Sunday, December 13, 2015

Tis' I The Crow

                                    Tis' I The Crow

                            As if i don't hear, The storm although far i feel is near. 
I see what is done , the streets are telling , bare skin , darkened corner , another heart 
weakened ,  Do you not know what you do, Tis' The Crow , i see all , in streets , in 
woods , through window's , freaks and , the like Tis The crow, not of man, thy nother ' 
woman per sa weekends. 
Tis' The Crow, heart of black eyes to the future, you can not escape truth , nature's 
lawyer, some a nusance' 
A brillant sign there is no more' Tis' the Crow' whom tales the past, with a laugh mid 
season there is no hiding. 
Black as coal , no other nor more. hollow of struture with no soul Tis' I The Crow'

George F.

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