Friday, July 7, 2017

Georgia Southern University what is really breach of contract

The two coaches who sued Georgia Southern recently are suing on grounds of breach of contract when all reality they breach their own contract but not giving our school at Georgia Southern the proper coaching ethics when they came to our school they knew they weren't that good at coaches but committed fraud in its own by taking the job at Georgia Southern. When an FBS School hires a coach they truly believe that their money is invested wisely. But the breach of contract lies at the feet of the two coaches that are suing Georgia Southern and is there burden to prove. They did not execute their job properly therefore should be considered a breach of contract and it's on. When your coach in the FBS level you do not Sue schools. It's bad for business especially when the failure lays at your very own feet poor decision-making. Now Georgia Southern is sure to lawyer up because the breach of contract happened in the middle of the season last year by poor coaches not by Georgia Southern University a job was offered it was not done. When you are in the FBS level and want to compete sometimes you run across coaches that don't know and don't do their job. These coaches typically move on. When you get a job and you sign a contract to do a job and do no t do it well and you do not do the job and you do not do it well the breach of contract had been committed by you already. What is a person or school community or whatever you do if you're hired to be the city mayor but all you know how to do is turn on water. Technically you have breached the contract already instead of the school suing you they allowed you to leave. But now any proof of sabotage can be a bad thing for these coaches soon Georgia Southern. Point Blank if you get hired to do a job and you do not do it you get fired and you get no more pay because technically you have already breached the contract. Go Eagles!!!!

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