Monday, December 28, 2015

Jerick McKinnon

                    The Vikings , and Adrian Peterson Surely have given way to the beast. We all know Adrian Peterson has always been the greatest , but beyond him Jerick McKinnon looked good against NYG and is now building his own brand as he did in college ball. I can surely see the offensive line getting a lot better and all seek a Superbowl win in the future. Georgia Southern fans surely to like this, and let it not be mistaken the Vikings organization looking good too. The Defense also looking great as if taking candy from a baby. The whole Viking's organization gets an A++++ on the win and dismantling the Giants . Everyone knew with Adrian Peterson back things would get better. But as a complete squad , the Vikings are taking names and letting chance sort it out. Many Vikings are looking good this year. But my main appreciation goes to the offensive line and complete defense for making things really happen. Teddy Bridgewater Is the Vikings QB enough said. Plainly the best he gets an A++++. Team grade A++++++.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Into The Sun De vine (Poetry)

                          Into the Sun De vine

Into the Sun De vine, Relentless, the time.

It matters of rustle , penetrate, deliverance , the eye's.

Into the Sun De vine, With loss of word's and hope's of breath.

Upon it's friendship, the sword prevails beside life even in friendship.

Into the Sun De vine, Worship does not project a man's reasoning.

Poison of posture and full of treason , lack of style is without legion.

Into the Sun De vine. , never to forget children and wives.

protector's of the weak and mild.

come masked without eyes, equal Rights, fight for equal Enterprise.

Into the Sun De vine, Without steps and faults.

Internationally known , protects of humanity through the mask 

Into the Sun De vine protectors of life, light, soothed.

Georgia Southern Football

                                           As many know by now . The Eagles dismantled and blew out Bowling Green's Candle. Also I predicted the blowout against all other odds. Problem is now others blame the rain For Georgia Southern smacking Bowling Green back to the Whack MAC. Just admit Georgia Southern has come a long way and a lot like Alabama instantly win. The difference? Well not much just red or blue , white stripe and numbers are the same. And also with this win We at Eagle Nation want a top ten or fifteen spot in the rankings . Our local team deserves it, earned it more so than Bowling Green. It is known Georgia's coach was fired and then quickly picked up by Miami. He was a Great coach at Georgia. It's just people don't understand the quality of Georgia Southern Football. Lou Holt's knew. Paul Johnson knows. The whole country should know so it is no surprise when they win the National Title. It is coming. You should know the quality of players at Georgia Southern, by all means is going to stay the same for years to come. Dell McGee won a hell of a shootout , oh sorry BLOWOUT. Bowling Green , schedule a game in the future. Georgia State , Georgia , South Carolina , Auburn , Alabama, Georgia Tech, Miami, Tennessee all the greats , SEC should be the home of Georgia Southern. It will happen. To all future player's Georgia Southern Needs you. Tradition will never die. Get ready for Georgia Southern to win the National Championship 2016. Everyone, Eagle Nation, America Georgia Southern will take on with pride , any school , anywhere, and may loose. But when you play our Eagles you better bring the kitchen sink , if not , well ask Bowling Green. G.A.T.A. !!!! I do not express no one man's opinion but mine. I just state facts.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

America , Racism , Divided.

                                             America has been seeing a rise in racist crimes. Cops killing blacks AND whites. Many still relate the color white with blue. Enough , innocent people die because mis-understanding people. People of America we are entering a part of organized death. We are fighting because of the design layed out against humanity, a natural way of deleting all of us. If you want to find the problem , research , educate and stay away from the racism thing. It is the last thing we need, a bunch of pointless deaths because of created racism. God gave us brains , use them now, don't allow your family to be exterminated. We must all get along if not history will repeat itself and all colors will be effected.


             Depression is a major chronic disease, i know i live in it. The people around me don't realize how bad it is. They keep living normal while to me my life is crumbling into tiny parts and i see each part fall off like flakes. It is something i have been fighting. But as of recent many try to make it harder on purpose. I am done with selfish people. It will be my fault when i say stay away. Because of course these people never do no wrong. It is easy to get used and abused while going through depression. And the world is becoming more racist every day. Not the Klu Kluxx Klan. they are silent. It is very different . But we need to educate people. God giveth and God taketh away. If me or my family is in danger we will protect our selves . Depression is bad and when oppression kicks in because the color of your skin it makes it worse. So, when beating someone up always remember, not all white's , Blacks, or muslim and so on will let you do it. Being a bully will get you killed. Murder , to some is a part of life, to some death is not expected. Depression will make it worse, oppression of any sort , when not expected is just being a chicken , or wolf in a chicken suit. When the day comes i will be ready. I hope everyone else of all colors are too.

Georgia Southern ( Today , "The Battle Of The Birds Begins.")

                              The Battle begins today . December 23, 2015, mark your calendar and grab your drink . Because you won't want to miss a minute. Santa will bring us all a early present. Bowling Green and Georgia Southern will be fighting for a right to even get close to the AP 25 poll. For next years journey to a national championship. Both teams are evenly matched. Many are talking about the strength of schedule, well both have had hard schedules. The two bird squads are good , face the facts this will be a great game. I don't believe Georgia Southern would have lost to Georgia State , had Georgia Southern didn't loose their coach. That is the past now it's war. Bowling Green has a team that is evenly matchable to the Eagles. Simply put , this will be one of the best games seen all year. All the people who think Georgia Southern is a minor league group of five team, no after this game Georgia southern should have an invite to join the SEC, it is the only conference who can handle part of Georgia southern's tradition. Wild fans, but devoted. The want to win , the big conference feel. Look out here Comes the Georgia Southern Eagles! SEC BOUND!!!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Jerick McKinnon (Did He Score a TD?)

           I saw the highlight's but am confused by the flag called. I mean did our guy from Georgia Southern Score. I know Once he taste the End Zone, He will visit it a lot. Like a mad Wolf looking for prey. He was always shining like a diamond at Georgia Southern. He showed how good he can be. I complained a few days ago . If the flag didn't call it back , congratulations Jerick, Eagle Nation has you in their hearts. He is a master at his job. He is such a smooth runner and get up the field . He is a natural Viking. The organization should never forget, he is a very valuable asset. If not he can be dangerous on another team. And he wants to play, enjoys what he does, and gets off on scoring. His football world is separated from his daily life. I don't see why a flag flew out, stupid . But besides the call , finally a TD.

As it looks he may be the Superman of the Vikings. He should be called Superman. he was behind Peterson, I can tell you Jerick is very quick and can really move. One minute you see him next you can't.

As you see in the Photo Peterson looks to enjoy watching the young back work. I know the two probably train together. Jerick has really buffed up. He is such a monster, with the heart of gold. He looks just like a specialist in a special forces unit and Adrian Peterson is part of the same Elite force.
Jerick McKinnon, cares about fan's . He makes sure to get where he needs to be , he is progressing . I wanna thank The Vikings organization for letting the Georgia Southern fans allowing us to see him play a part in the game against Chicago. Coach Zimmer as well as Norv Turner should let him help make a brand for himself , and allow him to eat. I think the people can safely say they have a good back behind Adrian Peterson. If allowed to get in the scrap bowl eventually he will come out with some good eating, and is hardly a scrap back. He wants to play let him live his dream.

To Mike Zimmer, thanks for allowing Jerick into the End Zone it has been a long awaited arrival coming. Adrian looked like a beast as well as he powered his way farther into the history books of being the best back in NFL history. He knows his job well , and he seems to work well with Jerick. I see Adrian being a Coach in the next two or three years. God Bless The Vikings. Let the goodtimes roll. To all others you did a great job. The Vikings will be an important team to me for the rest of my life, Jerick keep on keepin on.

Friday, December 18, 2015

To Be Free.

           I am glad to say i will be investigating people wrongly incarcerated and listing names. Please send me a message to so we can help the wrongly convicted. It is a very bad feeling sitting in a cell. I have been there and do not want to go back. A person does not learn from being in block rooms and no pillows. The jails need an overhaul so that the prisoners Have a place to learn , not stay mad with the system. Of course people who do very bad things belong , it is their home. But some do not deserve the cruel effects of serving time. I am sad for those who goes through it. It will change a man , i bet all have PTSD, depression, cold feeling , feeling of nothing. It is not how we should treat minor offenders on first or even second offense. We have paid counselors why aren't we implementing our options. I see claims that rehab centers offering help . Truth is people allow their family make these mistakes and when to the point, no help seems to work. When your family member talks of suicide , killing someone , Getting high or drunk or ge

eked up , handle the issue and don't let them go. Jail is like the mouth of the devil. It is many's hell. This is why they read bibles. Lost souls , product of failed family and policy . And we all can say we are not responsible but the truth is we can help with our families issues but to some it's to much to deal with. In jail it's a brother hood. People connect because connection was not found in the real world. Many prisoners have given up. Cases drag and process is slow or forgotten. I feel for the brothers and sisters who have become a product of what society creates. They have to have a voice. They are not all monsters, some but not all. I was locked up with a guy who murdered someone, stayed 20 years got out and right back in. He became a regular resident. To me it was sad. He didn't trust anyone and i actually got a chance to sit with him and listen and learn. He showed me what the eyes don't see. The good and the bad. I had one guy who tried to show me up, it didn't work. He was not a good person. 19 years old and already going down a dangerous road. It got to the point where i thought i might actually use deadly force to protect myself, sad . But they moved him to the hole and i never seen him again. They talked through vents, trading string letters. Filing down tooth brushes in a knife. There was a fella who liked men in our block he had frequent visitors. He had sex in trade for food and drinks. That was sad as well. I got out and studied law to make sure next time i would know my rights. The Law is laid out, you have to research and pick through laws to try to get out. One action you can do is ask for early release as much as possible . It gives you a court date, cost the courts money and push paper work. A lot of the times you will get released , if not file again. You can practice law. Everyone has the Constitutional right to practice Law for them self. RESEARCH .... It is very important to know as a Prisoner. Study the law library, learn and implement the knowledge you get.

It is really a let down for society to put any man or woman with minor offense to go through the awful conditions. But some like it there, it don't bother them. If you think jail is fair you may be wrong . I know my stay was not a good one and i stayed in a new facility. Good luck to the ones who good people and just got caught up. Keep your head up and complete you time if released never go back. There is no in between. It is solid , the actual mouth of the Devil trying to lock you up with fear. Keep your faith and live , It is the best you can do.

Ethan Couch ( On The Run)

             Big news is that Mr. Couch is on the run. He was drinking and killed some people . It is claimed he was spoiled so bad that it was the very reason he killed with a vehicle in the sum of four people. The parents are believed to be the blame. His father payed to the tune of a half a million dollars. He was given ten years probation. He was said to have no respect for the law. He is facing a decade for breaking probation. It is said that he may have fled the country. Good luck if he went to Mexico. He is highly likely to go to jail. But might not. He is wanted by Texas Law. And they are looking for both. Traditionally Texas Rangers can hunt this young man and his mother down. It may be possible that they can use deadly force. How he got away with killing four people is beyond many in America. His only option is to report back to his Probation officer. But some say don't hold your breath. Look you can run , but when they find you a sentence will start from there forward. Best thing to do is face the music.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Georgia Southern Football ( This is Your Championship And bowl game It is good for your resume)

                          To those hardcore Georgia Southern Fan's Or Eagle Nation. I believe we have a coach in charge that can make sure we win the bowl game. He has a good back ground. Dell McGee should assume the next step into the FBS Georgia Southern will shock the country. With great coaching and wonderful recruits . Here we have some hard nose traditions, a lot like a special forces unit. I don't know why any player would go somewhere else if they just come and visit and hang out they will love Georgia Southern. The college has that effect . Many come not knowing and leave loving Georgia Southern. Also Many Pro scouts visit the stadium and facilities to draft players. And Guess what ? That is a benefit of having an attractive area. Georgia Southern has connections to many Pro Scouts, Example Jerick McKinnon , He is Adrian Petersons Back up. Not hardly, he is a well coached machine finely tuned for the NFL. They know this. He don't play a lot but they keep him, you figure it out. The main issue today is confidence in our new coach . He knows his job, he has earned his way , he is not old, and he knows the Scheme , the fabric of Georgia Southerns success. We should have no worries. He will carry the Eagle's into battle with Bowling Green and that is our Championship , "Bowl Of the Birds" Go Eagles ! 
G. A.T.A.

                           Meanwhile Coach Willie Fritz continues getting comfortable with Tulane. We need to charge the next team for producing a coaching line. We would make millions, well i hope Army does better next year Jeff Monken I'm sure knows now Grass is not always greener on the other side. Which makes me wonder what is the reason for going Tulane besides money. If a good coach stays with Georgia Southern for Eight years would have better opportunities at a bigger conference. That move made no sense beyond the fact Fritz wants to truly help with turning their program around. Good luck but Georgia Southern has a bright future in mind for our coach one day. the SEC really is where Georgia Southern Belongs. Not that the SUNBELT is not a great conference. Georgia Southern fits with Georgia , Tennessee , Florida , and the likes. Teams in the Sunbelt are good , Georgia State got lucky i think when you are player and the coach quits it causes problems that truly affects the university . The players must realize their resume is on the line at the Go Daddy Bowl. AKA "Bowl Of The Bird's" if you win you get more NFL Scouts to visit the school as normal. It would be nice for you all to ride in on Yellow Buses and Bring some Eagle Creek water. With that you pour it on the field and then it is magical for a sure win. Coach ERK will all ways be there Go! Eagles!!

My Opinion On Russia

      Russia to me is a very understandable country and the leader has a backbone. It is known around the world America and Russia don't always get along. But if we have an enemy to deal with Russia will be the first to help or take lead in a war situation. Russia should be more of a friendly nation but make no response Russia will back America And America will back Russia. Most things of value are the same as America. Russia don't put up with no crap and will act . It has been predicted that if Russia does not react against terrorist , the terrorist will infiltrate Russia. Russia has understood the ideology of these terrorist and I'm sure will react correctly. The U.N. must allow all military actions must be on the table. For Russia and America. If terrorist take over in some way it could cause great dangers and World War III . We all don't want that. But when people creates harm it must be contained. I am from America and i love all, i question many things. But i don't doubt Russia And America will stand together to maintain peace. Some think many things , assume is the word but assuming is not knowing. Proof and truth through professional relations will prove to be the answer for Russia and America's relation to move forward as brothers of the world. Brother's thought are a lot alike . We need the powerful countries to stand united, not divided. One man's opinion is not all men's opinion , i love everyone and hope all will be good through the years.

Over sea's Encryption on the internet

                  Should America be able to access encrypted material on the Internet? Imagine a Internet that allows a locking system on one and not on the other. What will happen in ten years? Will International Law apply? And if breaking laws with local law if you punish people of America should you be able to punish abroad? I myself really don't know. It is a touchy issue. Some say the American governments and other governments have secret societies and even use a pitched tone to create a contained life. But what is true? I suggest a study to be done to really find out the truth. Secret Societies exist i guess. I don't know. I know people who say they can channel, speak of people being reptilians . My opinion is not just yet made. I hope people will be careful , in America you will be punished. Abroad , yes . The more trouble you start the more they look for you . The all seeing eye sees everything. While i consider different opinions i think if any countries citizens should be protected from mass destruction. In the United States electrical information is allowed to be entered into court evidence. Encrypted means locked, even though some try to access the information they can not. If you commit a crime and encrypt evidence it just is not enough in court to hide things. Once published on the Internet they are evidence that can be searched. Which means many can hide but it comes out. Crimes committed against an American entity by anyone on an Encrypted site can be held responsible in the United States. If the evidence is not allowed it can still carry a charge. The sad thing is you may Encrypt on your end people tend not to Encrypt it on their end thus information is out and still becomes evidence. Many think they hide not only realizing that for every begin is a end. Friends are not friends. The computer field is high tech information tunnels, but has fault due to human error. The quickest way to break the encryption is to look for simple acronyms and numbers. Simply understand the mind of the Internet is not the mind of the others who help commit crimes because they may be manipulating you . And the ending of something that seems twistedly evil ends glued to an otherwise innocent person. Encryption is applied by many not knowing. It is simple
Encryption is the conversion of electronic data into another form, called ciphertext, which cannot be easily understood by anyone except authorized parties.
An algorithm (pronounced AL-go-rith-um) is a procedure or formula for solving a problem. The word derives from the name of the mathematician, Mohammed ibn-Musa al-Khwarizmi, who was part of the royal court in Baghdad and who lived from about 780 to 850. Al-Khwarizmi's work is the likely source for the word algebra as well.
A computer program can be viewed as an elaborate algorithm. In mathematics and computer science, an algorithm usually means a small procedure that solves a recurrent problem.
The primary purpose of encryption is to protect the confidentiality of digital data stored on computer systems or transmitted via theInternet or other computer networks. Modern encryption algorithms play a vital role in the security assurance of IT systems and communications as they can provide not only confidentiality, but also the following key elements of security:
  • Authentication: the origin of a message can be verified.
  • Integrity: proof that the contents of a message have not been changed since it was sent.
  • Non-repudiation: the sender of a message cannot deny sending the message.
Is cited for purpose of readers to see an Example. 

So based on information is is understood people know what they are doing with Encryption on the Internet . Barack Obama is to meet on the issue soon. What will he do? What can he do . From the National Terrorism Team to make sure any issue's are addressed . We will be staying tuned to the broadcast . 

Jerick McKinnon (When Will He Reach The Endzone?) Can ESPN answer this?

 Jerick Mckinnon, A wonderful running back in two seasons should have already reached the endzone by now. We sit and wonder why . Questions come to mind of his allowance and preservation as a back in the NFL. If he is not allowed will this tarnish his brand . Many who knows , knows he should have a major brand by now. A lot like Adrian Peterson. Is it worth the money to just keep him contained and keep him from the possibilities open at other teams who could implement him. In the past backs have been surpassed by teams because of the teams they go to bottle them up thus stopping careers of really good backs. In a real world backs last five to ten years. Two have passed and nothing, not even a TD in the world of football that is strange. I understand eating in this league , but eating all the food and feeding scraps to new backs has hurt the running back industry. And in a sense is not fair. He needs to shine to dine, find a TD to share with AP. But to just lay void is not the answer. If he does not get attention in the least , his career will be over before he knows it. He is a model citizen and professional back , why has he not even made a TD? I ask that Jerick to take a long look at this. I know things are moving fast and you got to eat, but many have eaten more than their share, WHEN is your turn brother? You got to make a brand to have a brand . You should be way farther than your statistics . It seems some organizations will put you on the shelf to keep you there not to be used. And if that's what is happening not only is it hurting your career, others are involved with the brand they are trying to maintain. You can be a Big name you need the chance and should move on if they won't let you hit the field. I know you are having fun, but not really. You are watching a dream pass you by. You need to know in the world money and playing time means more than people who are or maybe acting as a friend. Don't get left behind because those fear you are more valuable else where . And if that is the fear make sure you eat better than you have. Others who moved on from Georgia Southern to the NFL have played more. The Bears did the same with the real Adrian Peterson from Georgia Southern. It seems someone who wasn't even part the back he was , was allowed to help his career dwindle. And don't get me wrong Adrian Peterson from Minnesota is real good , but so are you. You earned your mark with the college level you earned it. Now you are a professional. Now as a player your job is to build a brand not sit on a shelf. Fans want to see you shine not sit and wait on nothing. Get with your agent and demand a better look. If you are paid to look like a painting GET paid and EAT better. Don't allow a career killer. Always expect the best. Even the greatest of men have had to move on and start a brand . The light bulb was a big accomplishment but when you find a brighter better glow it's a bigger accomplishment. Tactics is used to accomplish a hidden agenda and more can be involved than meets the eye. God says only follow him, false prophets will materialize but you as a man in life should follow no one man . Become one , become a brand and wait for no one. Shine so you can Dine too. We want to see you in the END ZONE soon. Go Vikings and let more stars shine!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Willie Fritz Formally Accepts Head Position At Tulane Football

Today Fritz has accepted his new journey. After viewing his media that was public i have built a different love for the new Tulane head coach. He is a great loss for Georgia Southern and the Statesboro community. He is a high caliber coach and has that special suave style that makes him a natural winner. Georgia Southern has built a new relationship in the National College Football Ora . Tulane will be a winning program . Meanwhile Georgia Southern Has a good Coach in Dell Mcgee. If the University decides to search for a more formal introduction of an actual head coach i will honor its decision . Statesboro will miss Coach Fritz, but our town must move on . Very few coaches touch the city of Statesboro Georgia. We are going to want to play Tulane now. Willie Fritz has ability to coach for any SEC team. Tulane collected the Gold Prize, now let him implement his knowledge and he will make winners of the young men playing there. G.A.T.A ! As Georgia Southerns Fight in the college football's light that shines on our journey to a top program in the nation. Roll Tulane!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Exonerate Kenneth Clair: DNA Evidence Points to Someone Else.

 UPDATE : Getting close need more signatures!!!!

I recently come across an email and have questioned fairness of the situation. If you believe in helping sign the petition. I have researched it to a point and realized we need to get it out there.
Trending petition
Petitioning Todd Spitzer

Exonerate Kenneth Clair: DNA Evidence Points to Someone Else.

Petition by C. J. Ford
Anaheim, California
On November 15, 1984, 5-year-old Jerrod Hessling witnessed the beating, rape, and stabbing death of his babysitter. When asked to describe the killer, he said, without hesitation, that it was a white male. Another child present during the murder saw a white man’s tattooed arm reach inside the house to open a sliding glass door.
Yet somehow, the lawyers in the case determined that Kenneth Clair, a dark-skinned African American homeless man who had been squatting next door, was the killer. When Jerrod saw him on the witness stand and insisted they had the wrong man, the prosecution chalked it up to youth and trauma, and pursued the death penalty for Kenneth Clair. To this day, 31 years later, Mr. Clair sits on San Quentin’s death row, awaiting his execution date.
But that’s not the biggest bombshell in this case -- in 2008, forensic testing revealed that DNA found on the murder victim did not match Clair’s. DNA taken from a glove found at the scene also did not match. It matches another individual, but the Orange County District Attorney insists that “confidentiality is required” concerning this evidence, and for 7 years now, the identity of the person whose DNA does match the swab has remained a secret.
In the interest of justice, we must call on the Orange County DA and California state lawmakers to demand that the DNA evidence be turned over to Kenneth Clair’s defense.
Since his conviction, Clair has struggled with ineffective counsel. He wanted his lawyers to work at investigating the crime, rather than simply trying to free him from death row, but they never did. His plea for substitute counsel even made it to the U.S. Supreme Court in 2012, and he did eventually receive a switch of counsel. Finally, he is being represented by people who are dedicated to his exoneration.
But their hands are tied without this crucial DNA evidence, and more of Clair’s precious life is wasting away in prison as they fight to obtain it.
Please sign my petition if you feel that the disclosure of the identity of a possible “person of interest” is something that the prosecution should not be allowed to withhold.
Want to change something? Start a petition.

The person (or organization) who started this petition is not affiliated with did not create this petition and is not responsible for the petition content.
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This is original findings of said investigator
 SANTA ANA, Calif., July 1 /PRNewswire/ -- California Death Row inmate
 Kenneth Clair has new hope of proving he is innocent of a murder that he was
 convicted of back in 1984.  Clair was convicted of murdering Linda Rodgers in
 Santa Ana, CA.  A child witness told police back in 1984 that a white man
 killed his baby sitter.  Clair is an African American.
     C. J. Ford Jr., a licensed private investigator who is working for Mr.
 Clair, has discovered unidentified fingerprints that were not properly tested
 at the crime scene.  However, local law officials are reluctant to test these
 prints.  Ford claims that these prints could possibly reveal the actual person
 that committed the crime.  There has never been any physical evidence to link
 Kenneth Clair to the crime scene.  Mr. Clair was convicted by a combination of
 a story told by a girlfriend, who has recently recanted her story, and
 ineffective assistance of counsel.
     Kenneth Clair privately hired C. J. Ford Jr. of C. J. Ford Private
 Investigations, an independent criminal specialist based in California, to
 investigate his case.  Mr. Clair claims that over the last 15 years no one has
 ever fully investigated his case.  Clair believes that his defense team is
 just trying to prolong his case so that he will die a natural death in prison
 instead of being executed, and never had the intention of investigating into
 his case, or trying to get him acquitted of the crime.
     Mr. Ford discovered that there were unidentified fingerprints that were
 not properly tested at the crime scene, and states that authorities know about
 them.  Ford also found and viewed evidence that disappeared in police custody.
 He feels that DNA testing that did not exist in 1984 could acquit Mr. Clair.
 Mr. Ford also interviewed a key witness who testified against Mr. Clair, his
 ex-girlfriend, who now has recanted her story.
     Ford comments, "There is no one who can place Mr. Clair at the scene of
 the crime, because he wasn't there and there has never been any physical
 evidence to link Mr. Clair to this crime.  The child witness told three police
 officers that it was a 'White Man' who committed the crime.  It is outrageous
 that Kenneth Clair, an African American, has been in prison for over 20 years
 for a crime that he did not commit.  Authorities empowered to uphold his
 constitutional rights are ignoring Mr. Clair's opportunity to be acquitted."
 To learn more visit (Kenneth Clair Story).
     Contact Information:
     C. J. Ford Jr./ C. J. Ford Private Investigations
     Chief of Investigations
     Phone: 714-203-8370

Sunday, December 13, 2015

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  2. Provide your unique Refer a Friend certificate number (VCD0015287888) at the time of order. This $50 offer is otherwise invalid.
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The Black Widow (2) It Has Began

                The Black Widow (2) It Has Began

         Within darkness stirs a evil soul, sad thoughts, and empty hollow. Into his eye's will never be "The Blackest" .

                        Chapter 1. Knock At The Door.

Stephen has released the quick , evil , unleashed deed to the devil. He killed someone and has felt nothing. No remorse no feeling's . Just pure Evil. As he sits in darkness he wonders why, why does he do this. He is a monster, like out of the movies. He is a very large , Tall, muscular , man. With a sick , twisted , demented mind. He kills instantly , no second thought. As he sits there is a knock at the door. It is the farmer. He ask why the hogs were fighting as if something startled them. Stephen just lets the man think it was what he thought it was. To Stephen , people live in a fantasy world, let them believe it and live in it. He only has one thing, and one thing only. To kill to satisfy his urges. He also is a cross dresser that works in strip clubs for straight men. He looks for women with attractive faces. When he finds one he likes he removes it and cures the skin. With wearing it as a mask he fools some in the clubs or on the street. But killing to him is a must , no matter the way he does it. 

Stephen allows the farmer to look around, the farmer is looking for anything that could help him to understand why his hogs would make such a racket. There is no sign to point him into a direction of what went on so he returns to his home.

                                     Chapter 2. The ride into town.

    Stephen decides that a ride to the local mall would help him with his hobby. He wanted to find the right face, something beautiful . So he can hide with a see through scarf. He has to find a bigger , taller built woman. He is thinking about the steps he would take. He is even talking to himself . Imagination is endless. He is very intelligent , and in his mind was a feeling of being a god, he is strong , overpowering and is fantasizing of his soon to be mask from a woman who is open to his soul. To him it is a choice, but once he feels a connection he acts. He kills he butchers, scalps, and makes a mask out of the face he adores.

He finds a nice little secluded store a taller woman is actually standing in the store. Around twenty four and built well. He can't see her face and gets disturbed by this. Like most women she is talking , to a friend he assumes, and does as she desires. He decides he enter the store. He puts a can of soda on the counter , gets his first glimpse of her face. She is nice looking and he feels nothing. She would live and not even know he was a serial killer. But he does notice her friend and starts a conversation. He ask her for a date and she obliges his request.
Stephen knows , she is the one, and he has secured a face, a new identity. 

                                              Chapter 3 The Date.

Stephen waits for the young lady to exit the store. Immediately he begins , in his mind what he was about to do . As she walks to the old rusty truck he sees her like she is walking in slow motion. He is looking for her demeanor , Her skin , looking for a glow. He wants her facial features . He is pumping full of adrenaline and has not even began to implement his plans of pure darkness which is the path of pure evil she will never see a sunrise, her family , her friends , the store , nothing anymore. She enters the truck via an old creaking rusty door. The passenger seat has dust and hairs laying upon it's surface. Stephen now can start the engine. It starts up with a slight knock . He reaches over and touches her face. He tells her she is beautiful , the truck begins to move . She tells him to drive out to a remote area, along the river. It is dark , with the sound of water and smell of barbecue . He is alarmed by her and jumps when she touches his leg. She is easy. He does not like this . He decides to take her into the back of the truck. She begins rubbing him, he is a monster, cold, no feeling's , and she notices from his motionless actions that he was truly not attracted. He decides it is time , before someone else arrived in their location, He does not want to mess up her face. So he grabs her by her hair and begins beating her head into the bed of the truck . So violently , if you were there you would almost bet the truck might turn over from so much force. And with the last soft thud she is motionless and the truck stops moving. Her skull has been damaged , she is dead and Stephen , now has the task to remove her face. Many men who search for fast women wait for their very own demise without knowing it will die soon. Stephen takes his game to the farm and begins separating the skin from the body. On a table that is bloody from old hogs being butchered. Her body is moving without the slightest weight . He moves her around much like a child playing with a doll. His body sweating showing his muscle which has no fat he is tall long hair bearded face. His teeth cringe when he pulls the flesh from the bone. He removes what he wants and starts curing it , no one can imagine what is to come he has now released a twisted evil demon and is controlled by darkness. He looks over the hill at the city with her bloody face over his and begins to gurgle like a wild animal. He has arrived ....


Tis' I The Crow

                                    Tis' I The Crow

                            As if i don't hear, The storm although far i feel is near. 
I see what is done , the streets are telling , bare skin , darkened corner , another heart 
weakened ,  Do you not know what you do, Tis' The Crow , i see all , in streets , in 
woods , through window's , freaks and , the like Tis The crow, not of man, thy nother ' 
woman per sa weekends. 
Tis' The Crow, heart of black eyes to the future, you can not escape truth , nature's 
lawyer, some a nusance' 
A brillant sign there is no more' Tis' the Crow' whom tales the past, with a laugh mid 
season there is no hiding. 
Black as coal , no other nor more. hollow of struture with no soul Tis' I The Crow'

George F.

Georgia Southern Football ( Dell McGee) Tradition Continues....

Our Athletic Director has made me happy with , what i hope is true. Dell McGee has been named to coach in Georgia Southern's first Bowl Game. His credentials make for a top choice even into a Head Coaching role. He , i'm sure knows the offensive scheme. It came at a good time. As anyone will tell you our group in Statesboro want a run offense. And anyone can honestly tell you why. We would like passing a little more but overall the run is our signature offense. Bowling Green are favorite's in the game. I get into Georgia Southern Football though , so as to the same as all local writers. And i still back the two score game having Georgia Southern on top. It is nothing against Bowling Green , i am a die hard fan of Georgia Southern and always will be. I would like to see the tradition's stay the same here. Go Eagles! Don't forget the swamp water.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Georgia Southern Bowl Bound Coachless.

The Eagles will be facing Bowling Green. To understand the importance of this game you must brace yourself. The team is good. But Georgia Southern is a better team. To get it done the Eagles must pay attention. Never mind the coach the Eagles must move forward. Without a coach they must continue what they do well. Rack up on yards and realize the scouts from the NFL are watching and for Southern this is the last game in 2015 to be played and on a National viewers market. Many around the country will be watching. Georgia Southern has a winning tradition. And the players should know who is with them, well no other than coach ERK Russell , bring some Eagle Creek Water with you in an old Milk Jug and pour it out at the Go Daddy Bowl and win the game Just One More Time! G.A.T.A! I knew we lost to Georgia State for a reason. Now is a new , Get up your spirits and give everything you got. You may notice i say "WE" well that is the way all of us feel. Every since ERK came to Statesboro the whole community has been part of you. We wish we could play ball at your level. The blood and tears , ups and downs. We have been there. You have earned the Honor to play in The Bowl game, Make us proud. To the seniors , We , Eagle Nation will miss you. And when we say, we are Georgia Southern, the community believes it and really mean it. To Bowling Green, We come without a coach, do not count our team out. The Eagles come to win, not loose. Eagles are tied together by a special bond and will show that to the national market. This will not compare to a bad Wrestling match , this will be a special forces unit and they will get the job done. This is war , Georgia Southern , The Eagles are coming, They will win. I predict a blow out today. Georgia got lucky, Georgia State won because our Eagles heart was wounded. Now they will be hunting heads, "The Bowl of the Birds" Bring it! Go Eagles!

Friday, December 11, 2015

Georgia Southen Football Coachless? Who will stay?

Tulane may be taking Georgia Southern's Coach Willie Fritz. He has been successful at every level and Georgia Southern will miss him. But as a University if it is true, should move on. As fans we like the triple option here. Hard nose make them work Football. Now is the time to look for a coach that fills that position that won't leave. As i said in a article earlier on, Our college is and need not be a training ground for coaches. We need a coach who will stay , and views a very good program that will, will , be in the caliber of Georgia or Georgia tech . Meaning Georgia Southern will be the team in the realm of Georgia. Coaches being fired, being hired. Some leaving. Has a lot to do with others moving around , such as Athletic directors. In a college that has money trumps all. Coaches chasing a pay day , and once they have a loosing season will feel the wrath of college firing and hiring. If you stay at Georgia Southern as a Coach you will be comfortably known. Chasing big money and promises you will get a surprise you don't look for. I predict if Tulane does get this Great coach. It will be as if a disease and loosing seasons will continue thus ruining Mr. Fritz's reputation. Who will coach for the Eagles? Our community wants answers. Obviously the fan's don't like this. And deserve a list of possible candidates. Georgia Southern Football is taken seriously, and is a way of life. It is time for our team to find a coach who runs our offense and indulges him or her self in our tradition of winning. Will he be our coach at the Go Daddy Bowl ? We deserve to know. Did this have in any way effect on the teams performance in the Georgia State game? We want to know. Good luck on a new tradition for Coach fritz .

Georgia Southen Football ( December 23rd, Go Daddy Bowl)

It sure seems the season has come to an end . With Georgia Southern bowling it is exciting and good for our team. Georgia Southern has had a roller coaster of a ride. Georgia barely won, Of course if play review worked as well as the official's do for Georgia , Georgia Southern would have won. But i guess it is in the past. But then Georgia State looked a lot like a bad wrestling match , Like when you know one didn't hit the other but to yourself you think it was for the kids. But back to the real task at hand. Bowling Green University is no wrestling match. It is a UFC compare concept. Georgia Southern has a hard task ahead of them and students must support them. Without Georgia Southern Football Statesboro Georgia would be nothing. It is a community within a community. Many Alumni are happy i'm sure. One thing has been eating at me. Was there ever a handicap area made for our seniors to sit at the stadium. I have talked to a few who donate a lot to the college who would like to watch a game but can't climb the monster stands. Can anyone imagine the revenue for catering to this. Giving a inside transport for seniors, or a senior day. I believe the loyal from 82, 83' would love easy access. But if some start holding back because they are not able to attend due to facility lacks rememberance of our local leaders of past times. They still bleed blue and white and would love to attend games as well. When Georgia Southern goes bowling , Statesboro will be behind them. We are not meeting with another college to become their fan. We are the nest. It bothers me how other colleges rob our coaches from us , what are we a coaches training school? Really ? Who thinks the same? We want a coach who will be professional and turn down other colleges . Be dedicated to Georgia Southern. Why? Because Georgia Southern Will be with the ranks of Alabama , Georgia and unless you are Paul Johnson , keep moving. That might very well be the reason Georgia Southern lost to Georgia State. When you mess with a mind it causes the body to break down, hence Matt getting injured, others not playing well at all. This is not a churning ground for coaches we love our head coach. But as all knows we are Georgia Southern. Our school may not pay much but we lay out a hell of a resume for the one's who stick around. I mean Tulane? Really? And Iowa? Get out of town. We are Georgia Southern , we win , we G.A.T.A. , the community is still the nest and the team will always be our babies. When and if you come here and not stay for a few seasons meaning 6 , then when you go to a loosing organization we will still be winning . With a winning organization comes respect, a good resume, a winning tradition. And anything causing otherwise should be questioned. I hope all meetings in the future are kept out of the news and if news has it wrong , then make sure we get it straight. Eagle Nation will always be strong regardless of anything. Getting back to the game at Bowling Green, These guys are tough very good offense . In the top of the FBS . It is a chance for our Alumni. As you leave Southern and venture into the NFL you have to keep in mind regardless of the situation at hand you must perform for Scouts, trust me they are watching you and a winning team signs with the Pro's . We want our player's at the next level. We have a desire to win. Statesboro is not , despite of what is said a poor country town. It is filled with many fortunate people , and believe me farmers got the money. It is a mix of all area's of this great nation who come and fall in love with this area. And creates a nation of it's own, Eagle Nation. So if you want to see a great game be there or watch it on T.V. either way . In closing i would like all to know Georgia Southern is dear to my heart , i advocate for the University through Social Media and the like of. Our Nation will always be strong. With all sports Georgia Southern has been blessed. All student Academics , all fans are Georgia Southern.