Friday, July 7, 2017

Georgia Southern University get sued by two of "The Three Sabotageers."

Two coaches in the 2016 season is now suing Georgia Southern for their poor output of work. Granted there are others who should have went with them instead now our student body at Georgia Southern may have to end up paying more. Although they coach poorly I can't blame them for wanting to get paid. In all actuality if Georgia Southern owes them any money they'll get paid. But they will never see the day they get to work for Georgia Southern again. Once a high school coach again the other works for a division two school now after the news of Sueing Georgia Southern an FBS program neither coach probably will ever see another FBS job. Sueing Georgia Southern guarantee them a spot on the unemployment line in the near future. But they may have solid grounds to stand on who knows. This is sure to burn asses in BullOch again, if this season is another failure, more of the original high school squad who coached at GS. in 2016 are gonna be gone by 2018 if this year is not a winning season. Our school it seems has had enemy scouts working at our school as coaches and now they are sueing Georgia Southern. Like I said before , clean the whole slate. So, what did Georgia Southern learn? Well don't hire high school coaches, and hire a quality Head Coach or you loose. I've given this new head coach a chance, but over and over proves again and again corruption which Statesboro will not put up with. I think they came to sabatage our football program. Other teams loves loosing coaches. After All that's happened Georgia Southern should make Cook, head coach immediately. And should get rid of all problems . And to the coaches sueing, Georgia Southern has a winning tradition. The college could sue you for sabotage. ON, top of that your college coaching careers may be over . No other school should even look at your resume due to sueing out college. Good coaches have moved on to better jobs from GS. Seems you two possible three coaches when gone from GS, will not find a job. Note to future schools who hire these coaches, be careful of sabotage, then sueing you, poor production ( poor coach). Backed up by proof , we have and still are being sabotaged . Student relations should make the school get rid of all the sabotagers, instead we have one left. If we loose this season I have a feeling either the last of the " THREE Sabotageers" will be gone after 2017, if not the Athletic director could be packing as well. If not deep pockets will go away. GOODLUCK to all the sabotagers , but you hurt your career. Go Eagles!!!

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