Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Donald Trump the questions surrounding legalization of marijuana

Donald Trump has been doing some pretty controversial things as of late has proved he will keep his word. The Trump Wall is a major promise with marijuana legalization , "The Trump Wall" is very feasible. Something the United States has been implementing a invisible "Wall" For missle defense. It originally to be finished in 2017. Trump has the understanding with economics. Money makes the world go around. Trump should assure legalization to end bogus regulation, and implementation of a solid regulation. A Common sense approach. With regulation of Marijuana , the fabricated story about the " WAR ON DRUGS" WAS a failure, a poor policy that contradicts the right to exist purely looked past. Many turning to Alcohol and harder drugs do to the fact drug test failed to uncover them. Pill use is proof of failure to properly replacing many pills with one plant. The outlook of this is coming soon. If smart will implement money from a plant , in other words what person would pass it up? Trump is very wise. And I predict acceptance of Marijuana and legalization of this crop will take us back to a unified America , enjoying good jobs. And improving the lives of NFL PLAYERS, WAR TORN SOULS, dealing with PTSD, and my American Brothers, sisters or visa versa,' Quote' PT , MOOD DISORDER. One I would rather someone use Marijuana instead of pills, and trust me pills WILL cause chemical reactions. In turn causing very - un-wanted effects. Cancer Patients hurting painfully so as to consider taking their own lives, many lost because this option. The traditional joint should become the vapor therapy used. Other countries allows such. Aids victim's, regardless of many opinions , Aids victim's do end up with a better quality of life with MariTherapy@ note I stake claim to the concept. And a legal alternative to Alcohol. I have lost loved, ones. To Alcohol and ciggerates. I myself battle with tobacco. Marijuana can cause some effects, the effect is telling you have had enough. Hence' is why people quit , and then start back. Regulation a must unless more blood should be on innocent hands. Remember, Donald Trump, I've seen has lost a love one with alcohol use. A legal drug that will kill you, verses Marijuana. Case Closed.

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