Thursday, December 17, 2015

Jerick McKinnon (When Will He Reach The Endzone?) Can ESPN answer this?

 Jerick Mckinnon, A wonderful running back in two seasons should have already reached the endzone by now. We sit and wonder why . Questions come to mind of his allowance and preservation as a back in the NFL. If he is not allowed will this tarnish his brand . Many who knows , knows he should have a major brand by now. A lot like Adrian Peterson. Is it worth the money to just keep him contained and keep him from the possibilities open at other teams who could implement him. In the past backs have been surpassed by teams because of the teams they go to bottle them up thus stopping careers of really good backs. In a real world backs last five to ten years. Two have passed and nothing, not even a TD in the world of football that is strange. I understand eating in this league , but eating all the food and feeding scraps to new backs has hurt the running back industry. And in a sense is not fair. He needs to shine to dine, find a TD to share with AP. But to just lay void is not the answer. If he does not get attention in the least , his career will be over before he knows it. He is a model citizen and professional back , why has he not even made a TD? I ask that Jerick to take a long look at this. I know things are moving fast and you got to eat, but many have eaten more than their share, WHEN is your turn brother? You got to make a brand to have a brand . You should be way farther than your statistics . It seems some organizations will put you on the shelf to keep you there not to be used. And if that's what is happening not only is it hurting your career, others are involved with the brand they are trying to maintain. You can be a Big name you need the chance and should move on if they won't let you hit the field. I know you are having fun, but not really. You are watching a dream pass you by. You need to know in the world money and playing time means more than people who are or maybe acting as a friend. Don't get left behind because those fear you are more valuable else where . And if that is the fear make sure you eat better than you have. Others who moved on from Georgia Southern to the NFL have played more. The Bears did the same with the real Adrian Peterson from Georgia Southern. It seems someone who wasn't even part the back he was , was allowed to help his career dwindle. And don't get me wrong Adrian Peterson from Minnesota is real good , but so are you. You earned your mark with the college level you earned it. Now you are a professional. Now as a player your job is to build a brand not sit on a shelf. Fans want to see you shine not sit and wait on nothing. Get with your agent and demand a better look. If you are paid to look like a painting GET paid and EAT better. Don't allow a career killer. Always expect the best. Even the greatest of men have had to move on and start a brand . The light bulb was a big accomplishment but when you find a brighter better glow it's a bigger accomplishment. Tactics is used to accomplish a hidden agenda and more can be involved than meets the eye. God says only follow him, false prophets will materialize but you as a man in life should follow no one man . Become one , become a brand and wait for no one. Shine so you can Dine too. We want to see you in the END ZONE soon. Go Vikings and let more stars shine!

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