Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Georgia Southern Football

What do we do Eagle fans. Are you guys there at best I can like a squad that has no Direction. Make no mistake the Eagles did pretty good against Ole Miss but last year's team would have beat Ole Miss. And all players are just about to same. So here's the question. When will we search for a new head coach. Before the end of the season before the beginning of next season. Not only have I been reading articles and just things around with that other Loyal Eagle fans have been posting. It seems Eagle nation is done. This is just a big arena now. Georgia Southern has its tradition and offense they run. And if coaches do not fall into that train of thought then the eagle fans are ready for him to leave. Sad but true many Eagle fans just want him gone. Honestly I had enough. It seemed to hurt someone's feelings. I change things up and still no
contact this coach wants nothing to do with his fans media complaints. Georgia Southern deserves better than that. And i am trying to do the right thing so what I want to know is how many people wants coach Tyson Summers gone and how many want him to stay. If this is the case that southern wants Tyson summer's gone then it needs to be a voice. The country feels your pain it is not going unnoticed this is not your typical Georgia Southern football team. Not only Does this affect our school it also reflects on our recruits. A decision needs to be made soon. Before the season starts next year I'm sure the way I know it's going to go. Georgia Southern has a tough fan base and our team is tougher. When that does not match the fan base. Well let's just say time to move on. So I ask you to comment so that our school knows what to do to keep our student body happy and to keep players happy. Transferring out Georgia Southern could potentially happen. The more players we lose it equates losing on the field. I also ask 4 Tyson Summers to address Eagle Nation if he decides to stay to get an idea of what all of Eagle Nation wants to see. Obviously there are some very deep pockets in Statesboro. And when they speak they are heard. You really can't blame them because it's like raising a child and then that child going wild. Basically Georgia Southern University has built reputation 4 tradition and excellent output of War Horse players. The more this happens around Statesboro the NFL representatives could potentially go on to another College to scout players. That equals a loss and dividends way lower then needed to compete in the FBS level. This has been a hard traveled Road for our Georgia Southern Eagles and to be sure of it a lot of hard work along the way . Will Georgia Southern let Tyson summers go who knows but Southern fans demand an answer. It has been an embarrassment on the national stage for our football team and that is something the Statesboro native people do not want and will not put up with. The fans of Georgia Southern University has spoken now it is up to the college to decide. I have heard talk of a contract buyout but I don't see that being a possibility or will the town of Statesboro be willing to pay the buyout and move on. And if this is done who will coach at Georgia Southern University. With losing money will it be a possibility as a student body to donate money to buy this contract out in order to secure a coach for change. Please share your opinion because I have none of this situation. All I know is economically if something is not done it can have a negative effect for many years to come if Georgia Southern University does not do something swiftly many seniors are losing playing time in front of the national scene because of all the problems being incurred. And when this happens things need to be taken care of soon because late will be too late. Go Eagles!!!

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