Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Georgia Southern football, can the SEC schedule more games

Georgia Southern football is becoming more appealing in the football world. The question need to be asked is will the SEC Conference allow Georgia Southern to schedule games with them when the college football world are just too scared to schedule Georgia Southern. We know that there are high caliper teams within the SEC Conference. In all honesty the SEC Conference is really a better fit for Georgia Southern. But Georgia Southern is in the Sun Belt Conference which in its own rights is a great conference. The SEC East would do Georgia Southern a great favor by allowing Georgia Southern to play them and Gain some national notability. There is no secret the Georgia Southern has deep ties in the SEC. Georgia is like a big brother in more ways than one. The eventual move to the SEC is evident. From a business prospective SEC teams should be building relations, and rivaling should start . And within 4 years the SEC would have a school in Georgia Southern umatchable in any other conference. This should start soon. Building relations to prepare Georgia Southerns Brand in the SEC.A realignment is coming I look for Georgia Southern as an SEC member within 5 to 8 years.

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