Saturday, December 17, 2016

Appalachian State Mountaineers ( Cameilla Bowl VS. Toledo) Sunbelt.

Appalachian State takes the field today against Toledo. Both teams have a 9-3 season both working on a bowl game. Appalachian State plans to repeat last year by winning another bowl game Appalachian State has a very good running game. Also Toledo has a very good running game the question is who will play better defense. That will decide who wins this bowl game. It is set for a 5:30 slot on ESPN. Looks to be a very good game to watch. And with Georgia Southern missing out , I switch my attention to Appalachian State representing the Sunbelt. I see a change of conference change for Appalachian State. The SEC or even ACC. When this happens that conference or opposing conference will take GEORGIA SOUTHERN as well. Their success should be welcome by Georgia Southern should reach out to give their hopes Appalachian State wins today.Showing support is what you give fellow Schools of the Sunbelt. On that note I will be watching the game. I hope all of Southern watches the game in support of Appalachian State. Remember tonight 5:30 P.M. on ESPN. Goodluck and Go! Appalachian State!!!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Pappy remembered : A Christmas Story.

Ahh, Christmas is a happy time of the year for me. For a while I've been depressed. But with any other trial's God has been there, some call Lord, or Jehovah. I have been having visitors lately, Gods pizza of life delivery. Jehovah's love all. I enjoy visits from them . It also reminds me God loves me. As of late my mother has been sick. I have turned the Jehovah's away. My father told it like it was but some beliefs he spoke did not correspond with his actions. With talks with others the stero-type who downs the witness, but as God sent energy through them he enjoyed visits. Christmas memories of mom and dad reminds me how wonderful Christmas is. My dad did memorable things . Me and my brother was getting motorcycles and figured it out when a drunk silloet of Santa Clause flipping a motorcycle. Spoiler my uncle .Dad was always fun . And best at what he did , Arborist Tree Surgeon. He Trimmed all the trees on the savannah squares around Bay Street, and so on. In Savannah Georgia. He worked Hilton Head mainly, saving trees , or taking them down safely and humanely for its owner, a tree lover a lover of life. With this Pappy placed back into life to assure his self a hold on life not many have felt. God had given him a gift , saving trees, in turn immortal existence. And I come to grips my father was a genius. And no one could take his credit he was the best. He put his heart into us as well. Either loving us full on or beating our ass, we learned. Full of life, drinking and running a multi-million dollar company many times over. He had workers who did drugs , it was a rough line of work , wild people . He forgave them for mistakes in return people had a job. Also, Pappy would run you off if you endangered his other employees. He understood above all customers needed to be pleased. From riding around with the man who owned M&m drinking liquor, working for Boss Hog, to watching Michael Jordan's body as he stood up out his limo. And doing business with him on his golf course. Christmas was never dull. He always made sure people have Christmas. He drank alot alcohol. He also sang in a church as a boy. He told me how him and his brothers picked cotton, tobacco. And so on. I miss my father and love him.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Jerick McKinnon, why we must have Adrian Peterson back.

Many weeks ago I was sitting back thinking about how bad we need Adrian Peterson Back. Jerick McKinnon is an excellent back Adrian Peterson is more of the load taker. Jerick McKinnon is an explosive back and a third-down back. I must concur. Adrian Minnesota needs you . And you and Jerick would be complemented I think the league should worry of his return, because with him playing the Vikings would have won every game. Sit steady , the tide is turning.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Georgia Bulldogs head coach Kirby Smart

The Georgia Bulldogs have something to be satisfied about this year. Kirby Smart took the field with the Georgia Bulldogs this year after his previous year at Alabama as the defensive coordinator. And boy does it look alot like Christmas. Recruiting taking a unique twist of the defense king, collaboration with Dell Mcgee, the expert in moving ground alot like a mad scientist , with Running ties to Georgia Southern in which Dell, well he has a Bowl game under his belt. Just saying Georgia fans got a early Christmas present and many more to come. Kirby Smart to make a powerful mark in the SEC, history will be made. 2017 Dawg Nation, it's coming.

Friday, December 9, 2016

From Georgia Southern University to Georgia Tech from Georgia Tech to Georgia Southern

Georgia Southern announced today a new offensive coordinator Bryan Cook will be controlling the triple option offense for Head Coach Tyson Summers and the Georgia Southern Eagles. More than enough proof Tyson Summers is doing his job. When Paul Johnson left Georgia Southern we lost a good coach I am still proud of the fact that he moved on to Georgia Tech eventually he would stay for a while and become one of the most winningest coaches of all time. Finally Georgia Southern gets a quality offensive Coach the school needs. He has helped implement , or implemented the Triple Offense football concept for Georgia Tech. Well now he will be making a heavy impact Still FBS at Georgia Southern University if the story solidifies within the realm of reality. Tyson Summers may just be here for a while and with choices like this shows leadership. He will be able to concentrate on the defense which he has proven to be genius at. I like Summers style and again hope to see him many more years. God bless you all who have struggled , with Coach Bryan Cook. Maybe Coach Summers can relax now.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Dell McGee: Geogia Bulldogs running back coach.

Dell McGee, Georgia Bulldogs running back coach is a prized asset for the Georgia Bulldogs. An excellent coach who led Georgia Southern to the GoDaddy Bowl and completed with the Win turned many heads while at Georgia Southern. But he has moved on and to my surprise was employed by Georgia Bulldogs. I could not believe we lost him but the fact remains the same it is a business and he deserves a whole lot more then just $275,000 a year he should be making between 4 and 450 a year thousand that is. I would hate to see the state of Georgia lose such a great coach. But in time Georgia will be sure to take care of mr. McGee. I know they will because Georgia's building a brand that they know has to go way into the future so Avenues and additions are being hard sought out. Coaches are meeting with the commits in Georgia isn't looking bad at all, this team will have a great teacher for the running back's for years to come. Kirby Smart seems to be the real deal. His choices are real wise. At the same time he is recruiting is spot on.Look for a great year coming for Georgia Bulldogs.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

" A moment of Deception." Weekly volumne.

" In the likes of woman nature, in which separatists." "The very reason man could never understand neither know what is being thought at any given time." George,' Many men , when they are young believe it's ok to disrespect women will not come as vendettas, how wrong could be very shocking. In many articles we will explore the truth. The biggest mis-conception we have is that women are clueless, big big mistake. On a mental thought scale, we as men will never understand plans, evauluation, vendetta, their prowess of a cat, hence is why women loves cats. In mind the complex thought signals belong to women. Something a man has to trust. If you choose to believe a woman's intentions, you will grow. If you don't you will at some point will build a knowledge that the whole time she was very intelligent. It is a survival in a world created and consumed by men. Building a powerful fortress, only to loose it to a more elaborate being
at a higher thought spectrum we will never understand , nor figure out . When a woman acts in anger she has proof. Many channels are inspired by such acts. Such as divorce, scandal, even death. Lifetime for example , if she enjoys it , and likes it and admired it don't put it past her. And many men and women will understand my points by the time we make it through future articles . As a man I had to teach and re-teach myself and to no avail never understand the complexity of a woman's nutured, in nature. No question all these years , highly intelligent women silenced to any outside communication. But now the world is actually gravitating towards women and rightfully so . A good woman can make a man happy. But cheat on her and see what happens. As little boys are taught to be dominate, and truly it has gotten nowhere. The male believes a woman will always nurture him, how far from truth it can be. You can cheat on her, try to lie to her, just know she always knows. Next week more in depth discussion on the possibilities of man getting past mental blocks that hold our thoughts hostage. Remember women in mental categories are experts. With some patients I will continue my investigation into the most secrets of life.stay tuned..

Monday, December 5, 2016

If the NFL came knocking at Georgia Southern ,who would be going to the NFL?

It's the end of the 2016 season 4 Georgia Southern and I sat and thought wondered what would be the next stage for seniors from Georgia Southern University had NFL team where to come knocking. First, Minnesota Vikings, "hint". Younghoe koo. The kicker from New Jersey . Now is the time to contact him quick . He rarely misses and was at battle with just two other kickers in country, someone, by that I mean Minnesota Vikings could get this player for Christmas. Ironhead Gallon, yet another great player. He should be drafted early as well. His name say's it all. Who do I see taking him ? Well I will tell you. Dallas should draft him. Any questions? Contact Ironhead. Andy Kwon,The Center, Minnesota again. The Vikings need some like this young man. Matt Breida: a back who should go somewhere people like high Octane Football, and I believe Atlanta Falcons will make sure this Eagle feel right at home. Once again Minnesota Vikings We have two QB'S if joined by Jerick would end your problems. Also another QB, in progress at Georgia Southern. But he will be more of a passing guy . Once more all the seniors should be eating around the Vikings Christmas table to eat some of that good good food. Great four years.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Georgia Southern fires David Dean and Rance Gillespie,

The news has been aired that two coaches from Georgia Southern. It comes at a good time. Tyson summers announced that the school has decided to search for a better qualified coach. Tradition at Georgia Southern is taken very seriously. So , we need the cream of the crop. His or Her life should surround football, a triple option expert. Must like riding on a yellow school bus, willing to bath in the beautiful Eagle Creek. A Family man, or to the contrary be single, be assured, the women are beautiful, and we find our wives here, some don't, but as long as you are a triple option football God we got a chair for you. Last thing, you must win Or Georgia Southern will fire you. So as long as you back it up, Eagle Nation will back you. Big future for Georgia Southern

Georgia Southern University football

Georgia Southern took the field Saturday to play with the intentions of winning and that is what they did period Troy state looked to be moving the ball at the last second when they were stopped by Georgia Southern the outcome a check in the win column. Tyson Summers almost guaranteed a job next year. And rightfully so the passing game was excellent and it warmed my heart to see Georgia Southern bring home a win. Seniors definitely deserved going out with the win. Tyson Summers has turned out to be a decent seasoned coach surely to bring home wins next year. It's pretty scary and cool at the same time you look at Tyson Summers and think to yourself this guy looks just like ERK Russell. Hopefully he will continue to win after the Troy defeat. I really look forward to next season. With compilation I really hope everything works out for our new coach. He stayed calm and Collective during the losses that was very depressing this year. I know he loves Georgia Southern he needs next year to grow to implement more of his style because the passing game needs to have a very important part our University moving forward also the triple option is tradition if we do it well then our passing game should fall right into place and yardage and touchdowns will be a regular event. Eagle Nation that is the Georgia Southern I know. See you next year. Go Eagles, fight, fight fight!G.A.T.A.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Kennesaw State University Owls football team

I have been looking around the country in search of a football team that would strike me as part of a new generation of football. Kennesaw State offers that I would like to get my hands on a couple of tickets or should I say four tickets so me my cousin and my son , and his son to attend a game or 10. It interests me how the team has created such uniforms and image that surely will follow the team for many years. And me being a Georgia Southern University football fan can't verify just by action, am excited about my new F.C.S. Fan fad. Instead of concentrating on FBS, FCS, KSU, My choice. And with that this is when I choose a team I believe in. They dress much like that of the SEC, and the uniforms are a beautiful example of sports art. I really want to visit the school for a game or ten. And please send me anything that could help. I want first year programs, helmets, gloves, whatever KSU, Fans or traditions and the like.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Matt Ryan the (Atlanta Falcons football quarterback)

It is Sunday once again and I'm sitting here and watching Atlanta Falcons game. And Matt Ryan has been putting on the show everyone in Georgia was looking forward to the Superbowl this year with true thought. Matt Ryan has a very colorful career. While I am College at Boston College he put up numbers that impressed many on a world scale. And then to his professional career first round 3rd pick he went to Atlanta Falcons and the rest was history. He has produced many winning seasons and looks to do the same in the years to come. With more money coming one could say the Atlanta Falcons franchise plans to hang onto their top priority quarterback and rightfully so. Matt Ryan has well over 36,000 yards. He has become part of the elite quarterbacks of the NFL. And he still stays humble to help kids read. This is a good man with good values I'm proud that he is an Atlanta Falcons. I look forward to many many more years. And with many more games to go the Super Bowl is up in the air one thing is guaranteed we all will be watching good luck Falcons Georgia backs you

Tulane ( Football)

Willie Fritz went out this season with a win.His gameplan seems to be working.Georgia Southern has missed him. To the contrary Tyson Summers brought some passing excitement, at first I didn't understand the passing game being a must for high caliber rough nose football. Tulane has great times ahead, I predict a winning season next year.Don't count Georgia Southern out either,a good run will cause conference dominoes to fall and Georgia Southern lands ACC or SEC contract and the rest will be history.Tulane was in the SEC for a while and could return, how crazy would that be ? Many in south Georgia know ,Georgia Southern will G.A.T.A. And know it really does stand for what rumors have been. It's a tradition. Bus rides, creek water, one more time. Tulane has embarked upon national attention, "EXPECT TULANE."

Friday, November 18, 2016

Georgia Southern University Vs Georgia State University

Oh yeah. Once again Georgia Southern football on the grind again but this week Georgia State. Now Georgia Southern has been having a rough season we can all agree to that. But as you take a look around there are some pretty tough teams and in the Sunbelt . A lot of teams, Had been having rough seasons and struggling. So here Georgia Southern. Not a whole lot to worry about. There are two more games that need to be won in order to make a Bowl appearance. I don't even know if they're considered anymore anyways. I'm just a fan who's into Georgia Southern football it's been that way since I was about 5 years old. Mr. Hank Smith used to take me to all the games. E.R.K. walking around in a shirt that read" One More Time." With a bald head. Cigar to top it off, our statesboro santa. He brought football back, now the hunger, bus rides, the matching band , we love music! Statesboro needs to see Georgia Southern a little bit more . We know the special op's will get us in a bowl game. We need to go back to ERK'S junkyard dog defense and Georgia Power , the offensive squad, should turn the lights out for the enemy , Georgia State. A bitter sweet chance to redeem the loss from last year. They do not forget, forgive, Georgia Southern, a team who has a hard time scheduling teams. I know why,their unpredictable. Run a massive offense , great defense . Or head hunters as we refered to it. So be sure to show your support for our Georgia Southern Eagles your game is supposed to be at 2 o'clock. G.A.T.A.!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Desiigner, "The Real Player"

The Real Player. Desiigner, the rapper is who I will be talking about and this segment is all about the accomplishments that rapper desiigner, has accomplished. I saw theTMZ interview and I think it was cool how he reacted when a person knows that they're giving you what you want then that makes it even cooler. I believe dessigner is a highly intelligent rapper. The music and forgot my Elation of the sounds. Designer is The Mastermind of sounds ink works Anixter between I'm on a stimulant an English lesson. He is great and all these areas do not lack, or detort the concept of his truly professional style. He is a Genius with words, being able to code things between reality and un-reality. The sounds and words have great reasoning and consideration of feelings, proof alone he was brought up by the wise, and saying something, when people thinks you say nothing. Joke, it's on others.Desiigner has a very unique career ahead. 'Panda', becoming a top hit. This is the kind of rapper who knows certain struggles.I respect this man. I enjoy research. It opens doors, many you would ever know exist.Being my personality is alot like his , I understand his intelligence.He has been trying to find his self. There are many wise intellects of past that resembles a man finding himself. And many can not handle exposure. Success a big part of his life it's sinking in. Crazy outburst nervousness tic's. It is all about the fans he is a very humble person and does not like much attention. The more you keep people out of your business the better off you are. It is good to see that he is wise if not someone could take advantage of him for his skills. As an American rapper as many others very tedious lifestyles and rough road trip's. That all spells for a great evening and not telling anyone anything directly. And I want you to know I have studied some of his music and every word in every song has meaning. Not unwise. And has many messages hidden inside. That is why I chose him to be one of the real players. He steps on top of the mountain with most Elites. His standing is doing very well. I am glad that he is finding his way I can look at him Intel that there is many problems underlining where he really wants to be at this moment in time. But he does seem really really fun very outspoken almost a hint of poetry. And always satisfying fans. Do not let his style fool you. History books will conserve his name and his lyrics and his style so many people will have plenty of time to look through his lyrics and understand what I'm saying. Music Mastermind his experience he is a leader he has a message hidden in his music. His world I'm sure has changed immediately after his status. He is well-known well-respected individual in the hip hop community. And all his music has legitimacy. It is part of a preserve history that we have lost in times before. Our great poets integrate words with music now. Tupac Shakur comes to mind when I'm talking of highly intelligent people he was a mastermind in poetry. Actually he went to college for poetry. A man with such street smarts and book smarts who knows had he been around the past few years he may have become the president of the United States of America. But his style mesmerised many making them understand the culture of rap. Even the culture of country. And let's not forget rock and roll. Everyone should know that Tupac did have a certain amount of political and toughness between himself and the government he had planned to run for some type of government office is a rumor that I heard. But no one else is just unique as desiigner. He truly does stand on the pedestal that so many of the greats of standing before with the likes of Tupac Shakur Biggie Smalls and many more. He is truly a real player he is truly an excellent person. And he is smarter then you think. I can only imagine how much money he saves by acting like a tagged wolf , meaning they hear ya, but ignore your concept. Not knowing that its part of that plan. An intelligent rap, Hip Hip artist, who has big things coming his way, Play on, , Player

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Ms. Jackson by Outcast

Ms Jackson , ahh, the cry of a generation wanting change and stability. One of the more iconic bands known. The sound is unique and satisfying.

Friday, November 11, 2016



Western Michigan Broncos Football

This week is a look at the college football rankings. Western Michigan has not gotten their fair chance a perfect or near-perfect season. The question is why Western Michigan continues to fight well they have already broke that plateau. Why does the rank idle? It is kind of strange how it works. Everyone can see their records and everyone knows that they should be ranked better. If you work hard why you play hard, study hard do your part in the college football world reward you with a rank. You do not hang out to dry. So the question is will Western Michigan have an equal chance to play for a national championship as well. Best case scenario Western Michigan a great placement on the Bowl selection. Western Michigan should be looking into this why have they not gotten a better rank. If not I do want Western Michigan to know people see your accomplishments they do not go unnoticed. Go Western Michigan!!!!

Georgia Southern Football

Another miserable night for Eagle Nation. Georgia Southern has lost yet another game. The investment has not been good. Paul Johnson should come back, Georgia Tech, "We need Johnson . A coach who understand's the direction of Georgia Southern's Football program."quote George Fadden., I quoted my own thought. Sadly , strangely enough Eagle Nation has a bone, their mad, one big tradition is winning. Make no mistake there are deep pockets, and anywhere in the country ask, would you like to play our college,? Answer is, Georgia Southern , dubbed as a team who wins, you will never forget them. Hard nose Football, and will ruin your season, like a nightmare that the FBS, FCS, all have known Georgia Southern will beat you. The Alabama , of FCS, Georgia Southern is that team. And Mark this, Georgia Southern will be the , FBS's next Alabama. And from a lover of sports, Eagle Nation , with a path to the SEC,we all know that's coming. So either our coach will work out or deep pockets will open and the school will move on it, because Eagle Nation demands wins. The old timers talking sitting around getting a nip, what do you think they are saying, to be a fly on their walls. Eagle Nation makes sure people know our team must win, it's about identity, Eagle Nation has fought so hard, it's like Bulloch County's baby is getting treated bad,Hell, hath no furry like Eagle Nations scorn. So i see and talk to a lot of folks, and our coach is not getting the grade. How our college handles this issue is beyond me. How do you take care of our wounded Eagles,our baby is hurting, what happens next? Georgia Southern University will handle that, it has happened before. GATA, GO EAGLES FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!... TO BE CONTINUED.........????

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Donald Trump

This morning I woke up and realized that Donald Trump was our new president. I am extremely OK with that. I believe he will be a great president based on the opposing party Hillary Clinton was not very good option. And Donald Trump to me has kind of become the poster child and he earned it outright he is proof that if you work hard and do good things in your life you can accomplish anything and live the American dream and he's living it I congratulate Donald Trump. I don't have a problem with it. I'm glad that we have him in office because it will provide a lot of protection because they know Donald Trump will definitely not mess around. It's not always who people like it's about who makes a better president a loyal president . But beyond that let's look at a little bit of pros and cons I will start with the pros. Donald Trump knows's business really well. He will provide a strong leader because of his status within the world. People respect them but at the same time surely don't cross him. As I Look To The Future our country looks like it should be heading in a good direction money should get better law enforcement military and even Medical. America can have a certain amount of pride now. What pride is not always a good thing? Well I've read of a few but I'm sure there's a few that are good and bad. I look forward to seeing what Donald Trump worked out on the national scene for our country God knows as well that we need someone to instill dignity back into the United States. We the People. We the right. We the wrong. Everyone as long as you're American citizen has an equal right within the law. He also believes in Justice.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Georgia Southern Football

What do we do Eagle fans. Are you guys there at best I can like a squad that has no Direction. Make no mistake the Eagles did pretty good against Ole Miss but last year's team would have beat Ole Miss. And all players are just about to same. So here's the question. When will we search for a new head coach. Before the end of the season before the beginning of next season. Not only have I been reading articles and just things around with that other Loyal Eagle fans have been posting. It seems Eagle nation is done. This is just a big arena now. Georgia Southern has its tradition and offense they run. And if coaches do not fall into that train of thought then the eagle fans are ready for him to leave. Sad but true many Eagle fans just want him gone. Honestly I had enough. It seemed to hurt someone's feelings. I change things up and still no
contact this coach wants nothing to do with his fans media complaints. Georgia Southern deserves better than that. And i am trying to do the right thing so what I want to know is how many people wants coach Tyson Summers gone and how many want him to stay. If this is the case that southern wants Tyson summer's gone then it needs to be a voice. The country feels your pain it is not going unnoticed this is not your typical Georgia Southern football team. Not only Does this affect our school it also reflects on our recruits. A decision needs to be made soon. Before the season starts next year I'm sure the way I know it's going to go. Georgia Southern has a tough fan base and our team is tougher. When that does not match the fan base. Well let's just say time to move on. So I ask you to comment so that our school knows what to do to keep our student body happy and to keep players happy. Transferring out Georgia Southern could potentially happen. The more players we lose it equates losing on the field. I also ask 4 Tyson Summers to address Eagle Nation if he decides to stay to get an idea of what all of Eagle Nation wants to see. Obviously there are some very deep pockets in Statesboro. And when they speak they are heard. You really can't blame them because it's like raising a child and then that child going wild. Basically Georgia Southern University has built reputation 4 tradition and excellent output of War Horse players. The more this happens around Statesboro the NFL representatives could potentially go on to another College to scout players. That equals a loss and dividends way lower then needed to compete in the FBS level. This has been a hard traveled Road for our Georgia Southern Eagles and to be sure of it a lot of hard work along the way . Will Georgia Southern let Tyson summers go who knows but Southern fans demand an answer. It has been an embarrassment on the national stage for our football team and that is something the Statesboro native people do not want and will not put up with. The fans of Georgia Southern University has spoken now it is up to the college to decide. I have heard talk of a contract buyout but I don't see that being a possibility or will the town of Statesboro be willing to pay the buyout and move on. And if this is done who will coach at Georgia Southern University. With losing money will it be a possibility as a student body to donate money to buy this contract out in order to secure a coach for change. Please share your opinion because I have none of this situation. All I know is economically if something is not done it can have a negative effect for many years to come if Georgia Southern University does not do something swiftly many seniors are losing playing time in front of the national scene because of all the problems being incurred. And when this happens things need to be taken care of soon because late will be too late. Go Eagles!!!

Saturday, November 5, 2016


Free' Free'. Now you see me. I am not radiant I am nocturnal, Free' Free' the crop of the crust tip toeing silently. Now the crust breaks and lava flows free, I am finally I'm alive and like the rose vine, care of nothing I am, Free' , Free'. My eyes are heavy smoke blows as I breathe, I am watching , learning of the Earth Free' , Free'.In my mind I must tear through life as a Wolf does to survive, I want to live, love, laugh, let it all be, to survive I am humble , Free', Free'. And like an Eagle, my mind, my spirit, I am soaring like water, I am flowing , my heart fill up, my soul that keep me safe keep me going,' Free' ,Free'.

Georgia Southern vs Ole Miss

Today Georgia Southern takes on Ole Miss in a game that's probably going to be pretty close. Georgia Southern's been struggling more than usual being that the fan base and the team are used to winning a couple of games being lost not a big deal. Georgia Southern has room for a few games to be lost. Everyone should be calm in Statesboro Georgia. Sometimes we have issues. Seems Tyson Summers is going to clean a lot of that up. Fans should know he has a lot Of Time for improvement he is a great coach I would say his breakout years ,I predict next year. We can all assume how we would change things, but you know what that does right? Like a mad dog Georgia Southern must pick themselves up lick their wounds and fight ! Statesboro Georgia would never turn their backs on you nor'the coach, our blood sweat and tears have fell in the same ground, we are blood brothers and sisters forever, God wouldn't have it any other way. Tyson Summers wouldn't have it any other way either. But sometimes you have a few problems working Kinks out. Let us not forget Georgia Southern players and coaches have to adjust to new things. The offense although looks to be staying in force in Statesboro Georgia . Georgia Southern is the Georgia Power of college football they will turn the lights out. Statesboro has not giving up on you. The citizens of the Statesboro are ride or die. I would like to see many more years of Tyson Summers I must say I do lots of research and with that he actually has a real good resume. I think with time he will be a great asset to Georgia Southern and a wonderful brother to the citizens of Statesboro Georgia. We will stand behind him at no cost. He was hired to do a job and we should see what he has in store for the next years to come. My prediction on this game doesn't really matter my prediction on the Brotherhood of Georgia Southern Eagles football team is the winning score tradition Blood Sweat and Tears. The things that bind us shall not separate us. Tyson Summers is a brother we will not turn our backs on him. So when we come into your town we will G.A.T.A. you may have never heard of us but when we leave you will never forget us. Tyson Summers and his Eagles you should know we all love you and we all pray for you. We hope for a win today and most importantly its safe return to Statesboro Georgia. Just one more time. Go Eagles. Fight fight fight!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The con

Today I'm going to tell you a story that really happened to me con comes in many styles and factions. If you have a gut feeling you must always go with it. No matter what your body is telling you to get away from that person and you should . A con is very deadly they get in your business. He came to my place one day asking about my seats my Lexus. I told him no because of course most people with a lexus do not want to sell parts off of it. He seemed ok but not really I knew from the start not to bother with him. He would try to get me to go to work with him knowing that I'm disabled trying to bring me down to his level. He was washing cars for money and he was cheating people because their car was not clean when he was done. He always asks for things never considering me. He called me like no one else has. He used my car for months did not pay me a penny. So he gives me his cell phone and we decide to call it even. Not to mention work I did on his car helped and it well not work butt telling him how to do it. He did not want to spend the money to make sure that his car was fixed correctly. It dropped a valve and that was it. I have never did mechanic work wrong but I felt sorry for him because he had nothing a big mistake I made but never again because if someone wants to fix your car right they should spend the money and I also told him it was not going to work that it would probably drop a valve and he had to do it all over again. But he didn't care just like anything else Ben want to spend money using people for what they know not considering them at all. This car does not run because he did not fix it properly meaning he just wanted to shave the head on his car that was forty bucks cuz a guy felt sorry for him to all the naysayers I did tell him to fix it properly I thought of it well over two weeks he did not pay me a thing he did not want to pay me anything and I told him the correct way to fix the car I am not lying it is the god honest truth . So he gets what he pays for it's not my fault that he did not want to fix the car correctly and I told him it would not work butt there's one thing that is not going to work either I'm not working on his car anymore I'm not giving him advice I'm not talking to him about girls that he is screwed over he is scum the lowest of lows and he knows all i did was try to help him of course now to make other people feel sorry for him he lies about the situation he knows he didn't spend the money to get it fixed correctly and I decided I would not touch it any more. He did not see any value of anything I did for him. He still owes me well over $100. He is a man named John $200 from almost a year ago and has not paid him yet. But yet he can go out on dates. Never needed food because he had food stamps. Living just as good as me but using me. He pretended to be a friend he proved otherwise and just like Anonymous says they never forget they never forgive expect them. I wish that the law of the land work that way. I wish there was something legally I could do but there is not. I should have known early on when he treated his brother like dirt. No respect for his wife kids and anything else. Not able to pay his rent because he didn't want to work so he goes and borrows money from his brother never paid it back. And I hope that they are reading this. And understand how irritated and mad I am and I don't want it back around me. It caused me to slip into depression. And I'm not speaking of a small depression state of mind. I'm talking severely depressed. The way he talked about things it's almost like he knew how to maneuver situations around different people to use everyone. I hope he knows that God is watching and he will not let anyone hurt me. The ones that do God will take care of. Because of this and trying to break my faith and God with things that he was saying like he saw reptilians. He believes in UFOs aliens claims to be able to talk to the Dead or deceased he went as far as to tell me his mother died but yet there is no obituary. Sounds like the Devil Himself to me. The moral of this story is this. Do not ever feel sorry for a person or help a person that does not need it. He is dealing with people right now and using them for their money. He uses psychological control to belittle any person he comes across. But it makes sense he is a professional at what he does. The sad and bad part about it if his mother hasn't died when she does he's going to get a large sum of money. And from what I've seen the way he's treated his family. The way he treated the man that bought his mother's old place. He is never happy everywhere he goes he lies about being sick. When the truth is I'm sicker than him. He thinks that I can hold down a job and work 7 days a week. When he only works 2 to 3 hours a day because he's lazy and won't get out of bed. I am telling you all this story because you should be cautious and not help people like this man. Question what people like this say. They are very smart. This Is How They Live either they're taking money from the disabled using Immaculate manipulating to serve his purpose. He has caused me to lose my circle of people that trust and love me. I thought maybe I smoke a little pot and I don't forget the things that he was doing. Or I could. But it did no good he was still there he wouldn't go away. I started doing nasty things letting my house go hoping he wouldn't come up and want to come in and visit. I finally told them stay away. It feels like I broke loose and a from a prison. I am happy and I am no longer considering him a friend. I research and I know all the psychological games that can be played on a person. But he still played those games on me and they worked knowing what to look for isn't really good at all. Because if a guy knows your business has no respect for his own family. And they absolutely do not like him. They do not want him around. He is an absolute loser. He doesn't even pay his rent. He owes his landlord probably over $1,000 or more maybe 2000. But there's one thing he cannot do and that's getting in my head anymore the purpose of publishing this article is not to bash anyone let's get that clear first off I'm telling the absolute truth and others will find out and they will leave him alone because he truly does not walk with the Lord he is a bad person. The people he works for right now need to really keep their eyes open. But he is messing with some people now that will put him where he needs to be. He is a con there is no way around that anyway you want to help him it's fine by me. Truth be known you will not be able to do what he wants to do and He will act like A4 year old baby. All I got to say is the person that I know it's reading because he is not stupid be careful he is not out to help you and anything he can call you out of he will. I say again he does not walk with the Lord. He is the Devil Himself and other people need to know this story even though you feel sorry for someone do not giveaway anything your time time you spend with your kids your mother sister brother everyone is watching and he thinks I am alone the Lord will expose him I have no problem with that. And I am not mad with anyone I made peace I am Native American I sometimes feel spiritual but I knew he was lie. 2 all that might read this this article I hope helps you to get away from a con it is a never-ending cycle you have to tell them strictly to stay away. Your next option would be to call the law and file trespassing charges. And if they come back it becomes stalking lock them up. And to you or anyone else that ever wants to try to call me again I have researched Manny psychological information portals. I've researched and many places it took me over a year to expose him to the folks around me. He knows he is a criminal. He knows to stay away from me. Or his next home will be County Jail. Now I understand I would not normally do this. But this character never gives up. Keep in mind a true con will never give up. Almost guaranteed prison time. It is so sad that's something like that would have to be put into motion to stop a human being that is so lazy they do not want to work they would rather take from others and a nonchalant way. It is my end of having him around. To everyone be careful you will be living in hell if you need acon like him. The definition of a con or should I say the ways of a con is to get your confidence in him not have confidence in anybody else just him. Psychologically doing it without you knowing yes it happens and he is doing good at it. And that's how it works that's how they get the name con. Please be careful everyone out there it can be hell getting rid of them. But now I'm rejoicing I am a believer of God and if he does not believe that I will show him the evil does not come here. The mighty sword will come down on him and the Lord will take care of him I have already prayed he does not know me very well. He has never known me. I just let him stay around because I was trying to figure out what he was actually after. But to no avail I was still used during the time as I investigated him. And to this day I do not know what he wanted. But soon if he bothers me anymore then I will put investigation together that he will not be able to shake. I am tired of his lies he is no longer a friend and he is telling lies to people just to get money out of them I've watched him in the act. If anyone wants me to supply name to them so they do not go through the same thing send me an email I will evaluate the email to be cautious and if I feel like it's legit I will send you all the information I can. This article was written to get the story out there.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Georgia Southern Football vs. Ole Miss

Georgia Southern's next game will be against Ole Miss. It is looking to be a big challenge. Georgia Southern needs to rebound because there's not much time left in the season meaning Georgia Southern has to orchestrate a loss for Ole Miss. If they win 2 to three more games, Georgia Southern would most likely be Bowl sure. A loss or two can cost the season. I read in a column where the writer said Ole Miss would beat the Eagles, when truth be told we don't know what will happen. Georgia Southern seems to get better every week. Do not count the Eagles out.Georgia Southern has shocked a lot. Florida lost to Georgia Southern. Florida would beat them now, but That's not going to happen. Ole Miss Fans be sure to show up because Georgia Southern May beat Ole Miss, maybe not this one is too close to call . Once again Southern, I'm a fan. Go Eagles!

Friday, October 28, 2016

Snoop Dogg

Snoop Dogg is a Pioneer in the rap music industry. He is part of the West Coast and it still is a lot like the Wild West in comparison. The rappers in Atlanta and in the Georgia area act totally different then the rappers out west or Midwest Act. One thing is for sure Snoop Dogg really some good music in his time and still is releasing great music just like wine good with time. To be one of the most successful rappers of all of our time Snoop Dogg come up hard and earned it and it wasn't easy. I'm sure if he thinks back even at our age any can remember the struggles. And I'm not talking about race religion I'm talking about being poor for what you need always. So a lot of us took summer jobs got older did some things we didn't want to do but in the end we made it. Life is one of the hardest challenges you ever come across. Life is mysterious it doesn't give a warning and we always think things happen for a reason. Sometimes those reasons are not the same and every household. For example some of us have seen and fell into a lifestyle we would not if we were in a different demographic location and it is sad that kids are going through the same thing again today and there's a lot of things that could be done about it but there's never anything done about it. It is sad to know.

Georgia Southern football

Georgia Southern football lost to Appalachian State last night. Another bad day for the Eagles. Will they win any more games this year? What are we missing that we didn't have last year? Not looking too good for the Eagles. Good luck Eagles Ole Miss next.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Tyson Summers, The next Nick Saban

Tyson Summers the new head football coach at Georgia Southern this year so far has impressed me when I look back on everything that's going on he has won most of its games which is a sign that he is a winning coach and the sign that he knows what he's doing this is the FBS level and he's doing a pretty darn good job at it. Coach Russell would be proud. Looking forward he seems to be the next Nick Saban. I like his style, I write articles about the college Georgia Southern. Football is my passion me and Coach Summers are about the same age, I remember walking into Paulson Stadium with Hank Smith. I love the Eagles and everything about it. Fritz left and it gives you a bad feeling. So your scared the next guy is gonna leave. We want them to stay and Experience the magic as I did as a kid every saturday. ERK, he would be proud . To the family I am sorry if anything I said passed a bound, please let me know. I love all of eagle nation. And I hope someway we can keep him from ever leaving. The passion is in his eyes, much like it is in my mind, we miss playing football.

Go Eagles! !!!!!!!!

Halloween horror movies of 2016

Hello horror fans. I have decided to make an article about horror movies because we are this close to Halloween. There's two new movies this year that has got my attention. I have found the one called Leatherface. But the Friday the 13th movie I have not been able to locate. So for now I would like input on what movies are good to watch this year I know that The Purge movie supposed to be good it's called the election year. Of course that is due to the fact that we have a presidential race going on I'm sure. But also signs point to this movie is being good as well. Now so early mentioned about Leatherface. I would like to see if anyone seen it you can give me some input on that movie. So by the end of the week we all should know what movie to go see and what movie not to go see. Leatherface is probably at the top of the list if they actually do have a new movie but who knows. Same with Friday the 13th. So anyone with some input you can let me know what a good horror movie is to watch please share your thoughts . As I grew up I watched movies such as Nightmare on Elm Street another movie like Friday the 13th. And don't forget Michael Myers Halloween. In Halloween Michael Myers is the psychotic killer that has escaped the mental institute in search of his sister and killing those on the way I've always liked this movie but I don't know if 2016 is the year for Halloween. There is a movie that is pretty much the scenery is that of Australia and the guy rides around in a truck murdering people. But I can't remember the name of that movie but it was really good. And then high tension is older movie but I suggest going to your local video store and seeing if you can rent it. If nothing else a good classic horror should set you down for a while in front of the deep bowl of popcorn. Guaranteed to scare the whole family this Halloween season. Be sure to keep you and your family safe during this Halloween season. Stay home put in a movie buy some candy and stay away from The Crazies. Please give me your input on your favorite movie horror movie whatever but I want to know what the best horror movies of 2016.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Western Michigan Broncos (Mid-American conference)

Western Michigan Broncos have been making a stir in FBS football this year. Their recent ranking does not reflect this why I don't know. But for the last few weeks their rank hasn't changed much of anything. Since beating Georgia Southern they have really caught my eye. They have a high-powered offense and are Making Waves but for some reason those waves aren't being felt where they need to be. They should have a much better ranking right now. As a list of the rankings there's other teams with awful records . The win column should reflect the actual spot they have in the Rings but to me it does not. I would be interested in just finding out why Western Michigan has basically been on just idle. If I were Western Michigan fans I would be asking why their football team has not moved up in the polls to a better spot than as of yet. Beyond all the other problems in football today. There has to be one that I can think of that is haunting many teams today and that is the power conferences the likes of the SEC and the like. But next year Western Michigan should be poised to be contenders for the national championship. I would say again argue the fact that many teams in front of Western Michigan have  records that reflect teams that do not possess a record as good as Western Michigan. So what do we do well we just wait on the power 5 teams and other teams in the league at the FBS level. Something just is not working out in the world of football.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Georgia Southern vs Appalachian State

Georgia Southern will be going against Appalachian State this week looking to be a great game. I hope that everyone shows up for Georgia Southern. And I hope our boys in blue bring it this weekend they're going to have to this is a very important game I hope they read this as a team. Because this is the game that's going to make or break Tyson Summers and his football squad this year. I read an article where someone told mr. Summers wife not to get too comfortable in Statesboro. I just want everyone in Statesboro to stand behind coach Sommers and his wife and kids family and so on. And I won't mr. Tyson Summers to get that team in shape and start winning some games a lot of times running laps does something to a player it teaches them that what they have done is unacceptable. And we're not in the Mighty Mite League anymore we are in college football FBS at its best and we play high quality extensive teams that know how to call a play. Getting back to coach Summers we now need to understand where he stands. I believe he will take  team where it needs to go please you like I do and join me in thanking our coach for the games we have won. He puts it into motion you cannot control what happens on the field. And I hope our whole athletic staff understand that. I believe coach Summers will be a damn good coach in the future. But what's being done in the present looks pretty darn good too. A saying for years if the players apply their self there is a great possibility Georgia Southern could be contenders for the national championship. All they gotta do is listen to the coach. And bring us some wins home. And go Eagles fight fight fight!

Minnesota Vikings

Minnesota Vikings. The Minnesota Vikings had a lot of problems in the game against the Eagles it was stressed that the Vikings had a lot of Errors during the game. It seems that they played well. But mostly did not execute when needed. Mike Zimmer seem to be blowing fire mad. It wasn't a good day in Minnesota I bet the players will have to run and run and run until they are tired during practice next week. Jerick McKinnon I hear was injured again nothing to worry about says Mike Zimmer. Jerick McKinnon has taken Adrian Peterson's place during the regular season or shall I say Asiata. Who knows who the running back is in Minnesota. Adrian Peterson is due to return in late December or early January. I still see a Super Bowl in their sights but they have to work hard for it meaning when you're at the top of the league you are prone to fails. It is seen or shall I say is more apparent two other teams around the league and Beyond. Not only does other team's no that the offensive line is very weak they also prey on that. It's so sad we have so many good running backs and can't never use them because simply put the offensive line is not very good this year. We thought that they were doing a great job and have we reward them for that. But now it's business. And a man will stand up and fight through and find deep down inside to help his own team. But they don't we lost Bridgewater. We lost Adrian Peterson. We also lost Sam Bradford well not yet but he got beat up pretty bad by the Eagles. So does the fan base see what I'm getting at. No back. No quarterback. Or anybody else for that matter in the backfield Will Survive being hit and battered around as much as they are. And truthfully Minnesota needs to find out what's causing this problem and fix it fast. After that maybe our backs can get a few yards in. Maybe our many quarterbacks who are all injured can make a throw or actually be protected they are battering them around and we are going to lose a lot of key players if we do not stop this immediately. We've already lost Bridgewater Peterson Jerick McKinnon was injured and Sam Bradford was brutally beaten up during the game their Eagles. So let's see what next week entails I hope to see that the offensive line is straight out. I want to see the coaches happy again. And most importantly I want to see our key players protected. And given an opportunity to gain yards. The offensive line is not working well. It is costing us more money than what it's worth. When you lose these key players you're also losing money. So whoever is not doing their job should be let go. I'm sure there is a Up And Coming Star who wants to play on the Minnesota Vikings offensive line. Just make way for the new guys. Please do not allow any more of our key players to be hurt because someone is not doing their job or can't handle the job.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Georgia Southern

Georgia Southern football has come a long way. Appalachian State is next. It looks to be a very good game Georgia Southern has started to rack up a few more points and win a game here and there so Appalachian State looks to be a hard game and truly a hard test for Georgia Southern Eagles but it's long as they do what they're supposed to do they should come out a winner our defense needs to pump up a little bit it's Tyson Summers needs to let his offensive coach called plays a little bit more and he needs to be the leader of the ship we have implemented areas for the football team and we would like to see them you we know our football team is well let's just say they're better than what's been going on so I hope to see Georgia Southern wins and Appalachian State go back home crying like babies. As I've said before I believe that you know what the Eagles would do a little bit better each year you can actually see Western Michigan creeping up the polls at Georgia Southern could do within a year or two . Meaning Georgia Southern with a little bit of work and a little bit more defensive stance could be serious contenders for the national championship but they got to keep with it and also they got understand the bowl games are coming up and you have a certain amount of wins get any bowl games actually they got to vote for you. So this weekend we're looking towards Georgia Southern to have a win if not It may not be able to be serious contenders for even the bowl games in two years three years we're hoping to see a national championship flag flying at Paulson Stadium.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

The Real Player ( Special Edition ) LOGIC the rapper

LOGIC the rapper has gained alot attention.The rapper has a song "Ballin" I listened to it the other day and that is ballin.LOGIC makes logical sense to go out buying a fresh copy of his work . Kids as well , parents alike vote him most kid friendly. Beyond that he has some great music. He has a online store if you want to purchase his merchandise. He reminds me of a young Eminem, but faster, and crisp. He has earned the induction into the real player. We pride ourselves in liking good content I like gangsta rap alot, fact remains the same the man can sing his beats hit , and sounds Very good. Parents agree . Most kids like logic and are voicing their opinion and parents too . Logic voted in the next Real player. Logic, The Real Player .

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Real Player(TechN9ne) Strange Music.

TechN9ne, not much more can be said about him he is part of the record label Strange Music. He has done a lot of good things for his community and abroad helping teenagers deal with society and the everyday problems that come with it . He is a lyrical genius one of the very few in the likes of Tupac Eminem and many more. He is touring in the United States with one last stop before he goes to Australia more artists on his label to know would be Ritz Hopsin Tech Nine Krizz Kaliko and many more. As I was looking at an article the other day I saw where Tech 9 is possibly an indie artist to my amazement he probably still is and they say that he works on the other side of the music industry which would be the underground. This should make most underground rappers hand fans very happy he offers many things on his site. On his site I have seen some pretty cool things. Such as autograph reprinted pictures going for a pretty hefty price but worth it and then I see other things on there like t-shirts gold chain and all other sorts of things I suggest that you visit the site and check out what they have to offer Strange Music has been part of an on going attempt to actually bring some strange music 2 people who believed that brat with never being reinvented that the likes of Tech 9 would never be seen But the possibilities are endless he's very smart I like his music very very intelligent. I like Eminem I like Yellow Wolf I like Hopsin I like a lot of act's sociated with mr. Tech Nine Strange Music and other acts. I also was viewing his Twitter page and couldn't believe that he only has a little over 500000 followers this bothered me a little knowing the fact that he is well sought-after and a very intricate part of the Underground. And he is also the king of the Underground and I thought about this and wondered why. Because he has established a brand of his own is the Real Player this week and I am proud to say that he is a real player I usually write about artist in the lights Eminem Tupac but today Tech Nine will be part of the elite in my opinion Tech Nine is one of the most influential rappers of our time I suggest that you go out and buy his new CD he has out. I hear that the music will not let you down and if you are a text I lover then go out and buy yourself a copy and know that you are supporting the underground or an indie artist. He has done something that many of us dream about doing he has built a brand from nothing and has also build a brand for others and his footsteps. Is a very influential man highly intelligent very smart and continues to build his brand with the likes of one of the newest artist out now Ritz or let me say one that has recently hit the mainstream and with that I include Yelawolf who has also recently hit them in the mainstream. Eminem and others have acknowledged them as being real players Eminem knows there's Talent within the Strange Music Corporation. I also know many people who listen to Tech 9 on a daily basis religiously and effortlessly because they love him when I choose real players to write about on my site I take in consideration the outcome in the cause and effect section without someone sort of like Tech Nine our country and our world would not be as good a place he brings many things to the Forefront to control is atmosphere butt points out bad things in society. I think that Tech Nine should be taken very seriously within the Hip Hop community. He is a force to be reckoned with some say that the dark some say out the light with all that said we all know that if he is not mainstream for all and everyone in the world he soon will be he brings a different characteristic to his shows he shows the dark and the light side he gives kids A Safe Haven to go listen to him and Tech 9 loves the kids . He has a lot of talent not only his others in his label R2 part of the future. He will and always will be a real player. I hope that you go to this site and purchase some of the fan paraphernalia or memorabilia whatever you like whatever you want to call it I like a lot of his things that he has on the site and I plan to purchase some things myself he has a great attitude and points out many things wrong with society today. But only one man can say so many words he is a lot like many men who have changed the history of time. Money to be made under the label or on his label Underground Indie artist there comes a great responsibility. He has figured out how to make money without governmental hands I'm sure he pays taxes on everything that he sales. I hope that someday I could actually meet him but until then I will go out and buy his CD the new one that is and probably some of the old ones. A friend actually introduced me to Tech Nine's music and I love it. Please go out and support your local Indie artist they could become like tech nine one day they need your support please support your local artists. And always remember to look through all of Tech Nine's music because all of it is great. Tech Nine will be in Australia for quite a while he was mentioned and saying that he will get one day at his place to sleep in his own bed. It kind of sucks but there is a high demand for Tech 9. Support Tech 9 and all your Indie artist and as I said time and time again in this article always remember Tech Nine is it true bonafide RealPlayer.

Georgia Southern Football

Georgia Southern football today at 8 p.m. against New Mexico state Aggies. Today I wonder if Georgia Southern will prevail against New Mexico state Aggies. We all know the Georgia Southern has had problems the past two games while trying to improvise passing game. Many worry about the new coaching change. And many in this country wondering about this coach as well. Georgia Southern University has had a long tradition of winning perhaps they can continue this week against New Mexico State Aggies it will be a hard game of course that to know that the Aggies have had a pretty reasonable season considering so today will be a great challenge 4 Tyson Summers and the Eagles to prevail. Tonight the game will start at 8 o'clock hopefully we can get a win in this column. Many look towards Georgia Southern University to be in the contest for the national championship next year but because of the two games that were lost we can probably look forward to a seat somewhere around 70 to 80 own the AP poll and the coaches poll. Western Michigan has moved up the ranks sitting comfortably within the top 20. This could be our Eagles we never want to lose a game but sometimes we do we are used to the traditional run offense and not the pass offense but that is ok Tyson Summers should bring our group into the passing game very well but many do not want to see Georgia Southern just let go the offense that separates us from the others in the country. We can make a stand as fans coaches alumni we can all come together and tried to figure out what it is that has custard or Eagles for the past 2 weeks we do not like to lose we like to win. What is my opinion that coach Tyson Summers will become a great coach at Georgia Southern University. Not to forget Willie Fritz who is now in Tulane and building a winning tradition for their team. I am glad to see that the team is happy with him. Obviously they like him they are winning. Something fans of Georgia Southern University are really used to really really used to. And I believe that Tyson Summers real good fit for Georgia Southern University football. We welcomed high-calibre teams to schedule our team Georgia Southern University. We hope to see a game with Tulane. We hope to see a game with Georgia Bulldogs again. Also to mention Alabama. It has been many years sense we played Alabama. A lot of the fans want a new game with Alabama. Clemson is another one on the list we would like to keep playing. This year coming into the 2016 season we have been ranked at the wrong place of the rankings seeing that Western Michigan has broken the top 20 and has a rank amongst the top and toughest teams in the country I will be watching them against the higher caliber teams. It tells us here at Georgia Southern University as a fan and students that Western Michigan by beating Georgia Southern and other opponents on the dock that they have made a name worthy of themselves. I just speak to the Associated Press and the coaches poll to take in consideration although Georgia Southern has not turned out to be the toughest team in the market they deserved a better rank. But us around and at Georgia Southern University did not realize we would lose two games in a row possibly three or 4. We intend to ask for better schedules because at this pace our school would not get a better rank in the AP poll. On that note I believe Tyson Summers will become a great coach and that is all honest beliefs. As I was so sad that Georgia Southern had lost I asked about Tracy ham. And I said Tracy ham would make a great offensive coordinator. I was told he already helps coach Tyson Summers. So I kind of figured why is he not on the sideline why is he in the radio booth. Eagle fans we must ask coach Sommers 2 explain a little more about his plan within the next four years of what he's going to do and where our team and school will be in 20 years. Now is the time to continue winning traditions. The alumni and people around the world Miss the prominent Run game of Georgia Southern University. Ga ta or get after their ass. Yellow bus rides. Eagle Creek Water. The running game. And Bowl games. Have become a tradition. We back Georgia Southern University and Coach Tyson Summers today at 8 o'clock p.m. for the decimation and the high scoring offense of Georgia Southern 2 whip New Mexico state Aggies. Georgia Southern should become the winner today of this contest. A score of 52- 26 having Georgia Southern today's winner of the contest.

Monday, October 17, 2016


Many countries try to act as if it's vaguely there. This is why they are terrorist point on . I will not mention any group because acknowledgement let's them know where you at all times. Americans can tell you first hand we hate no one and Americans do not dis-like you we have no choice but fight. If our Government bothers you don't take it out on innocent victoms. We don't spend our days for any evilness, We are the People. And it is a beautiful life just getting along could be your your answer .. The American people do not hate anyone investigation will show you.

Georgia Southern Football

Georgia Southern fan's , bad day for the Eagles. Georgia Tech owned the game. With the change of Offense has shown not to be effective. Our offense is sacred, I just wish we could do what is effective. What I mean ' s the style under Fritz. I like the new era but when it don't work go back to our meat and potatoes. God bless ERK's soul . Tyson Summers has good FBS coaching style. I can tell. He loves our Eagle's He has great potential to take the Eagle's to the top within a few years. I like him , lets keep him and we will have a much better offense. Our running ' backs aren't there this year. Absolutely , you better believe Georgia Southern will not forget getting handled like they were. I know our Eagles will not forget getting handled like they were. That rivalries and Georgia Tech should continue scheduling them. I heard Tracy Ham on the radio. He sounded very confident. Let's face it we do have a winning tradition muck like Alabama. The world will see, the bald eagle 2 Tyson Summers will be bringing our Eagles, to whip any ' f your tails and when The winning transforms over, look out world here they come.'Sorry Alabama we want the title, and you can believe we gonna win that championship. But meanwhile back at camp, Tyson Summers racking his brain. A mix of Fitzs and Summers offense next year will be the year the Eagles will perch in the nest of the highest of experience, and life will be breathed into the Eaglesand tradition, a very serious thing to us and fight for an understanding. Our Eagles are much better than this, c'mon Eagle's get after their a $#. G.A.T.A.I like the coach he is certainly a diamond. He is passionate . I saw the hurt and disappoint ment in his eye he was broken. And I want him to know he is family and in hard times you pick up the pieces like a man and know that the win is a win a loss is a loss. It is what it is and move on,. I want Coach Summers I love his offense. But I want him to know what I see players not playing completely through if so Georgia Tech would have been beaten. Execution of the play and continue to play until a whistle blows, better be ready to go get out there and be head hunters whatever but finish it too.Attack and follow thorough. Keep c oach Summers he is our coach. Respect that.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Georgia Southern Vs. Georgia Tech

The eagles are doing ok this season, let the offensive coach do their job. Stay out of it , they Will make it happen is why we have Georgia Southern interns that can run the offense. The players know and this change is hurting. I think Tyson Summers will become a great coach. We need college coaches. With that said I predict Georgia Southern will win most if not all the games left. C'mon coach Summers, get some Eagle creek water, pour it on our new field to bring Erk's spirit back to the stadium. Let the Lord lead you, and buckle up, get ready for the wonderful roller coaster , get hyped up raise hell, settle it to the dust. You look like ERK, you need an old shirt on and a phrase on the back which should be, " one more time, and Gata. So Mr. Tyson can you get the Eagles going again? I believe you can. My prediction is 55 to 14 , Georgia Southern wins. And get ready folks it's going down in north Georgia this weekend get hyped up Eagle's brings us back a win Send the special forces whatever you got to do to beat Georgia Tech. Why? I will tell you, you will move up, you will get noticed by NFL, scouts will see you, Western Mich. Is number 23 in the FBS, . That could have been our Eagles. And players it might not have been the top ten but next year they could have played Alabama, Tennessee whatever the point is you have to get there . Pull your big boy pants up, get out the egg and fight, it could get you to the NFL, If you think people are not watching stop and research. Many are not wanting games with Georgia Southern. We need more games to pay the bills so we can catch up and build more on to the stadium. , Go Eagles, G.A.T.A.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Minnesota Vikings ( I see a Superbowl in their future )

Trust me Norv has opened the wisdom out. With a productive game the Vikings have also found a chance to let a lot of players shine. Sam Bradford their qb. For the Vikings has shined brightly, and should be rewarded for becoming the seasoned Professional Q.B. the Vikings. Matt Asiata shined as well. He caught and ran for a gain in the twenties. Asiata has already made his gravy near the goal line. While it seems great to be asiata but what happens when you try, let's say Asiata around the end .The beefy guys generally fill the box, why not think outside the box( * wink )---. Here is a back who was already in the secondary fast. Why not block a little better for the backs. The offensive line is Making them them look bad ok much better if say San Francisco ,a team of such could exploite weakness. But truly you were playing a team that could beat them as well so offense is great. I must retract my words, The Vikings are going to the Superbowl. With that said Minnesota, I'm sure have a strategic win's and games not needed to win. So will we see a mold of the Vikings potentially could decide who they will play . Question is who will play them . The Vikings are the Kings of The NFL. Who will they allow to join them for the up coming superbowl? Let's talk about it.. I am not done Mike Zimmer, great coach. Systematically has directed his appointed staff. Which in my opinion should be considered. For this type of season. Without them you have nothing. But I like how coach Zimmer groom's them the better it will get . Norv Turner surprised Me with his operations and he has built a solid organization. But guess what I'm going to ask when will we be able to talk to the other coaches on your staff. I sit and wonder who these gentlemen and ladies. Tell us all about your staff.questions can be sent to , 8057 sinkhole rd. Statesboro , ga. 30458, Please only mail for the online blogs I write, George Fadden, please send your opinions. realistic news site.