Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Georgia Southern vs Appalachian State

Georgia Southern will be going against Appalachian State this week looking to be a great game. I hope that everyone shows up for Georgia Southern. And I hope our boys in blue bring it this weekend they're going to have to this is a very important game I hope they read this as a team. Because this is the game that's going to make or break Tyson Summers and his football squad this year. I read an article where someone told mr. Summers wife not to get too comfortable in Statesboro. I just want everyone in Statesboro to stand behind coach Sommers and his wife and kids family and so on. And I won't mr. Tyson Summers to get that team in shape and start winning some games a lot of times running laps does something to a player it teaches them that what they have done is unacceptable. And we're not in the Mighty Mite League anymore we are in college football FBS at its best and we play high quality extensive teams that know how to call a play. Getting back to coach Summers we now need to understand where he stands. I believe he will take  team where it needs to go please you like I do and join me in thanking our coach for the games we have won. He puts it into motion you cannot control what happens on the field. And I hope our whole athletic staff understand that. I believe coach Summers will be a damn good coach in the future. But what's being done in the present looks pretty darn good too. A saying for years if the players apply their self there is a great possibility Georgia Southern could be contenders for the national championship. All they gotta do is listen to the coach. And bring us some wins home. And go Eagles fight fight fight!

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