Tuesday, August 22, 2017


Metallica , a band we all love and know is one of the greatest of all time. The band has always rocked, loosing a band member to a bus crash many years ago seems to live with them in present day. Their deep search within themselves shows this. I believe they all have love for music. The lead singer and drummer seem to push one another , definately the ones keeping the band together. You can tell they both take things serious. As a fan life without Metallica would be very boring. You must get back to the kid whose parents who may not pay alot of attention to, you , Metallica may be his avenue for relief of stress. His mentor. As we lost one of the best , lead man of Lincoln Park, one of my son's hero's taken , partly I feel bad for all the fans who were hurt by his actions, and then my hurt for them overwhelms me and it's like why do this to your fans? But back to Metallica, please allow us to hear your music for years to come, remember where you come from. If you need a challenge, do a college tour. Or just pull up to a bar and play for free for a cause, when expectation is taken out,great music is created. Anticipation like not releasing all music until concert night more money can be made. By selling Cds, at the show with 2 or 3 songs they just heard at the concert for 9.99 and they would pay , because that would be the only way they would ever hear it again, well until it would be uploaded to the internet. The market for music now with the internet is dwindling, and places such as Wal-Mart , target, bestbuy, and Kmart should exist as a option to music collectors to buy your music . And it is a vital area for rock bands, for the sale of music. In my eyes, you must rely on poor, or some less fortunate people as my self , we purchase music in CD form, I can't always afford to pay internet, so an option like that is still there for me. In my mind Metallica will be mainstream for a long time. But a private album , or box set is the best avenue, where collectors pay high dollars at one time instead over a period of time. Get back to the music!

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