Friday, December 18, 2015

Ethan Couch ( On The Run)

             Big news is that Mr. Couch is on the run. He was drinking and killed some people . It is claimed he was spoiled so bad that it was the very reason he killed with a vehicle in the sum of four people. The parents are believed to be the blame. His father payed to the tune of a half a million dollars. He was given ten years probation. He was said to have no respect for the law. He is facing a decade for breaking probation. It is said that he may have fled the country. Good luck if he went to Mexico. He is highly likely to go to jail. But might not. He is wanted by Texas Law. And they are looking for both. Traditionally Texas Rangers can hunt this young man and his mother down. It may be possible that they can use deadly force. How he got away with killing four people is beyond many in America. His only option is to report back to his Probation officer. But some say don't hold your breath. Look you can run , but when they find you a sentence will start from there forward. Best thing to do is face the music.

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