Wednesday, December 23, 2015


             Depression is a major chronic disease, i know i live in it. The people around me don't realize how bad it is. They keep living normal while to me my life is crumbling into tiny parts and i see each part fall off like flakes. It is something i have been fighting. But as of recent many try to make it harder on purpose. I am done with selfish people. It will be my fault when i say stay away. Because of course these people never do no wrong. It is easy to get used and abused while going through depression. And the world is becoming more racist every day. Not the Klu Kluxx Klan. they are silent. It is very different . But we need to educate people. God giveth and God taketh away. If me or my family is in danger we will protect our selves . Depression is bad and when oppression kicks in because the color of your skin it makes it worse. So, when beating someone up always remember, not all white's , Blacks, or muslim and so on will let you do it. Being a bully will get you killed. Murder , to some is a part of life, to some death is not expected. Depression will make it worse, oppression of any sort , when not expected is just being a chicken , or wolf in a chicken suit. When the day comes i will be ready. I hope everyone else of all colors are too.

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