Saturday, November 5, 2016

Georgia Southern vs Ole Miss

Today Georgia Southern takes on Ole Miss in a game that's probably going to be pretty close. Georgia Southern's been struggling more than usual being that the fan base and the team are used to winning a couple of games being lost not a big deal. Georgia Southern has room for a few games to be lost. Everyone should be calm in Statesboro Georgia. Sometimes we have issues. Seems Tyson Summers is going to clean a lot of that up. Fans should know he has a lot Of Time for improvement he is a great coach I would say his breakout years ,I predict next year. We can all assume how we would change things, but you know what that does right? Like a mad dog Georgia Southern must pick themselves up lick their wounds and fight ! Statesboro Georgia would never turn their backs on you nor'the coach, our blood sweat and tears have fell in the same ground, we are blood brothers and sisters forever, God wouldn't have it any other way. Tyson Summers wouldn't have it any other way either. But sometimes you have a few problems working Kinks out. Let us not forget Georgia Southern players and coaches have to adjust to new things. The offense although looks to be staying in force in Statesboro Georgia . Georgia Southern is the Georgia Power of college football they will turn the lights out. Statesboro has not giving up on you. The citizens of the Statesboro are ride or die. I would like to see many more years of Tyson Summers I must say I do lots of research and with that he actually has a real good resume. I think with time he will be a great asset to Georgia Southern and a wonderful brother to the citizens of Statesboro Georgia. We will stand behind him at no cost. He was hired to do a job and we should see what he has in store for the next years to come. My prediction on this game doesn't really matter my prediction on the Brotherhood of Georgia Southern Eagles football team is the winning score tradition Blood Sweat and Tears. The things that bind us shall not separate us. Tyson Summers is a brother we will not turn our backs on him. So when we come into your town we will G.A.T.A. you may have never heard of us but when we leave you will never forget us. Tyson Summers and his Eagles you should know we all love you and we all pray for you. We hope for a win today and most importantly its safe return to Statesboro Georgia. Just one more time. Go Eagles. Fight fight fight!!!!!!!

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