Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The Black Widow ( The Dark side) 1

To those of you who haven't read any of my books i will be blogging short e books for you to read. Enjoy. The birds can be heard, it is cold and smoke comes from Stephen's mouth. He is dearly disturbed,angered, he will kill today. He decides to cook some deer sausage for breakfast. He cuts violently while preparing him self a breakfast to make anyone's mouth water. He has just come to the local town. A small town to be precise . He has befriended a few local's . He told them he was homeless. Stephen , by the way, Is tall and muscles as if he were the terminator. He had long flowing hair, dark skin , and a bad attitude. This town would know him soon. Tom, the owner of the lease of the apartment had already failed for Stephen's con. He allowed him in due to cold condition's . Since his arrival Stephen has hunted and processed many animals. Today Stephen needs to find work. He knows his way around equipment, chainsaws , and is excellent with a gun. He heads out walking in search of what awaits him. A community not knowing what was to come , and how evil he is. In his mind lies a mind of torture , bounding , Killing , and soon eating his victims. Stephen will find every thing he wants and then some. Stephen is walking , a man stops him and ask what he was looking for. Stephen tells him he is in search of a job , place to stay , a place to eat. The man tells Stephen he owns the farm close by and that he can use some good strong help, Stephen obliges. The two talk , laugh , They strike it off quickly . Qwerky acting attitudes that matched in this small town spelled disaster for the small town of stowesboro. It was a good fit in Stephens evil concept's of the human demise. He had already been planning crimes to commit and the terror would soon begin. Stephen will strike and control every situation that arises . When at the man's farm Stephen sits in a old rocking chair , the farmer across from him. The farmer ask him if he could handle handy man work, meaning everything. Stephen assures the man he was right for the job. The farmer invites him in. He tells his wife to prepare food for lunch for the two. He ask Stephen to sit in the living room with him. Stephen does and the farmer hands him some keys to an old milk truck and tells him it was the best he could do. He tells Stephen he can stay in a make shift cabin by the chicken coop. Stephen thanks him and the two start watching and talking about Gun Smoke. A television show about cowboys . The farmers wife tells them lunch is ready, the two sit down to a home cooked meal, with cornbread , Greens , Pork loin with home made cream corn. Stephen is choking from scarfing his meal down. He hadn't a meal sense he moved there. He ask for another serving and the wife obliges. Finally Stephen is full. The farmer ask him to come with him , Stephen does and the two venture out to the hilly land in search of work needing attention. The fence is broken that kept the cows in. It needs a quick fix. The farmer ask Stephen for his help, and the two begin to work on it . Stephen has already gained the farmers trust and has built an interest in his wife's , face. She will go missing soon to be the first victim. Stephen didn't plan to stay long. He was already feeling the urge to do bad , very bad things. After they are finished with the fence the farmer decides to take Stephen to town for things Stephen needs. Never has Stephen thought good things about a person now he is starting to like the farmer , and must spare the wife after careful consideration. He would kill like an animal , but outside the farm. Stephen will soon become troublesome for the town, his evil mind will explode It is getting late the farmer and his wife are getting ready to turn in for the night , due to a busy day coming. Stephen is allowed the right to travel into town for whatever he desires. He is also given money and told to get out a little. While in town Stephen noticed a man that looked his way and grinning at him. Stephen didn't like him he decided to feed his desire to kill , so he heads back into town in search of the man. He passes a nude club and decides to turn around , he pulls into the parking lot. As he sits and waits , he watches as people leave and enters the club. Every cheating husband, lesbians , and everything known to man. Stephen is looking for his victim and will wait for it. It is around eleven and Stephen notices a car moving violently, a man with his pant's down and penetrating a woman he had beaten. The girl had been bent over and he was raping her while she is passed out. Stephen exits his vehicle and walks slowly towards the man raping her. He didn't even notice Stephen coming. A jagged piece of metal lie next to the brick wall where the man pulled his car. The girl is a stripper. Stephen walks up and whacks the man. The man passes out . Stephen then loads the man into his truck. Stephen returns to the car, pulls the strippers head to the door and violently begins slamming her head until she expires . He then returns back to the truck. He drives away, nothing but his tail lights can be seen. Stephen has killed before and is skilled at what he does , he would not be caught for either killing. The man starts to come to and starts moving around. He notices he is chained to the truck and it is welded to the truck. Stephen stops and walks to the back. The man violently struggles as the rusty cuffs cut into his wrist. Stephen gags him and drives to a field about two hundred yards from the farm house. In the field are wild hogs that had been caught while hunting. He turns the truck off and without speaking walks up to the man and viciously punches him in his head. Stephen has a lot of strength The man suffers a hard blow to the head and is knocked out. Stephen un chains him and slings him over his shoulder like wild game. He takes the man into a torn , wrecked barn. He chains him to the wall and leaves to go to the local hardware store. He is driving , slowly to give the man time to come to. He arrives at the store , he purchases a very sharp blade, concrete , saw , and rope. He leaves to return to the old barn and unloads all his material all inside the barn. He goes to the man. When the man looks up Stephen is standing there blurry because of the massive blows he suffered to his head. Stephen snatches the man like a rag doll ties his feet throws the rope over a sturdy beam and begins hanging the victim upside down. He retrieves the concrete and mixes it up, making it very quickly. He then takes the knife and cuts the mans tongue out, then his ears, and last his nose. The man begins to move all the while snorting blood inside his lungs. Stephen throws his parts into concrete. He then cuts each finger off slowly to enjoy the pain he was causing. With each cut , break and snap as if he were butchering a wild animal. The man by now is almost dead, major pain and the fear he felt while being torn apart. He then realizes he is being lowered into the concrete. He can not breathe he begins to fade and dies while concrete hardens inside his mouth and all open ports of his head. Stephen lets it harden and returns with a saw to cut him up. Stephen knows all the joints in which he would cut to separate the body. He starts with the head and begins sawing viciously removing it the man's blood drains into the concrete. His long night would prove to satisfy his urge . He locates a tub to throw the parts in cut up small enough to dispose of the body to ensure he will not be caught. Stephen grabs the tub when he is done, and in a full moon dumps the small body parts into the wild hogs pen. The Hogs eat fiercely leaving nothing to be seen. He returns and removes the concrete block, head and all , and places it in the truck to dispose of it into the ocean. He does and dumps the block off while others had no idea. Stephen has killed again. And the man is not even missed. He returns to the barn and sleeps while yet another person opens the farm door.....,,?

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