Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Jerick McKinnon, ( Minnesota Vikings )

Jerick McKinnon here's an excellent Workhorse Minnesota Vikings I am sure will keep him in 2017. If the Minnesota Vikings would fix the offensive line then Jerick McKinnon could have more Avenues to run through. I have seen Jerick assumed the quarterback role. And doing some of the same offensive scheme much like the triple option. He slid right into the endzone. This shows me that Jerick McKinnon can also teach that offense to the Vikings staff because of Vikings has a smaller line the option offense would work a lot better for them. He has brought something to Minnesota Vikings if put into place next year every game would be a win. But the Vikings must initiate playing time for Jerick McKinnon as a quarterback that is his true skills. He is an excellent quarterback of the option form. If they would let him show them how to run their line which is made up of smaller guys they would win every game. The knowledge the Jerick McKinnon got. He is a genius in the option offense. When he is put into the quarterback role you can guarantee he will see the end zone he can hit the holes immediately and this offensive scheme Lookout here comes the quarterback Jerick McKinnon also a running back in the NFL for the Minnesota Vikings. But my message to the organization use him at the quarterback position if your line is small they can be quick, and chopblocks, The Superbowl would be in there future. Jerick is similar to Cam Newton , but faster. The Vikings will see. And my final discretion. Mr. Ted Glover from The Daily Horseman has assumed that Jerick McKinnon cannot handle the load. Sorry ahead of time but sorry you do not know anything you're talking about your offensive line is the main problem your offensive line it's what got Adrian Peterson Hurt and has put him and his family in a bad situation his injuries could possibly be the end of his career but, Jerick McKinnon is starting to blowu
p. If he went say, Atlanta Falcons, a good line , the Atlanta would walk all over any team. Better keep McKinnon if not he could create a lot of damage got a lot of teams. He is just so fast great passer hits holes quick and he's a monster of a player. He wants you to feed him then, with plays out the play book but know this, . Congratulations Jerick McKinnon. Is a AWESOME QB, SHOW THEM THE OPTION.

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