Sunday, August 27, 2017

Head movement dancing and singing all coordinate each other

You may not believe this but it is my belief that with head movement in hip hop music it helps your mind kick out information quicker which helps you rhyme quicker which helps with your flow and your creativity, hence the great rappers literally jarring there head to produce information not thought to be there. And guess what, it works. I have been experimenting with the theory and have found moving your head makes you think quicker. Which helps flow. It is also relaxing. Sounds crazy I know but I been studying , music , psychology I learned in college has taught me body language has a meaning. A cause and a desired ending , hence there is a reason. And all the greats practice it. Elvis, Janis Joplin Jimmy Hendrix, BB King, Ray Charles, Micheal Jackson, 2Pac, Migos, Eminem, Metallica, Marilyn Manson, The Beastie Boys , all these greats move on stage. It can be hand movement, head, dancing, as long as there is movement words channel through easy, trust me I have learned it does. All from movement Physical, stimulates mental. It ups your game 100, percent.It works. Get better try it , let me know what you think.

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