Thursday, February 22, 2018

SSundee, when will he be back ( well known and loved Gamer)

The burning question, when will he be back? His actions point to a slippery answer, I say who knows. He says him and his wife have separated and in one video he's very emotional. The last video he said it would be soon , that has found God and letting God decide. I have learned from experience . God gives us the tools to do whatever in life, for SSundee, he has also blessed him with faithful friends and followers. To me that's good enough. And his faithful need him. He has helped many kids to forget problems in their lives, of abuse, being poor , the excitement of actually seeing him play. He is a positive gamer , but he needs to realize these kids need him. It may be all they have to get through the day. He moved to Canada, and his fans feel abandoned. And rightfully so they love him and his positive messages. So God has already spoken SSundee, the purest being in the planet cry out for you. God has already spoken you just don't hear him. The children are of God more than you know and your following has been God sent. So all along God has shown you the way, and now he's like , where you at? The children hurt, and I for one think you should be back soon. The children need you, your problems like my problems are minute compared to all those children, with that I think maybe our selfish problems always outway the real problems. You allow a place to a child who may be sick to enjoy something. When marriage is broken that's what it is. And any person who leaves that marriage is not convicted for the right reasons. Someone of your statute should surely stay strong for the children. God makes us a man in our life many times, not one time. You must never give up, even when your wife does. It's easy to just walk away, don't do that, be a man , God's man and do his work . Do not lay down with the Devil, because he is trying to silence you, he does not like happiness, if your wife dosent want to come back move on, when you dwell it will consume you. Realize the children need you.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Savannah State Tigers Football

Over the past few years Savannah State Tigers have been doing really well or better than past seasons. If I read correctly they will be playing Miami Hurricanes September 8th 2018. It's really exciting because I get to watch a local team go up against one of the nation's powerhouses. For many years Savannah State have played these bigger schools. Honestly being located in Savannah , with the potential of excellent money flow. I wish the community of Savannah would atleast come together and donate to the school to help expand their football stadium and bring everything up to date, a stadium that's bigger would attract events as well. This could also put their team in a great direction . With help, Savannah State could accomplish many more positive offers, and can I also say I miss SoCon Football. It would be nice to get in my vehicle and go to a Savannah State game either way , but wouldn't it be nice if Savannah State was in the SoCon. The Real question is , why they are not in the SoCon. If the problem is student ratio, build more buildings and bring students in. Pockets are deep in Savannah so why hasn't this already happened. If you like football , and you live in Savannah why not help build a relationship with this school , donate, become boosters, put the students in a position to become successful. On and off the field. Savannah is too rich for a school like Savannah State to be left behind.Students and the community deserve it. And the best part you would know you helped build up a college like it should be. Not leave it behind . Savannah State Tigers deserve to be in the SoCon, they deserve a bigger stadium, the move would bring big money to the area, and would pay for itself over time. The quality of education would improve. Over time Savannah State is going to beat an FBS team . When that happens hold on Savannah . An addition of atleast five thousand seats a year is plausible. A digital sign is plausible. With a bigger stadium the SoCon is plausible. The time is now Savannah. Contact Savannah State today , donate , become boosters and understand you will be helping build a great future for the city of Savannah, and your local colleges students. So ask yourself what could it actually hurt. Goodluck Savannah State Football and bring home a win from Miami. Go Tigers!!

The Real Player : Eminem

I seldom do editions of , The Real Player, but this rapper is writing king , oppresion slayer. A part of the Rap God Caper. "River" has impressed me. A well thought out placement of words, rate of, often miss understood, comic drawings that are very good, origins , poor kid from the hood, trying to retructrure parts of the brain that we was taught was good. Never knowing things we are taught were actually evil, something's our parent never told the truth how people can hurt our heart's , and be so cruel. I have an interest in this song , i listen and reminace, slap boxing for no reason with some other dude. And I feel what Eminem feels, I been there and angels become demons , and demons become good. Never look at face value you never should. This is what impresses me about Eminem. His songs are works of art, have meaning, without negative outcomes, some things that are evil, we will never see, and never be understood. He is a master at his art, and if you have a chance to attend one of his shows you should. Eminem is one of a kind, his songs are not a bunch of jibber jabba, he makes sure his messages show through. As great as any poet of all time. A genius of many things. More talent beyond music. He is one of the most influential, real human being in comparison to anyone he is genuine, has a heart, and I hope if not already, one day everything works out for him and his life becomes what he wants. We all deserve to be happy. In his recent interview he basically writes about what he's experienced, as an avenue to express feelings , alot like any great , poet would do. His music only is getting better, His word usage is of highest professional ability, nobody stacks up even close. Anyone can throw words together, eminem creates art, it comes as a story, and makes sense. I'm going through some things my self so his music sparks a interest with me, has since I first heard of him. He has worked hard to get where he's at , all the while, dealing with what some people would concider serious issues, at the end of the day he not only made it through, he helped others make it through some of the same issues by singing about it in his songs. Showing if he can get past it and above it, so can we. I hope he continues that path as a mentor, even if it's on and off the stage. I hope he realizes alot of people kept living through pain , because he helped them realize through his art much like 2pac , there is a brighter day. Recent events have occured I won't even talk about , they may not be true, they may be. I'm sure Eminem has his reasons of doing things, and was right. He is highly intelligent, and I would expect his actions would follow the same path of his intelligence. A man's gotta do what A man's got to do. And if you a boy trying to play in a man's world you do not want to play a game with Eminem , he is serious , he came up hard. He made it. But he remembers where he comes from. I will say this today, and forever, Eminem is a real man, with a great heart , but he does not play. He's real, genuine, and brutally honest. All qualities of success. Our generation is lucky to have been witness to his climb. I keep saying I want new music, But I've realized how short life is, Eminem should be allowed to enjoy what he worked so very hard to accomplish. If new music comes though, you can believe I'll be listening to it. His new song should be attached enjoy.

America's Music Lip Sync or Sabatoge

Music is an important part of American heritage. Most music has a story,Narrative: A narrative or story is a report of connected events, real or imaginary, presented in a sequence of written or spoken words, or still or moving images, or both. The word derives from the Latin verb narrare, "to tell", which is derived from the adjective gnarus, "knowing" or "skilled" and it rhymes: correspondence of sound between words or the endings of words, especially when these are used at the ends of lines of poetry. If you pay close attention, Hip Hop and Country Music are much the same . Dynamic musical sounds, rhyming of word, hence the reason both have big followings, and believe it or not, Alot of Hip Hop artist like Country, and alot of Country Music artist like Hip Hop. The days of separation of the two genre have been set back by racism, age groups and so on. But beyond the mirage, both genres are more alike than not. Started by the Fed up, the poor and the oppressed. Many in both genres speak of unfair treatment, and the drive to come above adversity. Both genres have a dirty and clean side. From the gangster days of the wild west or the modern gangster days of urban city. Both are equally alike. Many greats Such as Johnny Cash, to 2Pac. All equally genius and adapt to their times. Many artist calm with time. When greats are lost such as 2pac, most can't help but wonder what would be if they had survived the oppression of their days. Elvis is one alot like 2pac. Who died too young, and Americans just don't want to except they are gone. Modern day music was predicted by Jim Morrison , another great artist, who said music would head into a more digital, mixture of music. He was right. His intelligence showed through highly popular to this day. He also lost way too early, but as the others was believed to not have died , yet disappeared to evade the spotlight. With all great artist Americans can't except the facts, their beloved artist had passed on. They were hurting and rightfully so their generation fell in love, only to be broken hearted. Modern day music uses Lip Sync tactics. With new digital software platforms having glitches, with artists mouths moving with no sound coming out. I rather genuine not pre-recorded. So when your favorite artist don't sound on point or is not performing well because they are sick, or alot going on in their lives , we must support them not destroy them because they have a bad day, they are humans , Many who have visited the sick , the poor, never forgetting where they come from. Lip Sync is a commodity I do not agree with. Because when glitches come the fans know they are not getting what they paid for. Anyone can pretend to sing, making them seem perfect, but a real artist stays the same, and if they don't feel well, or going through things, they include their fans , then my friends you are getting a genuine show by an artist who is real, and not one just wanting your money so bad that they pretend to sing, when this happens you realize as a fan your a paycheck and they are moving on. What a disgrace to charge alot of money and because of a glitch, fans don't get what they paid for. A circus is alot alike Lip Syncing. It's pre-meditation, the only difference is what you see at a circus is what you pay for. Lip Syncing is advertly giving you a performance that is not genuine therefore a fan did not get what they paid for. It is not fair to hard working artist when they make mistakes but Lip Syncing is not caught cheating people out of money until they have a glitch, what a joke, to pretend you are great when you have to Lip Sync your own music. When you do this you are not an artist you are a pretender. The reason most groups have live bands is that digital software and the computer world does not have a solid defense against mistakes or glitches, which often expose artist who care about nothing but taking your money. With that said I believe a certain ammounts of the software failure or glitches are Sabatoge. But if your Lip Syncing who cares. But if your genuine and your having technical problems it's time to look within, and get rid of the problem. But if your just not feeling well, or just got things going on, I am getting my money's worth, because through it all , no matter what you showed up had live instruments, and I hear your genuine voice, not some Rick and Morty Glitched, voice. Or pre-recorded crap just to ensure you take fans money without giving your 100 percent. That would be giving something they didn't pay for, alot like a scam. So when your genuine artist give you the REAL instead of a FAKE show, why would you be mad with them when they are sick or have alot going on. When your genuine, your an artist, when you pretend you are a pretender.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Georgia Southern Football ( Adrian Peterson Comes home)

When you think about Georgia Southern Football, a few names come to mind. With, what I think , when Georgia Southern decided to make Chad Lunsford the Head Coach, I knew big things were on the horizon. And so far he has done a great job , not only has he managed to bring faith back, he has brought in some addtions to his coaching staff that all Eagle fans are excited about. He also understands the buisness side of things. His drive and determination are not to go un-noticed. You can bet , every opponent on the 2018 schedule are loosing sleep because they know Georgia Southern will look different next season. If the Eagles roll into your town, you really better be on top of your game. If not, you will loose the game. Georgia Southern was always a power house in 1AA, now in the FBS, Georgia Southern , in the near future , will be a powerhouse, I predict a Conference such as the ACC will come calling. Georgia Southern would have possibly been in the SEC, had war time not completely stopped football operations. The Eagles landed in the Sunbelt Conference. Which in my opinion has most teams playing at or close to other conferences respectfully. Georgia Southern , right along with other teams in the Sunbelt are great team's, Giant killers if you may. With all the new weapons, The Sunbelt are in position to beat some high caliber teams in 2018. With the recent NSD, some great new players , brothers, will be part of the Eagles journey back to greatness in the football world. Most referring to it as the New Era. And the A.D. has impressed me by giving the college and community what they want, proving he has bought into Georgia Southern as well. The excitement is back, and you can bet , if Clemson don't bring their A game this year , Georgia Southern will cut that bean stalk down real quick. All new additions as coaches have passion for the game itself, and mean serious buisness in 2018. Coaches include a new addition, The Real Adrian Peterson. Yes he is back home and is a great addition. He understands the direction our community and school wants to go in. Adrian has played hard nose football eclipsing over 100 yards per game while at Georgia Southern, dubbed the best running back at the 1AA,level of alltime, achieving the Walter Payton Award, also being drafted by the Chicago Bears , where he put up some impressive numbers when allowed to play. Gaining over 100 yards and scoring touchdowns is very difficult in the NFL, but Peterson achieved this. He also wrote a book, pouring his opinions and feelings into it, if you haven't read it , get a copy , you will not regret it. The title of the book, "Dont dis My Abilities." In Conjunction with Tracy Ham, another Georgia Southern Legend. With that said, Adrian Peterson is back home where he belongs. And I'm sure will make a very big statement in a career that I believe will materialize in to a great coaching role with time. I'm excited about what Head Coach Chad Lunsford is doing for Georgia Southern. I see tradition is back. The Morale of his team should eclipse adversity, and get back to the basic tradition our community is use to, Winning. To the college football world, Georgia Southern is on a mission, like a group of special forces, and in 2018, The Eagles won't be denied, sure to cut down many bean stalks, and must do so to return to one of the biggest traditions known for, Winning. Goodluck in 2018 Georgia Southern Football, G.A.T.A. !!!!