Thursday, April 19, 2018

New Fraud going around , beware!!

If you visit hospitals you must be aware that you should keep a record of it. Many hospitals are dropping the ball on insurance claims, medicare, and Medicaid claims. Instead of doing their jobs, are waiting 10 or more years , sometimes less making it hard for citizens to go back and get record of dates you may or may not visited, they sale it off to collection agencies , rather the bill is legit or not, and sueing many innocent people in Magistrate Court, where sadly a person can sue you for just about nothing. It looks legit to the Magistrate, but In all reality it's a scam. There be an investigation launched into this fraudulent practice. These so called collection agencies have even been sued and proven to be fraudulent. But are still allowed to practice this scam in a justice system that chooses the easy approach and allow and trust these companies when In reality there should be a more precise and in detail investigations into this scam. If this article helps just one person from being stolen from I've accomplished my goal ,attention should placed on these shady operations. If proven to be a scam people should be compensated for emotional stress, loss of time, and wrongfully persecuted just because these folks say you owe money. People are loosing these cases, because in Magistrate these scam artist know all they have to do is say you owe them and you get sued. I call on the highest in the healthcare industry not to turn the blind eye. I call on all buisness offices in hospitals to be elaborate when handling the billing process because when you don't you are taking money out of innocent people's pockets . In my opinion it is stealing. They call and harass inocent people, threaten them with court , all along facilitating Magistrate to steal this money. Be ware, it is a scam, that these scammers are using to make billions, making it right through the court system. And I believe hospitals ,not wanting to except their failures in their buisness office instead of corecting their mistakes , are helping to scam as well. If they would do their job properly from the beginning these fraudulent practices would not take place. Demand records everytime. Do not trust insurance companies to do the right thing, because they are not, they are part of the problem. Be aware of this scam and I just hope the one of the highest position looks into it. It is a scam that is being legitimated through out very own court system , making a mockery of it. Donald Trump hear our voice, stop this illegal scam, and demand these people to do it right the first time.

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