Friday, November 18, 2016

Georgia Southern University Vs Georgia State University

Oh yeah. Once again Georgia Southern football on the grind again but this week Georgia State. Now Georgia Southern has been having a rough season we can all agree to that. But as you take a look around there are some pretty tough teams and in the Sunbelt . A lot of teams, Had been having rough seasons and struggling. So here Georgia Southern. Not a whole lot to worry about. There are two more games that need to be won in order to make a Bowl appearance. I don't even know if they're considered anymore anyways. I'm just a fan who's into Georgia Southern football it's been that way since I was about 5 years old. Mr. Hank Smith used to take me to all the games. E.R.K. walking around in a shirt that read" One More Time." With a bald head. Cigar to top it off, our statesboro santa. He brought football back, now the hunger, bus rides, the matching band , we love music! Statesboro needs to see Georgia Southern a little bit more . We know the special op's will get us in a bowl game. We need to go back to ERK'S junkyard dog defense and Georgia Power , the offensive squad, should turn the lights out for the enemy , Georgia State. A bitter sweet chance to redeem the loss from last year. They do not forget, forgive, Georgia Southern, a team who has a hard time scheduling teams. I know why,their unpredictable. Run a massive offense , great defense . Or head hunters as we refered to it. So be sure to show your support for our Georgia Southern Eagles your game is supposed to be at 2 o'clock. G.A.T.A.!!!

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