Saturday, December 5, 2015

The Real Player " 107.9 L.A."

As i think of the days of old, all friends communicated. Now many are separated by miles. I have a story to tell all viewers. Back when i was young my memory tells all. Beastie Boy, Micheal Jackson , And 2live crew flooded the boom boxes lining the roads in front of houses in my buddies homes. We played Atari, drank Kool-Aid and dreamed of being famous. Many hot days we played football , had street brawls, and riding dirt bikes. We really liked hiking through the woods. There we found our freedom. We had a lot of it too. Now days you can't allow your children to wonder. It is a shame because there is so much knowledge going to waste. If kids now went into the woods , might not know how to survive . The reason is they escape into video games and the internet. Many lifestyles have become history, creating kids who believe the propaganda , cruel comments from others scar their confidence. We got scars from fighting , knives , and just plain accidents. Now internet status is more important. We would play war, sword fighting, football and take bottles to the store and make 10 cents a bottle. When i was five i was throwing watermelons for five dollars a day plus a watermelon. Riding with the local farmer, which was drunk slinging us around in his truck. We would buy baseball cards that came with bubble gum. Chocolate footballs were a penny. When we started becoming young men we worked for other families on our block. Me and my cousin picked blue berries and grapes. We also helped cut trees down. We were about 8 when we truly worked as men, hard days , lots of work, and low pay. Ten dollars a day went far back then. Now i do music, i am not that good yet, being i do my sounds as well, but soon i will be. Anyways i was followed by a radio station the other day, a few actually . One from California caught my eye's 107.9 out of L.A. I noticed where they were from and realized i should mention things about radio stations. Without them music would never have a chance. Think of the boom box, the only contact with music stars back then. Now i cherish the tunes on the radio. We forget that they work very hard to satisfy listeners and help us by putting us on the radio. Great people, are our hike, our friends who use to play war with us. But we forget them now. Radio stations have really helped many revolutions. We need more access to those friends. It would open our minds to why they strive to play music and help people through their day. A friend with just a voice, an imagination worthy of a movie , and freedom of expression all day all week. But i wonder if they have as much fun as it seems. I want them to be happy. We must not forget the ones who makes it possible. I want to thank the whole radio community, 107.9 L.A. thanks for the twitter friendship.

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