Friday, October 28, 2016

Snoop Dogg

Snoop Dogg is a Pioneer in the rap music industry. He is part of the West Coast and it still is a lot like the Wild West in comparison. The rappers in Atlanta and in the Georgia area act totally different then the rappers out west or Midwest Act. One thing is for sure Snoop Dogg really some good music in his time and still is releasing great music just like wine good with time. To be one of the most successful rappers of all of our time Snoop Dogg come up hard and earned it and it wasn't easy. I'm sure if he thinks back even at our age any can remember the struggles. And I'm not talking about race religion I'm talking about being poor for what you need always. So a lot of us took summer jobs got older did some things we didn't want to do but in the end we made it. Life is one of the hardest challenges you ever come across. Life is mysterious it doesn't give a warning and we always think things happen for a reason. Sometimes those reasons are not the same and every household. For example some of us have seen and fell into a lifestyle we would not if we were in a different demographic location and it is sad that kids are going through the same thing again today and there's a lot of things that could be done about it but there's never anything done about it. It is sad to know.

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