Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Donald Trump

This morning I woke up and realized that Donald Trump was our new president. I am extremely OK with that. I believe he will be a great president based on the opposing party Hillary Clinton was not very good option. And Donald Trump to me has kind of become the poster child and he earned it outright he is proof that if you work hard and do good things in your life you can accomplish anything and live the American dream and he's living it I congratulate Donald Trump. I don't have a problem with it. I'm glad that we have him in office because it will provide a lot of protection because they know Donald Trump will definitely not mess around. It's not always who people like it's about who makes a better president a loyal president . But beyond that let's look at a little bit of pros and cons I will start with the pros. Donald Trump knows's business really well. He will provide a strong leader because of his status within the world. People respect them but at the same time surely don't cross him. As I Look To The Future our country looks like it should be heading in a good direction money should get better law enforcement military and even Medical. America can have a certain amount of pride now. What pride is not always a good thing? Well I've read of a few but I'm sure there's a few that are good and bad. I look forward to seeing what Donald Trump worked out on the national scene for our country God knows as well that we need someone to instill dignity back into the United States. We the People. We the right. We the wrong. Everyone as long as you're American citizen has an equal right within the law. He also believes in Justice.

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