Friday, January 13, 2017

Julian Assange & Chelsea Manning...

Julian Assange has made it a big deal to try to get Chelsea Manning clemency. Now the buck stops with Barack Obama. Julian Assange has agreed with being extradited to the United States if clemency is guaranteed to Chelsea Manning. We cannot change the fact that Miss Chelsea Manning created some trouble. What this goes back to is the wrong people at the wrong time at the wrong place some people have a natural way showing up ,sharing people's information. Even other things for that matter. Piss the wrong people off. When all that has to be done is stripped identity and award post identity to miss Chelsea Manning with regards to never be able to join the military again. Now keep in mind that it would be hard for this person to get a job. So for the soldiers break time as a veteran in return a social security check due to the fact that he will no longer be able to work anywhere. Now if this person were to acquire job abroad then all benefits would be closed. If any other disturbance then the United States government would have the right to exterminate immediately. But in a world without legal Proclamation Miss Chelsea Manning would not have to worry about such rules the fact remains the same but when others ruined the first part of their life they were given new identities. Why not even give Julian Assange one as well? Quickest way to end all issues, as long as the two worked for the American Government or assume a small Check. There are different players in this Game all , have to have representatives, and researcher of facts. To document all for future historians. Without this, we would not know of Jesse James, Billy the kid, and more. We can consider these folks trusted by , protected by history. Julian Assange should keep in mind that if moved ,legal issues a target, with the worse not over. But , with assurance in writing from a majority's would work. My teachers always insists that me and my peers share knowledge now I know different. A wise man stays wise by research,by lendacy, humblenes, and mainly knowing how to keep your mouth shut. To many , that dosen't even matter. A wise leader knows this or their people don't survive.I ask on behalf of all that's good, be wis

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