Monday, April 23, 2018

I feel your pain , of constant Sorrow

"Always of constant sorrow, what it might bring tomorrow, but I'm a man that realizes the stress ,let me borrow , help you get it off your chest , like a beast of burdened, never to come out and when it does I can't control it. I'm sorry. Watching Springer and maury, no he's not the father and his guest is laughing , but his heart turns black, I understand the hate it brings back , but they keep you silent , witholding your violence, the doctors say you got problems , but you can't help it, this is the world that was imposed upon you , memories of your baby boy running towards you, and all you can feel is a violent rage sinks deep up inside you, you feel nothing , the demons have already gotten you, and all you can think about that baby boy that you love so much, you just keep it bottled up inside you. Sitting in a room with four walls , they surround you, consume you, taping up the Windows and walls , so the demons don't have a way in , or follow you, and the people around you don't catch on, to the constant sorrow that has consumed you, wonder if the sun risen, or the flowers blum, no one to pick and play , to keep a distance, self imposed because the demons inside want to come out you and play just like every day , they talk to you, and even when you walking they walk inside you, time to make a change, there all around you , this medicine induced rage, they always follow you until you get away, from them bottles, you never see clear again , until you walk away, you notice there is no more rage around you. Trying to break the chains of society, become normal, see the light of day while you slowly break away, life comes back to you, doing alot of praying, false prophecy, the thing they did to me is un-called for. Now I take my life back today, I feel solid now, I pray they don't take me away, a constant struggle, a struggle of everyday, but I'm sober, where will my life take me, only somewhere safe, acknowledge it, I'm lucky what can I say, thanks God for a brighter day, my knuckles bleeding, it pacified, maybe I can enjoy the rest of my life ,demon free, I often wonder."

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