an FBS School hires a coach they truly believe that their money is invested wisely. But the breach of contract lies at the feet of the two coaches that are suing Georgia Southern and is there burden to prove. They did not execute their job properly therefore should be considered a breach of contract and it's on. When your coach in the FBS level you do not Sue schools. It's bad for business especially when the failure lays at your very own feet poor decision-making. Now Georgia Southern is sure to lawyer up because the breach of contract happened in the middle of the season last year by poor coaches not by Georgia Southern University a job was offered it was not done. When you are in the FBS level and want to compete sometimes you run across coaches that don't know and don't do their job. These coaches typically move on. When you get a job and you sign a contract to do a job and do no t do it well and you do not do the job and you do not do it well the breach of contract had been committed by you already. What is a person or school community or whatever you do if you're hired to be the city mayor but all you know how to do is turn on water. Technically you have breached the contract already instead of the school suing you they allowed you to leave. But now any proof of sabotage can be a bad thing for these coaches soon Georgia Southern. Point Blank if you get hired to do a job and you do not do it you get fired and you get no more pay because technically you have already breached the contract. Go Eagles!!!!

Georgia Southern University get sued by two of "The Three Sabotageers."

Two coaches in the 2016 season is now suing Georgia Southern for their poor output of work. Granted there are others who should have went with them instead now our student body at Georgia Southern may have to end up paying more. Although they coach poorly I can't blame them for wanting to get paid. In all actuality if Georgia Southern owes them any money they'll get paid. But they will never see the day they get to work for Georgia Southern again. Once a high school coach again the other works for a division two school now after the news of Sueing Georgia Southern an FBS program neither coach probably will ever see another FBS job. Sueing Georgia Southern guarantee them a spot on the unemployment line in the near future. But they may have solid grounds to stand on who knows. This is sure to burn asses in BullOch again, if this season is another failure, more of the original high school squad who coached at GS. in 2016 are gonna be gone by 2018 if this year is not a winning season. Our school it seems has had enemy scouts working at our school as coaches and now they are sueing Georgia Southern. Like I said before , clean the whole slate. So, what did Georgia Southern learn? Well don't hire high school coaches, and hire a quality Head Coach or you loose. I've given this new head coach a chance, but over and over proves again and again corruption which Statesboro will not put up with. I think they came to sabatage our football program. Other teams loves loosing coaches. After All that's happened Georgia Southern should make Cook, head coach immediately. And should get rid of all problems . And to the coaches sueing, Georgia Southern has a winning tradition. The college could sue you for sabotage. ON, top of that your college coaching careers may be over . No other school should even look at your resume due to sueing out college. Good coaches have moved on to better jobs from GS. Seems you two possible three coaches when gone from GS, will not find a job. Note to future schools who hire these coaches, be careful of sabotage, then sueing you, poor production ( poor coach). Backed up by proof , we have and still are being sabotaged . Student relations should make the school get rid of all the sabotagers, instead we have one left. If we loose this season I have a feeling either the last of the " THREE Sabotageers" will be gone after 2017, if not the Athletic director could be packing as well. If not deep pockets will go away. GOODLUCK to all the sabotagers , but you hurt your career. Go Eagles!!!

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Georgia Southern football, can the SEC schedule more games

Georgia Southern football is becoming more appealing in the football world. The question need to be asked is will the SEC Conference allow Georgia Southern to schedule games with them when the college football world are just too scared to schedule Georgia Southern. We know that there are high caliper teams within the SEC Conference. In all honesty the SEC Conference is really a better fit for Georgia Southern. But Georgia Southern is in the Sun Belt Conference which in its own rights is a great conference. The SEC East would do Georgia Southern a great favor by allowing Georgia Southern to play them and Gain some national notability. There is no secret the Georgia Southern has deep ties in the SEC. Georgia is like a big brother in more ways than one. The eventual move to the SEC is evident. From a business prospective SEC teams should be building relations, and rivaling should start . And within 4 years the SEC would have a school in Georgia Southern umatchable in any other conference. This should start soon. Building relations to prepare Georgia Southerns Brand in the SEC.A realignment is coming I look for Georgia Southern as an SEC member within 5 to 8 years.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Meet Georgia Southern football the next leader in FBS

Georgia Southern has now played football in the FBS for 4 years. I'm liking the new head coach if the direction of the team continues with the old terms and conditions that were set forth by the elders. With this season approaching we should see our old offense be implemented back in the scheme of things. Cook was brought down from Georgia Tech tuuri implement the system that was lost for a year. He is the expert in that system that helped with a string of wins for Georgia Tech. There are stories out about Georgia Southern and Georgia and when we will see the next game. Many say because Georgia Southern almost beat Georgia their last meeting has put a few things in the minds of the dawg fans. Also there are many more teams that need to start scheduling Georgia Southern that is if they are not afraid to play our team it makes for Good Times good money good people good food and big traditions. So come on University of Georgia schedule are eagles just one more time. In case you do not know Georgia Southern has a heavy tradition of winning there is hype about the Auburn game there is hype about the Indiana game and they're all against Georgia Southern but Georgia Southern will win at least one of those games just one more time!!

Georgia Southern football 2017

Georgia Southern football starts off this year at Auburn. Many are wondering how Georgia Southern Season is going to go this year. The athletic director is scheduling very good games. It is exactly what are college needs. Many big schools as is in Georgia's situation do not want to play Georgia Southern as they did in years past. With this the college is losing a lot of Revenue. If our school does not win its games this year the coaching situation may look altogether different in the future. We are getting back to the basics in Statesboro. Coach Cook was brought in to completely reestablish the offense of game. With that in place and the fact that Georgia Southern needs to win every game. Coach Summers must-win at least 85% of the games this season. Because if not there will be yet another coaching change this year. Georgia Southern wants to win no other acceptable outcomes. The football World in our town is brutal winning is the only option but when losing our team must also lose the same as big teams lose with great respect and great play. The scheme of things is not always about winning it's about losing good too. With that you get respect in the football world. Being a nuisance always has put the lower-tier teams at the top with Brothers at the SEC. Our team belongs with the likes of the SEC. That means we also need a coach to complement our team we need to win or you can believe big changes will be coming to Georgia Southern. Go Eagles!