Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Georgia Southern Football ( Adrian Peterson Comes home)

When you think about Georgia Southern Football, a few names come to mind. With, what I think , when Georgia Southern decided to make Chad Lunsford the Head Coach, I knew big things were on the horizon. And so far he has done a great job , not only has he managed to bring faith back, he has brought in some addtions to his coaching staff that all Eagle fans are excited about. He also understands the buisness side of things. His drive and determination are not to go un-noticed. You can bet , every opponent on the 2018 schedule are loosing sleep because they know Georgia Southern will look different next season. If the Eagles roll into your town, you really better be on top of your game. If not, you will loose the game. Georgia Southern was always a power house in 1AA, now in the FBS, Georgia Southern , in the near future , will be a powerhouse, I predict a Conference such as the ACC will come calling. Georgia Southern would have possibly been in the SEC, had war time not completely stopped football operations. The Eagles landed in the Sunbelt Conference. Which in my opinion has most teams playing at or close to other conferences respectfully. Georgia Southern , right along with other teams in the Sunbelt are great team's, Giant killers if you may. With all the new weapons, The Sunbelt are in position to beat some high caliber teams in 2018. With the recent NSD, some great new players , brothers, will be part of the Eagles journey back to greatness in the football world. Most referring to it as the New Era. And the A.D. has impressed me by giving the college and community what they want, proving he has bought into Georgia Southern as well. The excitement is back, and you can bet , if Clemson don't bring their A game this year , Georgia Southern will cut that bean stalk down real quick. All new additions as coaches have passion for the game itself, and mean serious buisness in 2018. Coaches include a new addition, The Real Adrian Peterson. Yes he is back home and is a great addition. He understands the direction our community and school wants to go in. Adrian has played hard nose football eclipsing over 100 yards per game while at Georgia Southern, dubbed the best running back at the 1AA,level of alltime, achieving the Walter Payton Award, also being drafted by the Chicago Bears , where he put up some impressive numbers when allowed to play. Gaining over 100 yards and scoring touchdowns is very difficult in the NFL, but Peterson achieved this. He also wrote a book, pouring his opinions and feelings into it, if you haven't read it , get a copy , you will not regret it. The title of the book, "Dont dis My Abilities." In Conjunction with Tracy Ham, another Georgia Southern Legend. With that said, Adrian Peterson is back home where he belongs. And I'm sure will make a very big statement in a career that I believe will materialize in to a great coaching role with time. I'm excited about what Head Coach Chad Lunsford is doing for Georgia Southern. I see tradition is back. The Morale of his team should eclipse adversity, and get back to the basic tradition our community is use to, Winning. To the college football world, Georgia Southern is on a mission, like a group of special forces, and in 2018, The Eagles won't be denied, sure to cut down many bean stalks, and must do so to return to one of the biggest traditions known for, Winning. Goodluck in 2018 Georgia Southern Football, G.A.T.A. !!!!

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