Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The con

Today I'm going to tell you a story that really happened to me con comes in many styles and factions. If you have a gut feeling you must always go with it. No matter what your body is telling you to get away from that person and you should . A con is very deadly they get in your business. He came to my place one day asking about my seats my Lexus. I told him no because of course most people with a lexus do not want to sell parts off of it. He seemed ok but not really I knew from the start not to bother with him. He would try to get me to go to work with him knowing that I'm disabled trying to bring me down to his level. He was washing cars for money and he was cheating people because their car was not clean when he was done. He always asks for things never considering me. He called me like no one else has. He used my car for months did not pay me a penny. So he gives me his cell phone and we decide to call it even. Not to mention work I did on his car helped and it well not work butt telling him how to do it. He did not want to spend the money to make sure that his car was fixed correctly. It dropped a valve and that was it. I have never did mechanic work wrong but I felt sorry for him because he had nothing a big mistake I made but never again because if someone wants to fix your car right they should spend the money and I also told him it was not going to work that it would probably drop a valve and he had to do it all over again. But he didn't care just like anything else Ben want to spend money using people for what they know not considering them at all. This car does not run because he did not fix it properly meaning he just wanted to shave the head on his car that was forty bucks cuz a guy felt sorry for him to all the naysayers I did tell him to fix it properly I thought of it well over two weeks he did not pay me a thing he did not want to pay me anything and I told him the correct way to fix the car I am not lying it is the god honest truth . So he gets what he pays for it's not my fault that he did not want to fix the car correctly and I told him it would not work butt there's one thing that is not going to work either I'm not working on his car anymore I'm not giving him advice I'm not talking to him about girls that he is screwed over he is scum the lowest of lows and he knows all i did was try to help him of course now to make other people feel sorry for him he lies about the situation he knows he didn't spend the money to get it fixed correctly and I decided I would not touch it any more. He did not see any value of anything I did for him. He still owes me well over $100. He is a man named John $200 from almost a year ago and has not paid him yet. But yet he can go out on dates. Never needed food because he had food stamps. Living just as good as me but using me. He pretended to be a friend he proved otherwise and just like Anonymous says they never forget they never forgive expect them. I wish that the law of the land work that way. I wish there was something legally I could do but there is not. I should have known early on when he treated his brother like dirt. No respect for his wife kids and anything else. Not able to pay his rent because he didn't want to work so he goes and borrows money from his brother never paid it back. And I hope that they are reading this. And understand how irritated and mad I am and I don't want it back around me. It caused me to slip into depression. And I'm not speaking of a small depression state of mind. I'm talking severely depressed. The way he talked about things it's almost like he knew how to maneuver situations around different people to use everyone. I hope he knows that God is watching and he will not let anyone hurt me. The ones that do God will take care of. Because of this and trying to break my faith and God with things that he was saying like he saw reptilians. He believes in UFOs aliens claims to be able to talk to the Dead or deceased he went as far as to tell me his mother died but yet there is no obituary. Sounds like the Devil Himself to me. The moral of this story is this. Do not ever feel sorry for a person or help a person that does not need it. He is dealing with people right now and using them for their money. He uses psychological control to belittle any person he comes across. But it makes sense he is a professional at what he does. The sad and bad part about it if his mother hasn't died when she does he's going to get a large sum of money. And from what I've seen the way he's treated his family. The way he treated the man that bought his mother's old place. He is never happy everywhere he goes he lies about being sick. When the truth is I'm sicker than him. He thinks that I can hold down a job and work 7 days a week. When he only works 2 to 3 hours a day because he's lazy and won't get out of bed. I am telling you all this story because you should be cautious and not help people like this man. Question what people like this say. They are very smart. This Is How They Live either they're taking money from the disabled using Immaculate manipulating to serve his purpose. He has caused me to lose my circle of people that trust and love me. I thought maybe I smoke a little pot and I don't forget the things that he was doing. Or I could. But it did no good he was still there he wouldn't go away. I started doing nasty things letting my house go hoping he wouldn't come up and want to come in and visit. I finally told them stay away. It feels like I broke loose and a from a prison. I am happy and I am no longer considering him a friend. I research and I know all the psychological games that can be played on a person. But he still played those games on me and they worked knowing what to look for isn't really good at all. Because if a guy knows your business has no respect for his own family. And they absolutely do not like him. They do not want him around. He is an absolute loser. He doesn't even pay his rent. He owes his landlord probably over $1,000 or more maybe 2000. But there's one thing he cannot do and that's getting in my head anymore the purpose of publishing this article is not to bash anyone let's get that clear first off I'm telling the absolute truth and others will find out and they will leave him alone because he truly does not walk with the Lord he is a bad person. The people he works for right now need to really keep their eyes open. But he is messing with some people now that will put him where he needs to be. He is a con there is no way around that anyway you want to help him it's fine by me. Truth be known you will not be able to do what he wants to do and He will act like A4 year old baby. All I got to say is the person that I know it's reading because he is not stupid be careful he is not out to help you and anything he can call you out of he will. I say again he does not walk with the Lord. He is the Devil Himself and other people need to know this story even though you feel sorry for someone do not giveaway anything your time time you spend with your kids your mother sister brother everyone is watching and he thinks I am alone the Lord will expose him I have no problem with that. And I am not mad with anyone I made peace I am Native American I sometimes feel spiritual but I knew he was lie. 2 all that might read this this article I hope helps you to get away from a con it is a never-ending cycle you have to tell them strictly to stay away. Your next option would be to call the law and file trespassing charges. And if they come back it becomes stalking lock them up. And to you or anyone else that ever wants to try to call me again I have researched Manny psychological information portals. I've researched and many places it took me over a year to expose him to the folks around me. He knows he is a criminal. He knows to stay away from me. Or his next home will be County Jail. Now I understand I would not normally do this. But this character never gives up. Keep in mind a true con will never give up. Almost guaranteed prison time. It is so sad that's something like that would have to be put into motion to stop a human being that is so lazy they do not want to work they would rather take from others and a nonchalant way. It is my end of having him around. To everyone be careful you will be living in hell if you need acon like him. The definition of a con or should I say the ways of a con is to get your confidence in him not have confidence in anybody else just him. Psychologically doing it without you knowing yes it happens and he is doing good at it. And that's how it works that's how they get the name con. Please be careful everyone out there it can be hell getting rid of them. But now I'm rejoicing I am a believer of God and if he does not believe that I will show him the evil does not come here. The mighty sword will come down on him and the Lord will take care of him I have already prayed he does not know me very well. He has never known me. I just let him stay around because I was trying to figure out what he was actually after. But to no avail I was still used during the time as I investigated him. And to this day I do not know what he wanted. But soon if he bothers me anymore then I will put investigation together that he will not be able to shake. I am tired of his lies he is no longer a friend and he is telling lies to people just to get money out of them I've watched him in the act. If anyone wants me to supply name to them so they do not go through the same thing send me an email I will evaluate the email to be cautious and if I feel like it's legit I will send you all the information I can. This article was written to get the story out there.

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