Thursday, February 15, 2018

America's Music Lip Sync or Sabatoge

Music is an important part of American heritage. Most music has a story,Narrative: A narrative or story is a report of connected events, real or imaginary, presented in a sequence of written or spoken words, or still or moving images, or both. The word derives from the Latin verb narrare, "to tell", which is derived from the adjective gnarus, "knowing" or "skilled" and it rhymes: correspondence of sound between words or the endings of words, especially when these are used at the ends of lines of poetry. If you pay close attention, Hip Hop and Country Music are much the same . Dynamic musical sounds, rhyming of word, hence the reason both have big followings, and believe it or not, Alot of Hip Hop artist like Country, and alot of Country Music artist like Hip Hop. The days of separation of the two genre have been set back by racism, age groups and so on. But beyond the mirage, both genres are more alike than not. Started by the Fed up, the poor and the oppressed. Many in both genres speak of unfair treatment, and the drive to come above adversity. Both genres have a dirty and clean side. From the gangster days of the wild west or the modern gangster days of urban city. Both are equally alike. Many greats Such as Johnny Cash, to 2Pac. All equally genius and adapt to their times. Many artist calm with time. When greats are lost such as 2pac, most can't help but wonder what would be if they had survived the oppression of their days. Elvis is one alot like 2pac. Who died too young, and Americans just don't want to except they are gone. Modern day music was predicted by Jim Morrison , another great artist, who said music would head into a more digital, mixture of music. He was right. His intelligence showed through highly popular to this day. He also lost way too early, but as the others was believed to not have died , yet disappeared to evade the spotlight. With all great artist Americans can't except the facts, their beloved artist had passed on. They were hurting and rightfully so their generation fell in love, only to be broken hearted. Modern day music uses Lip Sync tactics. With new digital software platforms having glitches, with artists mouths moving with no sound coming out. I rather genuine not pre-recorded. So when your favorite artist don't sound on point or is not performing well because they are sick, or alot going on in their lives , we must support them not destroy them because they have a bad day, they are humans , Many who have visited the sick , the poor, never forgetting where they come from. Lip Sync is a commodity I do not agree with. Because when glitches come the fans know they are not getting what they paid for. Anyone can pretend to sing, making them seem perfect, but a real artist stays the same, and if they don't feel well, or going through things, they include their fans , then my friends you are getting a genuine show by an artist who is real, and not one just wanting your money so bad that they pretend to sing, when this happens you realize as a fan your a paycheck and they are moving on. What a disgrace to charge alot of money and because of a glitch, fans don't get what they paid for. A circus is alot alike Lip Syncing. It's pre-meditation, the only difference is what you see at a circus is what you pay for. Lip Syncing is advertly giving you a performance that is not genuine therefore a fan did not get what they paid for. It is not fair to hard working artist when they make mistakes but Lip Syncing is not caught cheating people out of money until they have a glitch, what a joke, to pretend you are great when you have to Lip Sync your own music. When you do this you are not an artist you are a pretender. The reason most groups have live bands is that digital software and the computer world does not have a solid defense against mistakes or glitches, which often expose artist who care about nothing but taking your money. With that said I believe a certain ammounts of the software failure or glitches are Sabatoge. But if your Lip Syncing who cares. But if your genuine and your having technical problems it's time to look within, and get rid of the problem. But if your just not feeling well, or just got things going on, I am getting my money's worth, because through it all , no matter what you showed up had live instruments, and I hear your genuine voice, not some Rick and Morty Glitched, voice. Or pre-recorded crap just to ensure you take fans money without giving your 100 percent. That would be giving something they didn't pay for, alot like a scam. So when your genuine artist give you the REAL instead of a FAKE show, why would you be mad with them when they are sick or have alot going on. When your genuine, your an artist, when you pretend you are a pretender.

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